Working Papers
From Institut National de la recherche Agronomique (INRA), Departement Sciences Sociales, Agriculture et Alimentation, Espace et Environnement (SAE2) Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by AgEcon Search (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 349136: Participation and positioning of agri-food firms in global value chains: Measures and data

- Kossi Messanh Agbekponou, Angela Cheptea, Karine Latouche and Cécilia Le Roy
- 348477: Land, Wealth, and Taxation

- Roberto Brunetti, Carl Gaigne and Fabien Moizeau
- 348476: Variable Inputs Allocation among Crops: A Time-Varying Random Parameters Approach

- Obafémi Philippe Koutchade, Alain Carpentier and Fabienne Femenia
- 348475: Farm income for farmers and livestock breeders in France: high inter-annual variability (2010-2022) and major disparities

- Vincent Chatellier
- 344172: Valuing environmental attributes of food products in a polluted environment: what are the preferences of Guadeloupean consumers?

- Pascale Bazoche and Valérie Angeon
- 344136: Food sovereignty and world food security The conditions of consistency of food sovereignty strategies at different scales

- Catherine Laroche Dupraz
- 344113: The climate, the Land and the farmland markets: Insights into the territory of metropolitan France

- Mathilde Fromage
- 339873: Farmers' trade-off strategies between investment and private withdrawals, and the profitability of invested capital

- Philippe Jeanneaux and Laurent Piet
- 339260: Credit Market Imperfections, Urban Land Rents and the Henry George Theorem

- Roberto Brunetti, Carl Gaigne and Fabien Moizeau
- 338920: Organic farming and organic animal products in France: After the boom, the shock of inflation

- Vincent Chatellier
- 338910: How can labeling for health concerns improve environmental public good provisioning?

- Elodie Letort, Fanny Le Gloux and Pierre Dupraz
- 338908: Animal feed as a lever to reduce methane emissions: a micro-econometric approach applied to French dairy farms

- Elodie Letort and Pierre Dupraz
- 337160: Payments for environmental services with ecological thresholds: farmers’ preferences for a sponsorship bonus

- Fanny Le Gloux, Carole Ropars-Collet, Alice Issanchou and Pierre Dupraz
- 329781: Retailer-driven value chains in the agri-food sector: An analysis of French firms

- Kossi Messanh Agbekponou, Angela Cheptea and Karine Latouche
- 329211: Cows in the city. How can the development of a micro agricultural sector contribute to the living environment in an urban environment? Application to the "Vache Nantaise" cattle breed

- Thomas Coisnon, Anne Musson, Damien Rousselière, Agathe Le Royer and François Viaud
- 327330: War in Ukraine: The Rationale “Wait-and-See” Mode of Global Food Markets

- Nicolas Legrand
- 327329: The Effect of Input Price Discrimination on Retail Prices: Theory and Evidence from France

- Marie-Laure Allain, Claire Chambolle and Stéphane Turolla
- 324701: The environmental certification way to access to the French eco-scheme in the CAP

- Marie Lassalas, Vincent Chatellier, Cecile Detang-Dessendre, Pierre Dupraz and Hervé Guyomard
- 320414: The French animal sectors in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic

- Vincent Chatellier, François Cadudal, Philippe Chotteau, Boris Duflot and Pascale Heydemann
- 320398: On the economic value of the agronomic effects of crop diversification for farmers: estimation based on farm cost accounting data

- Ibirénoyé Honoré Romaric Sodjahin, Fabienne Femenia, Obafémi Philippe Koutchade and Alain Carpentier
- 320345: The economic performance of transitional and non-transitional organic dairy farms: A panel data econometric approach in Brittany

- Elodie Letort and Aude Ridier
- 320035: Do Standards Improve the Quality of Traded Products?

- Anne-Célia Disdier, Carl Gaigne and Cristina Herghelegiu
- 319906: Covid-19, international agricultural economy and animal sectors: the case of China, the United States and the EU

- Vincent Chatellier, Jean-Marc Chaumet and Thierry Pouch
- 319672: On Export Duration Puzzles

- Carl Gaigne, Bruno Larue and Wendkouni Jean-Baptiste Zongo
- 316521: Precautionary motives with multiple instruments

- Christoph Heinzel and Richard Peter
- 313664: Locked down. A study of the mental health of French Management School students during the COVID-19 health crisis using the POMS questionnaire

- Stéphane Justeau, Anne Musson and Damien Rousselière
- 313663: Does the provision of information increase the substitution of animal proteins with plant-based proteins? An experimental investigation into consumer choices

- Pascale Bazoche, Nicolas Guinet, Sylvaine Poret and Sabrina Teyssier
- 312174: Measuring the income of French farms: A 15-year comparative analysis of indicators from Rica and MSA

- Laurent Piet, Vincent Chatellier, Nathalie Delame, Philippe Jeanneaux, Cathie Laroche-Dupraz, Aude Ridier and Patrick Veysset
- 312153: L’hétérogénéité des revenus des actifs non-salariés au sein de l’agriculture française: un regard au travers de deux grilles typologiques

- Vincent Chatellier
- 311369: Cost of changing dairy cows’ diet to reduce enteric methane emissions in livestock farms

- Fanny Le Gloux, Marie Laporte, Sabine Duvaleix, Pierre Dupraz and Elodie Letort
- 310834: The sensitivity of the income of French farms to a reorientation of aid under the future post-2023 CAP

- Vincent Chatellier, Cecile Detang-Dessendre, Pierre Dupraz and Hervé Guyomard
- 309736: Responsiveness of farm investment to price changes: Evidence from the French crop sector

- Fabienne Femenia, Laure Latruffe and Jean-Paul Chavas
- 309499: Competitiveness and employment in the French cattle sectors

- Vincent Chatellier, Christophe Perrot, Emmanuel Beguin, Marc Moraine and Patrick Veysset
- 307209: Crop choices in micro-econometric multi-crop models: modelling corners, kinks and jumps

- Obafèmi Philippe Koutchadé, Alain Carpentier and Fabienne Femenia
- 307208: West Africa’s dependency on imports of dairy products

- Vincent Chatellier
- 304142: The environmental impact of consumption of fisheries and aquaculture products in France

- Sterenn Lucas, Louis-Georges Soler, Xavier Irz, Didier Gascuel and Joël Aubin
- 302579: Income Sorting Across Space: The Role of Amenities and Commuting Costs

- Carl Gaigne, Hans Koster, Fabien Moizeau and Jacques Thisse
- 302485: How Big is the “Lemons” Problem? Historical Evidence from French Wines

- Pierre Mérel, Ariel Ortiz-Bobea and Emmanuel Paroissien
- 302471: Success factors of innovations

- Sterenn Lucas, Louis-Georges Soler and Etienne Rouvin
- 301047: On the induced impacts of French pesticide policies: some macroeconomic assessments

- Francois Bareille and Alexandre Gohin
- 300911: Economic evaluation of catch-and-release salmon fishing: impact on anglers’ willingness to pay

- Carole Ropars-Collet and Philippe Le Goffe
- 300910: Does a positive density perception increase the probability of living in the ideal housing type? Evidence from the Loire-Atlantique Département in France

- Rémy Le Boennec and Sterenn Lucas
- 291481: L’internationalisation des marchés en productions animales

- Vincent Chatellier
- 290306: Le volet agricole de l’Observatoire Socio-Économique de la LGV Bretagne Pays-de-la-Loire

- Laurent Piet, Magali Fevrier, Yvon Le Caro, Philippe Michel and Vincent Pereira
- 288830: Les performances économiques de l’élevage européen: de la « compétitivité coût » à la « compétitivité hors coût »

- Vincent Chatellier and Pierre Dupraz
- 288564: Is irrigation driven by the economic value of internationally traded agricultural products?

- Angela Cheptea and Catherine Laroche-Dupraz
- 288368: Decoupling values of agricultural externalities according to scale: a spatial hedonic approach in Brittany

- Abdel Fawaz Osseni, Francois Bareille and Pierre Dupraz
- 287544: A meta-analysis of the price and income elasticities of food demand

- Fabienne Femenia
- 287432: Mise en œuvre des Paiements pour Services Environnementaux: Utilités d’un questionnement juridico-économique ?

- Pech Michel and Jegou Kristell
- 285033: Farm performance and investment decisions: evidence from the French (Brittany) dairy sector

- Loïc Levi, Laure Latruffe and Aude Ridier
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