Project Report Series
From University of Alberta, Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by AgEcon Search (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 264423: Trust, Fairness and Acceptance of Food Technologies

- Ellen Goddard and Violet Muringai
- 264421: Consumer Interest in a Natural Designation in Food Choice

- Ellen Goddard, Violet Muringai and Amber Robinson
- 232402: The Economic Value of Wildlife in Alberta: A Database and Analysis of Benefit and Expenditure Estimates

- B.C. Rush, W.E. Phillips and Wiktor Adamowicz
- 232400: Capital Formation, Technical Change, and Profitability in Prairie Agriculture

- T.S. Veeman, A.A. Fantino and Y. Peng
- 232397: A Comparison of Risk Between Continuous and Fallow Cropping Regimes

- Leonard Bauer, Scott R. Jeffrey and Charles C. Orlick
- 232395: Report of Discussions Workshop on Applications of Complex Systems Science and Method to Agriculture, Rural and Environmental Issues

- Steven Schilizzi and Leonard Apedaile
- 232392: A Delphi Study of Growth and Yield in Canada's Forests

- W. Phillips, J. Beck, D. Boulter, D. Booth and K. Clark
- 232390: The Economics of Agricultural Chemical Use in Prairie Agriculture: Productivity and Environmental Impacts

- T.S. Veeman and A.A. Fantino
- 232389: A Dynamic Analysis of Management Strategies for Alberta Hog Producers

- Frank S. Novak and Gary D. Schnitkey
- 232387: Canadian Agriculture and GATT: An Economic Analysis of Article XI

- W. Cymbal and M.M. Veeman
- 232385: Economic Effects of Environmental Quality Change on Recreational Hunting in Northern Saskatchewan

- K. Morton, Wiktor Adamowicz and Peter Boxall
- 232383: An Econometric Analysis of the Relationship Between Alberta and United States Livestock Markets

- F.S. Novak and Jim Unterschultz
- 232381: The Incorporation of Nontimber Goods and Services in Integrated Resource Management, I. An Introduction to the Alberta Moose Hunting Study Interim Project Report

- K. McLeod, Peter Boxall, Wiktor Adamowicz, M. Williams and J.J. Louviere
- 232379: Risk and Return Dimensions: Cow-Calf and Grain Enterprise Combinations

- Leonard Bauer and Frank Novak
- 232377: Canadian Demand for Meats

- James Eales, Michele Veeman and Joan Fulton
- 232376: Cooperative and Rural Development: The Case of Dayap Credit Cooperative and Development Inc., Philippines

- Celeste Lacuna-Richman, D.S. Gill and E.C. Murray
- 232373: Returns to Farmland Investment in Alberta, 1964-89

- W. Phillips, L. Bauer and K. Akabua
- 232371: Profitability and Risk of Retained Ownership of Beef Calves

- Frank Novak, James Eales and Earl Munro
- 232370: Private Woodlot Survey Results for Northwestern Saskatchewan

- Fiona J. Salkie, Martin Luckert and William E. Phillips
- 232367: Household and Moose Hunting Survey Results for Newfoundland

- B. Condon and Wiktor Adamowicz
- 232366: A Socio-Economic Evaluation of Woodland Caribou in Northwestern Saskatchewan

- M. Tanguay, Wiktor Adamowicz, Peter Boxall, W. Phillips and W. White
- 232364: A Socio-Economic Evaluation of Recreational Whitetail Deer and Moose Hunting in Northwestern Saskatchewan

- K. Morton, Wiktor Adamowicz, Peter Boxall, W. Phillips and W. White
- 232363: Milk Marketing By Dairy Cooperatives in India

- Joan Fulton and Mukesh Bhargava
- 232361: An Economic Analysis of Recreational Fishing and Environmental Quality Changes in the Upper Oldman River Basin

- D. Watson, Wiktor Adamowicz and Peter Boxall
- 232359: Social, Economic and Psychological Factors in Decisions of Alberta Farmers

- Dhara S. Gill, Carol A. Moerth, Leonard Bauer and Celeste Lacuna-Richman
- 232358: An Analysis of Risk and Return in Hog Finishing

- Frank Novak, Leonard Bauer, Sally Dailly and Richard Melvin
- 232354: Assessment of the Effect of the Policy Environment on Farm Decision-Making: Aggregate Acreage Response in the Canadian Prairies Under the Western Grains Stabilization Program

- Mel Lerohl, Frank Novak and Mario Miranda
- 232323: An Economic Analysis of Alternative Cropping Decisions Under Uncertainty

- Leonard Bauer, Frank Novak, Glen Armstrong and Blaine Staples
- 232320: Export Markets for Canada's Foodgrains and Feedgrains

- Terrence S. Veeman, Michele M. Veeman, Maxine Sudol and Xiao-yuan Dong
- 232276: The Demand for Red Meats and Related Foods in Canada

- Michele M. Veeman, Peter Y. Chen and Terrence S. Veeman
- 232269: Macroeconomic Impacts on Canadian Agricultural Prices

- Wiktor Adamowicz, T.S. Veeman, M.M. Veeman, G. Armstrong, K. Hamal, Gabriel Lee and W. Tymchuk
- 232257: Alternative Alberta Barley Trade Scenarios With the Northwest United States

- G.M. Magnusson and M.L. Lerohl
- 232256: A Socio-Economic Evaluation of Sportsfishing Activity in Southern Alberta

- Wiktor Adamowicz, Peter Boxall, D. Watson and T. Peters
- 232143: Evaluation of Alberta Agriculture's Farming for the Future Program

- Travis W. Manning
- 232139: Growing Christmas Trees in Alberta A Market Analysis and Feasibility Study

- Dan Needham, William Phillips, Paul Woodard and Luis Constantino
- 232137: Adoption of Social Forestry Practices in West Godavari District, India: An Empirical Analysis

- Janaki R.R. Alavalapati and Dhara S. Gill
- 232135: A Study of Optimal Location: Competitiveness of the Alberta Cattle Feeding Industry with U.S. Regions

- Duncan McKinnon and M.L. Lerohl
- 232132: An Economic Analysis of Canadian Prairie Provinces' Forest Dependent Communities

- Stephen Fletcher, William White, William Phillips and Luis Constantino
- 232130: Private Landowner Wildlife Habitat in Alberta: An Economic Analsis of Retention and Development

- Ted J. Haney, William E. Phillips and Wiktor Adamowicz
- 232128: An Economic Analysis of Risk Management Strategies for Alberta Beef Feeders

- F.S. Novak, G.A. Mumey and Jim Unterschultz
- 232125: Wildlife Habitat Preservation Programs on Private Land: A Survey of Selected Provicnes, States, and Territories of Canada and the United States

- Ted Haney, William Phillips and Wiktor Adamowicz
- 232124: Farm Business Management Education in Canada

- Leonard Bauer and Morley Blanch
- 232120: Preparing for the International Market: Trade in Malt and Malting Barley

- Gwendolyn G. Mansell and Linda Chase Wilde
- 232117: Soil Erosion Implications of Selected Agricultural Programs

- M.L. Lerohl, M.S. Anderson and J.A. Robertson
- 232114: Future Directions for the Alberta Sheep Industry

- M.M. Ryan and M.H. Hawkins
- 232112: An Economic Analysis of Wood Production on Private Forest Land in West Central Alberta

- M. Messmer, M. Percy, W. Phillips and D. Boylen
- 232086: A Forest Planning Simulation Model: Integration of Transportation and Silvicultural Decisions

- Glen W. Armstrong, William E. Phillips, James A. Beck and Luis F. Constantino
- 232085: An Economic Evaluation of Tillage Systems on Dark Brown Soils in Alberta

- Leonard Bauer and Michael J. McEvoy
- 232084: The Role of Fertilizer, Weather, and Fertilizer-Weather Interactions in Prairie Grain Production and Productivity

- Terrence S. Veeman and Alberto A. Fantino
- 232083: Non-Timber Values and Forest Resources An Annotated Bibliography

- Robert Prins, Wiktor Adamowicz and William Phillips
Papers sorted by number 264423 232082