Discussion Papers
From University of Bonn, Institute for Food and Resource Economics Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by AgEcon Search (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 355478: Surrogate modelling of a multi-regional global Computable General Equilibrium model to optimize a global social welfare function

- Wolfgang Britz and Hugo Storm
- 352149: How to solve large recursive-dynamic Computable General Equilibrium models

- Wolfgang Britz
- 348369: Agricultural Mechanization Around the World

- Shahrear Roman, Hadi and David Wuepper
- 338200: A critical assessment of neural networks as meta-model of a farm optimization model

- Claudia Seidel, Linmei Shang and Wolfgang Britz
- 324710: Promoting extensive cattle production in the European Union has major implications for global agricultural trade and climate change

- Salwa Haddad, Neus Escobar, Martin Bruckner and Wolfgang Britz
- 316369: The replicability crisis and the p-value debate – what are the consequences for the agricultural and food economics community?

- Thomas Heckelei, Silke Huettel, Martin Odening and Jens Rommel
- 313251: Single plots or shares of land - How modeling of crop choices in bio-economic farm models influences simulation results

- Christoph Pahmeyer, Till Kuhn and Wolfgang Britz
- 305631: Who is Most Vulnerable to Climate Change Induced Yield Changes? A Dynamic Long Run Household Analysis in Lower Income Countries

- Rienne Wilts, Catharina Latka and Wolfgang Britz
- 305287: ‘Fruchtfolge’: A crop rotation decision support system for optimizing cropping choices with big data and spatially explicit modeling

- Christoph Pahmeyer, Till Kuhn and Wolfgang Britz
- 305270: Modelling policy induced manure transports at large scale using an agent-based simulation model

- David Schaefer, Wolfgang Britz and Till Kuhn
- 303683: Automated calibration of farm-scale mixed linear programming models using bi-level programming

- Wolfgang Britz
- 303668: Step-by-step development of a model simulating returns on farm from investments: the example of hazelnut plantation in Italy

- Alisa Spiegel, Simone Severini, Wolfgang Britz and Attilio Coletta
- 302922: Maintaining plausible calorie intakes, crop yields and crop land expansion in long-run simulations with Computable General Equilibrium Models

- Wolfgang Britz
- 301858: Can Food Waste Reduction in Europe Help to Increase Food Availability and Reduce Pressure on Natural Resources Globally?

- Yaghoob Jafari, Wolfgang Britz, Hasan Dudu, Roberto Roson and Martina Sartori
- 298428: Integrated assessment of legume production challenged by European policy interaction: a case-study approach from French and German dairy farms

- Julia Jouan, Julia Heinrichs, Wolfgang Britz and Christoph Pahmeyer
- 287343: Identifying effects of farm subsidies on structural change using neural networks

- Hugo Storm, Thomas Heckelei, Kathy Baylis and Klaus Mittenzwei
- 279702: A farm typology for North Rhine-Westphalia to assess agri-environmental policies

- David Schäfer Till Kuhn
- 265665: An analysis of the interdependence between cash crop and staple food futures prices

- El Mamoun Amrouk, Stephanie-Carolin Grosche and Thomas Heckelei
- 263448: Policy analysis of perennial energy crops cultivation at the farm level: the case of short rotation coppice (SRC) in Germany

- Alisa Spiegel, Wolfgang Britz, Utkur Djanibekov and Robert Finger
- 262055: How where I shop influences what I buy: the importance of the retail format in sustainable tomato consumption

- Chad Baum and Robert Weigelt
- 262054: The revision of the German Fertiliser Ordinance in 2017

- Till Kuhn
- 250254: Prospects of the Food Processing Sector under Tariff and Non-Tariff Measures Liberalization in the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

- Yaghoob Jafari and Wolfgang Britz
- 250253: Monte-Carlo Simulation and Stochastic Programming in Real Options Valuation: the Case of Perennial Energy Crop Cultivation

- Alisa Kostrova, Wolfgang Britz, Utkur Djanibekov and Robert Finger
- 250230: Pricing behaviour of cooperatives and investor-owned dairies under spatial competition

- Yvonne Zavelberg and Hugo Storm
- 232876: Reducing unwanted consequences of aggregation in large-scale economic models - a systematic empirical evaluation with the GTAP model

- Wolfgang Britz, Arne Drud and Dominique van der Mensbrugghe
- 212930: Trends and Drivers of Crop Biomass Demand: Sub-Saharan Africa vs the Rest of the World

- Arnim Kuhn and Kassahun Endeshaw
- 206560: Going Green for Esteem: An Extended Uzawa-Lucas Model with Status Driven Environmentalism

- Sophie Lian Zhou
- 206384: Impacts of policies to implement the EU Water Framework Directive on development strategies and income of typical pig farms in an intensively farmed region of Germany

- Johanna Garbert and Karin Holm-Mueller
- 172077: Price dynamics and financialization effects in corn futures markets with heterogeneous traders

- Stephanie Grosche and Thomas Heckelei
- 166079: Directional Volatility Spillovers between Agricultural, Crude Oil, Real Estate and other Financial Markets

- Stephanie Grosche and Thomas Heckelei
- 165088: Entry deterring effects of contractual relations in the dairy processing sector

- Yvonne Zavelberg, Christine Wieck and Thomas Heckelei
- 163046: Eco-regional Cartels on the Genetic Resource Market and the case of the Andean Community's legislation

- Sarah Winands and Karin Holm-Müller
- 163043: Agri-investments and public spending in selected vulnerable countries – will they contribute to reduce food insecurity?

- Christine Wieck, Bettina Rudloff and Angela Heucher
- 162896: Determinants of spatial dynamics of dairy production: a review

- Claire Mosnier and Christine Wieck
- 162895: Demand Estimation for Irrigation Water in the Moroccan Drâa Valley using Contingent Valuation

- Hugo Storm, Thomas Heckelei and Claudia Heidecke
- 162894: Bayesian estimation of non-stationary Markov models combining micro and macro data

- Hugo Storm, Thomas Heckelei and Ron Mittelhammer
- 162893: Determinants of Bilateral Food Related Disputes

- Christian Götz and Thomas Heckelei
- 162892: Modelling regional input markets with numerous processing plants: The case of green maize for biogas production in Germany

- Ruth Delzeit, Wolfgang Britz and Karin Holm-Müller
- 162880: Payments for Environmental Services (PES) and the Characteristics of Social Ecological Systems: the Case of Lake Naivasha Basin

- Daniel Kyalo Willy, Arnim Kuhn and Karin Holm-Müller
- 162879: Differences of farm structural change across European regions

- Andrea Zimmermann and Thomas Heckelei
- 162878: Industry, firm, year, and country effects on profitability in EU food processing

- Jan Schiefer and Monika Hartmann
- 162877: Trade-off of feasibility against accuracy and cost efficiency in choosing indicators for the abatement of GHG-emissions in dairy farming

- Bernd Lengers, Wolfgang Britz and Karin Holm-Müller
- 122123: Participation, compliance and synergies at the farm level between the single payments scheme and farm certification labels

- Christine Wieck and Dominic N. Annen
- 122022: Assessment of the Impact of Avian Influenza Related Regulatory Policies on Poultry Meat Trade and Welfare

- Christine Wieck, Simon W. Schlueter and Wolfgang Britz
- 121868: Limitations of Granger Causality Analysis to assess the price effects from the financialization of agricultural commodity markets under bounded rationality

- Stephanie Grosche
- 57033: The nature of the relationship between international tourism and international trade: the case of German imports of Spanish wine

- Christian Fischer and Luis Gil-Alana
- 57032: Towards a certification of biomass: Feasibility of a certifications scheme of sustainability standards for trade and production of bioethanol in Brazil

- Ruth Delzeit, Hans-Georg Bohle and Karin Holm-Muller
- 57031: Performance payments for carnivore conservation in Sweden

- Astrid Zabel and Karin Holm-Muller
- 57030: Estimation of supply response in CAPRI

- Torbjorn Jansson
- 56974: What makes countries initiate WTO disputes on food-related issues?

- Christian Goetz, Thomas Heckelei and Bettina Rudloff

- Thomas Heckelei, Ron Mittelhammer and Torbjorn Jansson
- 56972: Regulatory SPS instruments in meat trade

- Simon W. Schlueter, Christine Wieck and Thomas Heckelei
- 18788: The World Agricultural Trade Simulation System WATSIM: An Overview

- Martin von Lampe
- 18787: Two Ways of Estimating a Transport Model

- Torbjorn Jansson
- 18786: Bayesian Bootstrap Analysis of Systems of Equations

- Thomas Heckelei and Ron Mittelhammer
- 18785: Schnellwachsende Baumarten - Chance fur zusatzliches Einkommen im landlichen Raum?

- Gregor Pallast, Thomas Breuer and Karin Holm-Muller
- 18784: Okonomische Analyse der geplanten EU-Richtlinie zur integrierten Vermeidung und Verminderung von Umweltverschmutzung

- Helmut Karl and Carsten Orwat
- 18783: Bayesian Analysis of a Japanese Meat Demand System: A Robust Likelihood Approach

- Thomas Heckelei, Ron Mittelhammer and Thomas Wahl
- 18782: Environmental and Regional Problems of Contaminated Sites

- Helmut Kramer-Eis and Helmut Karl
- 18781: Capital Stocks and Their User Costs for West German Agriculture: A Documentation

- Heinz Peter Witzke
- 18780: Veranderung von Einkommenselastizitaten im Verlauf der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung - Problematik und Umsetzung im WATSIM

- Martin von Lampe
- 18779: Analyse der Bestandsentwicklung landwirtschafticher Familienarbeitskrafte in Westdeutschland

- Ferdinand Pavel
- 18778: Comparative Analysis of World Market Projections with Special Regard to Wheat Prices

- Thomas Heckelei, Elvira Krebs, Claus Mollmann and Martin von Lampe
- 18777: Erfahrungen mit einer Polypolversion des Pachtmarktspiels "Wachsen oder Weichen"

- Heinz Peter Witzke
- 18776: Okonomische Uberlegungen zum Begriff des Oko-Dumping

- Omar Ranne
- 18775: Das neue Gentechnikgesetz - ein Gentechnikverhinderungsgesetz?

- Alexander Becker and Karin Holm-Muller
- 18774: Notwendigkeit und Moglichkeiten der Politikberatung

- Wilhelm Henrichsmeyer
- 18773: The Final Agenda 2000 Agreement on Agriculture: An Assessment

- Beatriz Knaster