Staff Paper Series
From University of Alberta, Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by AgEcon Search (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 232574: Environmental and Financial Sustainability of Forest Management Practices

- Glen W. Armstrong, Frank S. Novak and Wiktor Adamowicz
- 232570: Gender Issues in Natural Resource-Based Industries in Canada: An Analysis and Conceptual Framework

- Eloise C. Murray and Donna Dosman
- 232565: NAFTA and GATT: Prospects for Canada's Red Meat Sectors in a New Trading Environment

- Michele Veeman
- 232562: Short-Run Dynamics of the Canadian Wood Pulp Industry: A Vector Autoregression Analysis

- Janaki R.R. Alavalapati, Martin Luckert and Wiktor Adamowicz
- 232560: In Search of Forest Resource Values of Aboriginal Peoples: The Applicability of Non-Market Valuation Techniques

- Wiktor Adamowicz, T. Beckley, D. Hatton MacDonald, L. Just, Martin Luckert, Eloise C. Murray and William E. Phillips
- 232558: Stated Preference Methods for Environmental Valuation

- Wiktor Adamowicz, Peter Boxall and J.J. Louviere
- 232556: Imapcts of Recovery Rates and Terms of Trade on Strange Attractors and Predictability in Sustainable Agriculture

- M. Solomonovich, L.P. Apedaile, H.I. Freedman, S.G.M. Schilizzi and L. Belostotski
- 232555: Factors Contraining Women Farmers' Access to Agricultural Extension Services in Sierra Leone

- Marie A. Manyeh, Dhara S. Gill, Bennett Matthews and Eloise C. Murray
- 232554: Reflecting Productivity Losses due to Erosion in Physical and Financial Accounts for Agricultural Soils

- David Watson and Mel Lerohl
- 232549: A Predator-Prey Model for Shares of Wealth Between Industry and Agriculture

- L.P. Apedaile, H.I. Freedman, S.G.M. Schilizzi and M. Solomonovich
- 232547: Tarde Balance and the J-Curve Phenomenon in Malawi

- Charles S. Mataya and Michele M. Veeman
- 232545: What is it that Farm Managers Do?

- Leonard Bauer and Garry Bradshaw
- 232542: Canadian Forest Tenures as Incentive Frameworks for the Silvicultural Expenditures of Private Firms

- Martin Luckert and David Haley
- 232540: Economic Structural Analysis of the Canadian Agricultural Production Sector

- Gurmit S. Sandhu, W.E. Phillips and Mike Percy
- 232535: A Nonparametric Test of the Traditional Travel Cost Model

- Peter Boxall, Wiktor Adamowicz and T. Graham-Tomasi
- 232534: The Inverse Lewbel Demand System

- James S. Eales
- 232532: Export Markets for Canadian Grain: Trends and Market Mix

- Michele Veeman and Terrence Veeman
- 232531: Combining Revealed and Stated Preference Methods for Valuing Environmental Amenities

- Wiktor Adamowicz, J. Louviere and M. Willians
- 232525: Simultaneity and Structural Change in US Meat Demand

- James S. Eales and Laurian Unnevehr
- 232522: Comparison of Liquidity Costs Between the Kansas City and Chicago Wheat Futures Contracts

- Sarahelen Thompson, James S. Eales and David Seibold
- 232520: East Asian Poultry Markets: Technology Transfer and Demand Dynamics

- Laurian Unnevehr, James S. Eales, Gerald Nelson and Young-Chul Kim
- 232516: The Inverse Almost Ideal Demand System

- James S. Eales and Laurian Unnevehr
- 232515: Habit Formation in a Discrete Choice Model of Recreation Demand: Estimation and Welfare Measurement

- Wiktor Adamowicz
- 232504: Achieving Sustainability in Resource Dependent Communities: Some Implications for Policy

- Richard J. Haigh and Dhara S. Gill
- 232503: Hedging Canadian Feedlot Cattle Revisited

- F.S. Novak and Jim Unterschultz
- 232502: Cereal Import Demand in Developing Countries

- Terrence S. Veeman, Maxine Sudol, Michele M. Veeman and Ziao-Yuan Dong
- 232501: Social Forestry: A Conceptual and Theoretical Analysis

- Janaki R.R. Alavalapati
- 232500: Valuation of Environmental Amenities

- Wiktor Adamowicz
- 232497: An Opportunity Cost Criterion for Scheduling Timber Harvest: A Comparison of Area and Volume Based Approaches

- Glen W. Armstrong, William E. Phillips and James A. Beck
- 232496: Retention and Development of Wildlife on Private Lands: an Annotated Bibliography

- T.J. Haney, E. Ewaschuk, W.E. Phillips and Wiktor Adamowicz
- 232495: Strucutral Versus Nonstructural VAR Models of Agricultural Prices and Exports

- Wiktor Adamowicz, Glen Armstrong and Gabriel Lee
- 232494: Dynamical Systems and Limit Cycles for Modelling Sustainable Agriculture and Cooperation

- L.P. Apedaile
- 232493: The Values of Characteristics of Wheat in World Markets: Some Further Evidence

- Michele M. Veeman
- 232492: An Examination of Concerns of Albera Pork Producers

- K.J. Knox, D.G. Murri and M.H. Hawkins
- 232491: A Select Bibliography on Social Forestry With Emphasis on Forestry Extension Education

- Dhara S. Gill and Janaki R.R. Alavalapati
- 232490: Risk and Returns in Agricultural Assets Measurement Issues

- Leonard Bauer
- 232443: Two Experiments on the Difference between Willingness to Pay and Willingness to Accept

- Bruce J. Macnab and Wiktor Adamowicz
- 232442: On Empirical Measures of the Social Rate of Discount

- Martin Luckert and Wiktor Adamowicz
- 232441: Returns to Expenditure on Agricultural Extension Services

- Dhara S. Gill
- 232440: The Security of Investment Environments for Some British Columbia Forest Tenures

- Martin Luckert
- 232439: The Effect of Some British Columbia Forest Tenures on the Distribution of Economic Rents and the Allocation of Resources

- Martin Luckert
- 232438: Nonmarket Valuation under Uncertainty

- John Asafu-Adjaye, Wiktor Adamowicz and William Phillips
- 232437: A Canadian Conservation Reserve Program: An Economic Perspective

- Terrence S. Veeman, Wiktor Adamowicz and William E. Phillips
- 232436: Demand for Meat in Canada: Model Specification and Structural Change

- Peter Y. Chen and Michele M. Veeman
- 232435: A Curriculum Content Analysis of Master's Degree Programs in Agricultural Economics: A Study of Selected Canadian and U.S. Schools

- Fredoun Z. Ahmadi-Esfahani and Justinian C.J. Galabawa
- 232433: Stochastic Dynamic Programming Models: An Application to Agricultural Investment

- Frank S. Novak and Gary D. Schnitkey
- 232431: Rural Decline and the Farm Crisis: Two Marginally Related Issues

- Richard J. Haigh and Adrienne L. Kisko
- 232429: A Sequential Choice Alternative to the Travel Cost Model

- Wiktor Adamowicz, Sarah Jennings and Alison Coyne
- 232428: Inequality Constrained Estimation of Consumer Surplus

- Wiktor Adamowicz, T. Graham-Tomasi and J.J. Fletcher
- 232426: ALTIM 1.0: The Economic Context of a General Equilibrium Model of the Alberta Forest Sector

- L. Constantino, B. Gellner, S. Jennings, M. Percy and W. Phillips
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