National Center for Environmental Economics-NCEE Working Papers
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- 348926: Ex Ante Costs vs. Ex Post Costs of the Large Municipal Waste Combustor Rule

- Cynthia Morgan and Carl Pasurka
- 348925: The Effects of Short-Term, In Utero Lead Exposure on Birth Outcomes by Trimester: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from NASCAR’s Deleading Policy

- Linda TM Bui, Ron Shadbegian, Alicia Marquez, Heather Klemick and Dennis Guignet
- 348924: Lead and Cardiovascular Mortality: Evidence Supports Lead as an Independent Cardiovascular Risk Factor

- Ana Navas-Acien
- 348923: A Retrospective Review of Retrospective Cost Analyses

- Art Fraas, Elizabeth Kopits and Ann Wolverton
- 348922: Cardiovascular Mortality and Leaded Aviation Fuel: Evidence from Piston-Engine Air Traffic in North Carolina

- Heather Klemick, Dennis Guignet, Linda Bui, Ron Shadbegian and Cameron Milani
- 348921: National Water Quality Values in New Zealand: Policy-Relevant Stated Preference Estimates

- Patrick J. Walsh, Dennis Guignet and Pamela Booth
- 348920: The U.S. Manufacturing Sector’s Response to Higher Electricity Prices: Evidence from State-Level Renewable Portfolio Standards

- Ann Wolverton, Ron Shadbegian and Wayne Gray
- 348919: The Property Value Impacts of Industrial Chemical Accidents

- Dennis Guignet, Robin R. Jenkins, James Belke and Henry Mason
- 348918: Consumer Demand and the Economy-wide Costs of Regulation: Modeling Households with Empirically Estimated Flexible Functional Forms

- Ensieh Shojaeddini, Alex Marten, Andrew Schreiber and Ann Wolverton
- 348917: The External Costs of Industrial Chemical Accidents: A Nationwide Property Value Study

- Dennis Guignet, Robin R. Jenkins, Christoph Nolte and James Belke
- 348916: Customer Participation in Lead Service Line Replacement

- Heather Klemick, Ann Wolverton, Bryan Parthum, Kristin Epstein, Sandra Kutzing and Sarah Armstrong
- 348915: Construction and Application of the Micro-level Engineering, Environmental, and Economic Detail of Electricity (MEEDE) Dataset, Version 2

- Candise Henry, Jared Woollacott, Alison Bean de Hernandez, Andrew Schreiber and David A. Evans
- 348914: Evaluating Economy-wide Effects of Power Sector Regulations Using the SAGE Model

- Andrew Schreiber, David A. Evans, Alex Marten, Ann Wolverton and Wade Davis
- 348913: The Social Costs of Hydrofluorocarbons and the Large Climate Benefits from their Expedited Phasedown

- Tammy Tan, Lisa Rennels and Bryan Parthum
- 348912: A two-stage random-effects meta-analysis of value per statistical life estimates

- Stephen C. Newbold, Chris Dockins, Nathalie Simon, Kelly Maguire and Abdullah Sakib
- 348911: The Climate Benefits of Improving Water Quality

- Jake Beaulieu, Elizabeth Kopits, Chris C. Moore and Bryan M. Parthum
- 348910: Monetizing the impacts of ocean warming and acidification on shellfisheries of the United States and Canada

- Chris Moore, Travis Tai, Corinne Hartin and Stephen R. Pacella
- 348909: Occupational Affiliation and the Incidence of Environmental Regulation

- Alex L. Marten, Andrew Schreiber and Ann Wolverton
- 348908: Approximating Terms of Trade Effects in Single Country CGE Models

- Andrew Schreiber, Alex L. Marten and Ann Wolverton
- 348907: Timing Matters: Estimating within-day variation in the rebound effect

- Cody Nehiba
- 348906: Comparative Analysis of Service Area Boundaries and Disparities in Drinking Water Quality

- Wes Austin, Tina Bardot and Ahmed Rachid El-Khattabi
- 348905: Disproportionate Environmental Risks: An Analysis of Chemical Facilities and Accidents in the U.S

- Guignet Dennis, Robin R. Jenkins, Ian Berry and Margaret Sugg
- 348904: Door Hanger Outreach And Incentives Did Not Induce Water System Customers to Participate in Lead Water Pipe Inspections

- Ludovica Gazze, Heather Klemick, Bryan Parthum and Ann Wolverton
- 348903: The Welfare Consequences of Government Budget Closure Assumptions Under New Environmental Policies

- Jonathon Becker, Andrew Schreiber and James McFarland
- 348902: Consideration of Environmental Justice in EPA's Regulatory Analyses: A Review and Assessment

- Emma DeAngeli, Richard Morgenstern, Burçin Ünel and Ann Wolverton
- 348901: When it Rains, it Pours: Severe Weather Events, Flooding, and Drinking Water Quality

- Wes Austin, Siyu Pan and Bryan M. Parthum
- 348900: Identifying Differences in U.S. Exposures to Ubiquitous Carcinogens

- Adam Theising, Tina Bardot and Ann Wolverton
- 312460: How did air quality standards affect employment at U.S. power plants? The importance of stringency, geography, and timing

- Glenn Sheriff, Ann E. Ferris and Ron Shadbegian
- 312241: Early Childhood Lead Exposure and the Persistence of Educational Consequences into Adolescence

- Ron Shadbegian, Dennis Guignet, Heather Klemick and Linda Bui
- 312235: Ex Ante Costs vs. Ex Post Costs of the Large Municipal Waste Combustor Rule

- Cynthia Morgan and Pasurka, Carl A.,
- 312234: The Effects of Short-Term, In Utero Lead Exposure on Birth Outcomes by Trimester: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from NASCAR’s Deleading Policy

- Linda TM Bui, Ron Shadbegian, Alicia Marquez, Heather Klemick and Dennis Guignet
- 312233: Lead and Cardiovascular Mortality: Evidence Supports Lead as an Independent Cardiovascular Risk Factor

- Ana Navas-Acien
- 307897: Property values and water quality: A nationwide meta-analysis and the implications for benefit transfer

- Dennis Guignet, Matthew T. Heberling, Michael Papenfus, Olivia Griot and Ben Holland
- 307895: The Importance of Source-Side Effects for the Incidence of Single Sector Technology Mandates and Vintage Differentiated Regulation

- Alex Marten
- 307894: Hot Spots, Cold Feet, and Warm Glow: Identifying Spatial Heterogeneity in Willingness to Pay

- Dennis Guignet, Christopher Moore and Haoluan Wang
- 307893: Economic Impacts of Ocean Acidification: A Meta-Analysis

- Christopher Moore and Jasmine Fuller
- 307892: Environmental Regulations and Technological Change: Pulp and Paper Mills and EPA’s Cluster Rule

- Anna Belova, Brendan Casey, Cynthia Morgan, Carl Pasurka and Ron Shadbegian
- 307891: Valuing Aquatic Ecosystem Health at a National Scale: Modeling Biological Indicators Across Space and Time

- Ryan Hill, Chris Moore, Jessie Doyle, Scott G. Leibowitz, Paul Ringold and Brenda Rashleigh
- 283626: Consumer Valuation of Fuel Economy: Findings from Recent Panel Studies

- Heather Klemick, Kopits. Elizabeth and Ann Wolverton
- 283552: Superfund Cleanups and Children’s Lead Exposure

- Heather Klemick, Henry Mason and Karen Sullivan
- 280949: Exploring the General Equilibrium Costs of Sector-Specific Environmental Regulations

- Alex L. Marten, Richard Garbaccio and Ann Wolverton
- 280948: An Applied General Equilibrium Model for the Analysis of Environmental Policy: SAGE v1.0 Technical Documentation

- Alex L. Marten and Richard Garabccio
- 280947: Do Discrete Choice Approaches to Valuing Urban Amenities Yield Different Results Than Hedonic Models?

- Paramita Sinha, Martha Caulkins and Maureen Cropper
- 280946: Preterm Birth and Economic Benefits of Reduced Maternal Exposure to Fine Particulate Matter

- Jina J. Kim, Daniel A. Axelrad and Chris Dockins
- 280945: Muddying the Water? An Analysis of Non-Constant Baselines in Stated Preference Surveys

- Kelly B. Maguire, Chris Moore, Dennis Guignet, Chris Dockins and Nathalie B. Simon
- 280944: What’s in a Name? A Systematic Search for Alternatives to “VSL”

- Chris Dockins, Kelly B. Maguire, Steve Newbold, Nathalie B. Simon, Alan Krupnick and Laura O. Taylor
- 280943: Comparing Pollution Where You Live and Play: A Hedonic Analysis of Enterococcus in the Long Island Sound

- Megan Kung, Dennis Guignet and Patrick Walsh
- 280942: Retrospective Evaluation of the Costs Associated with the 2004 Automobile and Light-Duty Truck Surface Coating NESHAP

- Ann Wolverton, Ann E. Ferris and Nathalie Simon
- 280941: Data Center Energy Efficiency Investments: Qualitative Evidence from Focus Groups and Interviews

- Heather Klemick, Elizabeth Kopits and Ann Wolverton
- 280940: Environmental Regulation and Labor Demand: The Northern Spotted Owl

- Ann E. Ferris
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