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Working Papers

From National Autonomous University of Nicaragua, León (Unan-León), Researching Center for Applied Economics (RCAE)
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237375: Technical efficiency of organic fertilizer in small farms of Nicaragua: 1998-2005 Downloads
C. Zúniga-González
190593: Classifying agricultural holdings in Nicaragua: Proposal of a typology based on the IV Agricultural Census Downloads
Gresh Fréguin and Francisco J. Peréz
183630: Medición de la contribución de la Bioeconomía: Caso Nicaragua Downloads
C. Zúniga-González and Rafael Trejos
183627: Impacto del uso de biomasa en la bioeconomía de los ingenios azucareros Centroamericanos Downloads
Napoleón Vicente Blanco Orozco, C. Zúniga-González, Pablo Sierra F, Rafaela Dios Palomares and Alfredo Jose Curbelo Alonso
153854: Environmental Bio Economic Impact in Nicaragua Downloads
Napoleón Vicente Blanco Orozco and C. Zúniga-González
140548: Current expenditure impact on the municipality management productivity of Nicaragua, 2007-2011 Downloads
C. Zúniga-González
140547: Sustainable Forest Model: A systematization of experience at the Occidental Zone of Nicaragua Downloads
C. Zúniga-González, Pedro Jose Toruno and Marina Ruiz Flores
133189: Green Economies Impact with Methane Reduction in livestock production systems on Latin America Downloads
C. Zúniga-González, Noel Ernesto Blanco Roa, Roberto Berrios and Jario Terencio Martinez Avendano
133181: Green Economic on the forest system impact with emphasis on the Central America and the Caribbean livestock production Downloads
C. Zúniga-González and Pedro Jose Toruno
126117: Rural Community-based Tourism in Central America Downloads
Josie Keane, Alberto Lemma, Jane Kennan and Francisco Jose Perez
126114: Enabling Growth and Promoting Equity in the Global Financial Crisis Risk and Vulnerability: A view from COPLA works on SMEs Downloads
Francisco Jose Perez
118454: The wage and employment policy impact for productive sectors in Nicaragua, 1994-2010 Downloads
C. Zúniga-González
113038: Nicaragua: Without structural changes there´ll be no sustainable reduction of rural poverty Downloads
Francisco Jose Perez
109312: INTA Chinandega Technology impact on the farm productivity of North Pacific Nicaragua, 2003-2009 Downloads
C. Zúniga-González and Santos Angel Navarrere Blanco
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