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CUDARE Working Papers

From University of California, Berkeley, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
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249311: Performance Pay and Producer Incentives: Analyzing Broiler Chicken Production Contracts Downloads
Rachael E. Goodhue, Gordon Rausser and Leo Simon
249310: Wage Changes in a U.S.-Mexico Free Trade Area: Migration Versus Stolper-Samuelson Effects Downloads
Mary E. Burfisher, Sherman Robinson and Karen E. Thierfelder
242457: Disequilibrium Analysis for Fluid Milk Downloads
Robert G. Chambers, Richard Just, L. Joe Moffitt and Gordon A. Rowe
242456: An Analysis of Credit Terms in the Eurodollar Market Downloads
Gershon Feder and Richard Just
242455: Optimal International Borrowing and Credit-Worthiness Control Downloads
Gershon Feder and Richard Just
242454: A Theoretical and Statistical Model of the Beef Wholesale-Retail Marketing Margin Downloads
Lana Hall, Andrew Schmitz and James Cothern
242453: A Study of Debt Servicing Capacity Applying Logit Analysis Downloads
Gershon Feder and Richard Just
242452: Agricultural Sector Models and their Interface with the General Economy Downloads
Richard Just
201479: Environmental Distortions and Welfare Consequences in a Social Accounting Framework Downloads
Elise Golan, Irma Adelman and Stephen Vogel
201478: Implications of Gatt for Eastern Europe and the Baltics Downloads
Grazyna Michalska, Rachael Goodhue and Arthur Small
201477: Diversification and Sustainable Agricultural Production-The Case of Soil Erosion Downloads
Renan Goetz
201476: Young Children's Egg Consumption: Determinants and Policy Implications Downloads
Katherine Ralston and Sylvia Lane
201475: The Role of Defense Cuts in the California Recession: Computable General Equilibrium Models and Interstate Factor Mobility Downloads
Sandra Hoffman, Sherman Robinson and Shankar Subramanian
201474: Labor Adjustment and Gradual Reform: Is Commitment Important Downloads
Larry Karp and Thierry Paul
201473: Risk-Sharing Under Varying Information Regimes: Theory and Measurement in Village Economies Downloads
Ethan Ligon
201472: The Meaning of Kinship in Sharecropping Contracts Downloads
Elisabeth Sadoulet, Seiichi Fukui and Alain de Janvry
201471: NAFTA and Mexico's Corn Producers Downloads
Alain de Janvry, Elisabeth Sadoulet and Gustavo de Anda
201470: Project Evaluation for Sustainable Rural Development Downloads
Alain de Janvry, Elisabeth Sadoulet and Blas Santos
201467: The Challenge of Ruling over Diversity: An Extension of Pinhas Zusman's Modeling of Social Power Downloads
Alain de Janvry, Marcel Fafchamps and Elisabeth Sadoulet
201466: Political Constraints on the Developmental State: Alternative Theoretical Explanations Downloads
Elisabeth Sadoulet
201465: Economic Impacts of Urban Forestry in California-1992 Downloads
Scott Templeton and George Goldman
201389: Process Models and Techniques for Issues Resolution Downloads
L. Wallace
201382: Complexity, Diversity, and Stability Debate: Evidence from California County Data Downloads
Andrew Dabalen and George Goldman
201376: Wetlands Mitigation Banks: A Developer's Investment Problem Downloads
Linda Fernandez and Larry Karp
201092: Why Do Governments Do What They Do? The Case of Food Price Policy Downloads
Alain de Janvry
201090: Econometric Models of Discrete/Continuous Agricultural Supply Decisions Downloads
Michael Hanemann and Yacov Tsur
201089: Adoption of Agricultural Innovations in Developing Countries: A Survey Downloads
Gershon Feder, Richard Just and David Zilberman
198692: The Impact of Global Warming on U.S. Agriculture: An Econometric Analysis Downloads
Wolfram Schlenker, Michael Hanemann and Anthony C. Fisher
198691: Uncertainty, Learning, and the Irreversibility Effect Downloads
Urvashi Narain, Michael Hanemann and Anthony C. Fisher
198690: Regulatory Objectives in the North Pacific Halibut Fishery: How Far is the Regulator from the Economists' Ideal? Downloads
Marita Laukkanen
198689: Income Elasticity and Functional Form Downloads
Timothy Beatty and Jeffrey LaFrance
198688: Cooperative and Non-Cooperative harvesting in a Stochastic Sequential Fishery Downloads
Marita Laukkanen
198687: The U.S. Income Distribution and Gorman Engel Curves For Food Downloads
G.K. Agnew, Timothy Beatty, Jeffrey LaFrance and R.D. Pope
198686: The Optimal Control of a Stock Pollutant with Sunk Capital and Endogenous Risk of Catastrophic Damages Downloads
Urvashi Narain and Anthony C. Fisher
198685: Bayesian and Non-Bayesian Approaches to Scientific Modeling and Inference in Economics and Econometrics Downloads
Arnold Zellner
198684: Bayesian Analysis of Golf Downloads
Arnold Zellner
198683: Productivity and Industrial Structure Under Market Incentives and Traditional Regulation Downloads
Sylvia Brandt
198682: Integrability of the Linear Approximate Almost Ideal Demand System Downloads
Jeffrey LaFrance
198681: An Analysis of the Horticultural Economy in California Downloads
Scott Templeton, Cheryl Brown, George Goldman, Seung Yoo and Vijay Pradhan
198680: Do Incentives Matter? Product Quality and Contract Incentrives in Processing Tomatoes Downloads
Corinne Alexander, Rachael Goodhue and Gordon Rausser
198679: Stigmatized Asset value: Is It Temporary or Permanent? Downloads
Jill McCluskey and Gordon Rausser
198678: The Korean Financial Crisis of 1997-98 Downloads
Irma Adelman and Song Nak
198677: A Note on Aggregation, Disaggregation and Forecasting Performance Downloads
Arnold Zellner and Justin Tobias
198676: Forecasting Turning Points in Countries' Output Growth Rates: A Response to Milton Friedman Downloads
Arnold Zellner and Chung-ki Min
198675: Discussion of Papers Presented at 1999 ASSA Meeting in New York By (1) Foster and Whiteman, (2) Golan, Moretti and Perloff, and (3) LaFrance Downloads
Arnold Zellner
198674: Some Recent Developments in Bayesian Statistics and Econometrics Downloads
Arnold Zellner
198673: Keep It Sophisticatedly Simple Downloads
Arnold Zellner
198672: The Structure of U.S. Food Demand Downloads
Jeffrey LaFrance
198671: Processor Placements and Producer Incentives: Analyzing Broiler Chicken Production Contracts Downloads
Rachael Goodhue, Gordon Rausser and Leo Simon
198670: The Changing Role of the State in Latin American Land Reforms Downloads
Alain de Janvry, Elisabeth Sadoulet and Wendy Wolford
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