National Center for Environmental Economics-NCEE Working Papers
From United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)
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- 280884: Allocating Land for an Ecosystem Service: A Simple Model of Nutrient Retention with an Application to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed

- R. David Simpson
- 280883: Optimal Border Policies for Invasive Species under Asymmetric Information

- Linda Fernandez and Glenn Sheriff
- 280881: The Spatial Extent of Water Quality Benefits in Urban Housing Markets

- Patrick Walsh, J. Walter Milon and David Scrogin
- 280880: A Hedonic Analysis of the Impact of LUST Sites on House Prices in Frederick, Baltimore, and Baltimore City Counties

- Jeffrey Zabel and Dennis Guignet
- 280879: Asthma Medication Use and Air Pollution In California: A Cross-Sectional Analysis

- Charles Griffiths, Nathalie Simon and Tracey Woodruff
- 280878: Simple Mechanisms for Managing Complex Aquifers

- Stergios Athanassoglou, Glenn Sheriff, Tobias Siegfried and Woonghee Tim Huh
- 280877: Evaluating the Consumer Response to Fuel Economy: A Review of the Literature

- Gloria Helfand and Ann Wolverton
- 280876: The Role of Demographic and Cost-Related Factors in Determining Where Plants Locate – A Tale of Two Texas Cities

- Ann Wolverton
- 280875: Spatial Patterns in Regulatory Enforcement: Local Tests of Environmental Justice

- Ronald J. Shadbegian and Wayne B. Gray
- 280874: State Hazardous and Solid Waste Taxes: Understanding Their Variability

- Robin Jenkins and Kelly Maguire
- 280873: Evaluating Voluntary Programs with Spillovers: The Case of Coal Combustion Products Partnership

- Ian Lange
- 280872: Preventing Biological Invasions: Doing Something vs. Doing Nothing

- R. David Simpson
- 280871: The Green Industry: An Examination of Environmental Products Manufacturing

- Randy A. Becker and Ronald J. Shadbegian
- 280870: Determining the Extent of Market and Extent of Resource for Stated Preference Survey Design Using Mapping Methods

- Shalini P. Vajjhala, Anna Mische John and David A. Evans
- 280869: Effects of Socio-Economic and Input-Related Factors on Polluting Plants’ Location Decisions

- Ann Wolverton
- 280868: Valuing Forest Protection Programs to Maximize Economic Benefit

- Christopher C. Moore and Thomas P. Holmes
- 280867: Climate Response Uncertainty and the Expected Benefits of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reductions

- Stephen C. Newbold and Adam Daigneault
- 280866: Forest Fallow Ecosystem Services: Evidence from the Eastern Amazon

- Heather Klemick
- 280865: Technology Diffusion and Environmental Regulation: The Adoption of Scrubbers by Coal-Fired Power Plants

- Elaine Frey
- 280864: Estimating Welfare Effects from Supply Shocks with Dynamic Factor Demand Models

- Adam Daigneault and Brent Sohngen
- 280863: Technology, International Trade, and Pollution from U.S. Manufacturing

- Arik Levinson
- 280862: Redesign of the 2005 Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditure Survey

- Michael P. Gallaher, Cynthia L. Morgan and Ronald J. Shadbegian
- 280861: State Dependence and Long Term Site Capital in a Random Utility Model of Recreation Demand

- D. Matthew Massey and George R. Parsons
- 280860: Environmental Policy Induced Input Substitution? The Case of Coking and Steam Coal

- Ian Lange
- 280859: Diving Demand for Large Ship Artificial Reefs

- Ash Morgan, D. Matthew Massey and William L. Huth
- 280858: Issues and Challenges in Measuring Environmental Expenditures by U.S. Manufacturing: The Redevelopment of the PACE Survey

- Randy Becker and Ron Shadbegian
- 280857: New Research Suggests that Emissions Reductions May Be a Risky and Very Expensive Way to Avoid Dangerous Global Climate Changes

- Alan Carlin
- 280856: Evaluating the Effectiveness of EPA Voluntary Programs: An Examination of the Strategic Goals Program for Metal Finishers

- Keith Brouble, Charles Griffiths and Ann Wolverton
- 280855: Environmental Challenges Associated With Corn Ethanol Production

- Clay Ogg
- 280854: If Geoengineering Is The First Best Step Towards Global Climate Change Control, How Could It Best Be Implemented?

- Alan Carlin
- 280853: The Impact of Imperfect Information on the Transactions of Contaminated Properties

- Jeffrey Zabel
- 280852: Moving Beyond Cleanup: Identifying the Crucibles of Environmental Gentrification

- H. Spencer Banzhaf and Eleanor McCormik
- 280851: Employment Effects of Brownfield Redevelopment: What Do We Know From the Literature?

- Marie Howland
- 280850: Global Climate Control: Is There a Better Strategy Than Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emissions?

- Alan Carlin
- 280849: Measuring the Social Benefits of EPA Land Cleanup and Reuse Programs

- Robin Jenkins, Elizabeth Kopits and David Simpson
- 280848: A Note on Trasande et al., “Public Health and Economic Consequences of Methylmercury Toxicity to the Developing Brain”

- Charles Griffiths, Al McGartland and Maggie Miller
- 280847: Policy Innovation Impacts on Scrubber Electricity Usage

- Ian Lange and Allen Bellas
- 280846: Benefits and Costs from Sulfur Dioxide Trading: A Distributional Analysis

- Ronald J. Shabegian, Wayne B. Gray and Cynthia L. Morgan
- 280845: Improving Willingness to Pay Estimates for Quality Improvements Through Joint Estimation with Quality Perceptions

- John C. Whitehead
- 280844: Water Quality Trading in the United States

- Cynthia Morgan and Ann Wolverton
- 280843: Comparison of the Environmental Impacts of Trade and Domestic Distortions in the United States

- Jared Creason, Michael Fisher, Isabelle Morin and Susan F. Stone
- 280842: Assessing Multi-Dimensional Performances: Environmental and Economic Outcomes

- Ronald J. Shadbegian and Wayne B. Gray
- 280841: A Technology Assessment of Light Emitting Diode (LED) Solid-State Lighting for General Illumination

- Amanda Slocum
- 280840: The Effects of Water Quality on Coastal Recreation Flounder Fishing

- Matt Massey, Steve Newbold and Brad Gentner
- 280839: The Economic Impacts of Aquatic Invasive Species: A Review of the Literature

- Sabrina J. Lovell and Susan F. Stone
- 280838: Robustness of VSL Values from Contingent Valuation Surveys

- Anna Alberini
- 280837: PACE Survey: Background, Applications, and Data Quality Issues

- Martin T. Ross, Michael P. Gallaher, Brian C. Murray, Wanda W. Throneburg and Arik Levinson
- 280836: A Change of PACE: Comparing the 1994 and 1999 Pollution Abatement Costs and Expenditures Surveys

- Randy A. Becker and Ronald J. Shadbegian
- 280835: When and Why do Plants Comply? Paper Mills in the 1980s

- Wayne B. Gray and Ronald J. Shadbegian
- 280834: Overview of Existing Studies on Community Impacts of Land Reuse

- Kris Wernstedt