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ECONtribute Discussion Papers Series

From University of Bonn and University of Cologne, Germany
Niebuhrstrasse 5, 53113 Bonn, Germany.

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300: Beliefs About Maternal Labor Supply Downloads
Teodora Boneva, Marta Golin, Katja Kaufmann and Christopher Rauh
299: Is a uniform price on Carbon desirable? A public finance perspective Downloads
Felix Bierbrauer
298: Measuring What Is Top of Mind Downloads
Ingar Haaland, Christopher Roth, Stefanie Stantcheva and Johannes Wohlfart
297: Strategic incentives in intermediary markets: Field-experimental evidence Downloads
Max Thon, Oliver Gürtler, Matthias Heinz, Kai Schäfer and Dirk Sliwka
296: Repeated Trade with Imperfect Information about Previous Transactions Downloads
Francesc Dilme
295: Private Sunspots in Games of Coordinated Attack Downloads
Yuliyan Mitkov
294: On the Relationship between Borrower and Bank risk Downloads
Yuliyan Mitkov and Ulrich Schüwer
293: Army of Mortgagors: Long-Run Evidence on Credit Externalities and the Housing Market Downloads
Tobias Herbst, Moritz Kuhn and Farzad Saidi
292: Mixing QE and Interest Rate Policies at the Effective Lower Bound: Micro Evidence from the Euro Area Downloads
Christian Bittner, Alexander Rodnyansky, Farzad Saidi and Yannick Timmer
291: Explanations Downloads
Thomas Graeber, Christopher Roth and Constantin Schesch
290: Fake News: Susceptibility, Awareness and Solutions Downloads
Tiziana Assenza, Alberto Cardaci and Stefanie Huber
289: Informal Elections with Dispersed Information: Protests, Petitions, and Nonbinding Voting Downloads
Mehmet Ekmekci and Stephan Lauermann
288: Auctions with Frictions: Recruitment, Entry, and Limited Commitment Downloads
Stephan Lauermann and Asher Wolinsky
287: From Buzz to Bust: How Fake News Shapes the Business Cycle Downloads
Tiziana Assenza, Fabrice Collard, Patrick Fève and Stefanie Huber
286: Depression Stigma Downloads
Christopher Roth, Peter Schwardmann and Egon Tripodi
285: Player Strength and Effort in Contests Downloads
Thomas Giebe and Oliver Gürtler
284: Bargaining with Binary Private Information Downloads
Francesc Dilmé
283: Learning in a Complex World Insights from an OLG Lab Experiment Downloads
Cars Hommes, Stefanie Huber, Daria Minina and Isabelle Salle
282: Informational Boundaries of the State Downloads
Thiemo Fetzer, Callum Shaw and Jacob Edenhofer
281: Performative State Capacity and Climate (In)Action Downloads
Immanuel Feld and Thiemo Fetzer
280: Women’s Missing Mobility and the Gender Gap in Higher Education: Evidence from Germany’s University Expansion Downloads
Barbara Boelmann
279: Misperceived Effectiveness and the Demand for Psychotherapy Downloads
Christopher Roth, Peter Schwardmann and Egon Tripodi
278: The Hold-Up Problem with Flexible Unobservable Investments Downloads
Daniel Krähmer
277: Who are They Talking About? Detecting Mentions of Social Groups in Political Texts with Supervised Learning Downloads
Hauke Licht and Ronja Sczepanksi
276: No More Cost in Translation: Validating Open-Source Machine Translation for Quantitative Text Analysis Downloads
Hauke Licht, Ronja Sczepanski, Moritz Laurer and Ayjeren Bekmuratovna
275: Ends versus Means: Kantians, Utilitarians, and Moral Decisions Downloads
Roland Benabou, Armin Falk and Luca Henkel
274: Political Activists are Not Driven by Instrumental Motives: Evidence from Two Natural Field Experiments Downloads
Anselm Hager, Lukas Hensel, Johannes Hermle and Christopher Roth
273: The Effects of UI Caseworkers on Job Search Effort Downloads
Amelie Schiprowski, Julia Schmidtke, Johannes Schmieder and Simon Trenkle
272: Lost in Transmission Downloads
Thomas Graeber, Shakked Noy and Christopher Roth
271: Information Experiments Downloads
Ingar Haaland, Julian König, Christopher Roth and Johannes Wohlfart
270: How In-Person Conversations Shape Political Polarization: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from a Nationwide Initiative Downloads
Ximeng Fang, Sven Heuser and Lasse S. Stötzer
269: Identity and Economic Incentives Downloads
Kwabena Donkor, Lorenz Goette, Maximilian Müller, Eugen Dimant and Michael Kurschilgen
268: Gender Differences in Wage Expectations and Negotiation Downloads
Lukas Kiessling, Pia Pinger, Philipp Seegers and Jan Bergerhoff
267: The Role of Discounting in Bargaining with Private Information Downloads
Francesc Dilme
266: Child Penalty Estimation and Mothers’ Age at First Birth Downloads
Valentina Melentyeva and Lukas Riedel
265: Unemployment Risk, Portfolio Choice, and the Racial Wealth Gap Downloads
Ellora Derenoncourt, Chi Hyun Kim, Moritz Kuhn and Moritz Schularick
264: Can Information Be Too Much? Information Source Selection and Beliefs Downloads
Andrea Amelio
263: Contingent Belief Updating Downloads
Chiara Aina, Andrea Amelio and Katharina Brütt
262: Debunking "Fake News" on Social Media: Short-Term and Longer-Term Effects of Fact Checking and Media Literacy Interventions Downloads
Lara Berger, Anna Kerkhof, Felix Mindl and Johannes Münster
261: Strategic Complementarities in a Model of Commercial Media Bias Downloads
Anna Kerkhof and Johannes Münster
260: When Product Markets Become Collective Traps: The Case of Social Media Downloads
Leonardo Bursztyn, Rafael Jiménez Durán and Christopher Roth
259: Mental Models of the Stock Market Downloads
Peter Andre, Philipp Schirmer and Johannes Wohlfart
258: Serving Consumers in an Uncertain World: A Credence Goods Experiment Downloads
Loukas Balafoutas, Helena Fornwagner, Rudolf Kerschbamer, Matthias Sutter and Maryna Tverdostup
257: Diagnostic Uncertainty and Insurance Coverage in Credence Goods Markets Downloads
Loukas Balafoutas, Helena Fornwagner, Rudolf Kerschbamer, Matthias Sutter and Maryna Tverdostup
256: Attention to the Macroeconomy Downloads
Sebastian Link, Andreas Peichl, Christopher Roth and Johannes Wohlfart
255: Historical Narratives about the COVID-19 Pandemic are Motivationally Biased Downloads
Philipp Sprengholz, Luca Henkel, Robert Böhm and Cornelia Betsch
254: Sequentially Stable Outcomes Downloads
Francesc Dilme
253: Gender Norms and the Gender Gap in Higher Education Downloads
Stefanie Huber and Hannah Paule-Paludkiewicz
252: Timing Decisions under Model Uncertainty Downloads
Sarah Auster and Christian Kellner
251: Corrupted by Algorithms? How AI-generated and Human-written Advice Shape (Dis)honesty Downloads
Margarita Leib, Nils Köbis, Rainer Michael Rilke, Marloes Hagens and Bernd Irlenbusch
Page updated 2024-12-28
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