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SESO Working Papers

From University of Antwerp, Faculty of Business and Economics
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1998035: Financial asset returns and the macroeconomy: An elaboration of the consumption CAPM Downloads
Nico Valckx and Joseph Plasmans
1998008: The information content of interest rate and stock market volatility for predicting business cycles in probit models Downloads
Jan Annaert, Marc de Ceuster and Nico Valckx
1998007: Fuzzy set theory: An overview of the basic principles Downloads
Frank Witlox
1998006: Competition on the Dutch coffee market Downloads
L. Bettendorf and Frank Verboven
1998005: 40 jaar SESO. Colloquium: "Onderweg naar de toekomst, Woensdag 29 april 1998 (Hof van Liere, UFSIA) Downloads
Et Al.
1998004: Optimal pricing and regulation of transport externalities: A welfare comparison of some policy alternatives Downloads
Bruno De Borger and Didier Swysen
1998003: Union wage bargaining and European antidumping policy in imperfectly competitive markets Downloads
Jozef Konings, Hylke Vandenbussche and Reinhilde Veugelers
1998002: Nationale versus internationale concurrentie en de nationale arbeidsmarkt: Een theoretisch kader Downloads
Hylke Vandenbussche
1998001: Logistieke waardering van tijd in het goederenvervoer Downloads
August Blauwens
1997020: Container throughput, port capacity and investment Downloads
Hilde Meersman, C. Steenssens and Eddy van de Voorde
1997019: Caution and conservatism in monetary policymaking Downloads
Philip Schellekens
1997016: De keuze tussen productiesubsidie en invoerrecht in het licht van de Maastricht budgetnorm Downloads
Hylke Vandenbussche
1997010: Did the European unification increase economic growth? In search of scale-effects and persistent changes Downloads
Patrick Vanhoudt
1997009: Measuring and estimating exchange market pressure in the EU Downloads
Eric Pentecost, Charlotte van Hooydonk and Andre Van Poeck
1997008: A fallacy in causality research on growth and capital accumulation Downloads
Patrick Vanhoudt
1997007: An assessment of the macroeconomic determinants of inequality Downloads
Patrick Vanhoudt
1997006: EMU and unemployment Downloads
Andre Van Poeck
1997005: European anti-dumping policy and the profitability of national and international collusion Downloads
Reinhilde Veugelers and Hylke Vandenbussche
1997004: Rekeningrijden: De merites van een gedifferentieerde heffing op het autogebruik Downloads
Gust Blauwens
1997003: Exchange rate modeling by multivariate nonlinear cointegration analysis using artificial neural networks Downloads
Arie Weeren, F. Dumortier and Joseph Plasmans
1997002: Een economische evaluatie van het pneumokokkenvaccin voor België Downloads
Geert Lombaert, Diana De Graeve and Herman Goossens
1997001: Equity in health and in medical care consumption in Belgium Downloads
Diana De Graeve and I. Duchesne
1996011: Computing quarterly GDP data: A question of economics? Downloads
Annick Bruggeman
1996010: Measuring exchange market pressure for the Belgian Franc 1975-1994: A principal components analysis Downloads
Charlotte van Hooydonk and Andre Van Poeck
1996009: EVOTRANS: Een simulatieprogramma voor het gedesaggregeerd goederenvervoer Downloads
Gina Gentil and Tom Pauwels
1996004: Does central bank independence reduce inflation at no real cost? A survey article Downloads
Philip Schellekens
1996003: Optimal pricing of public final and intermediate goods in the presence of externalities Downloads
Bruno De Borger
1996002: Het rendement van onderwijs in België: Enkele empirische bevindingen op basis van regionale gegevens Downloads
Isabelle Cortens and Walter Nonneman
1996001: Redistribution and friends: On bilaterally incentive compatible tax schemes Downloads
Fred Schroyen
1995020: Technical efficiency measurement and explanation of French urban transit companies Downloads
Kristiaan Kerstens
1995019: Ruimtelijke patronen van de socio-economische ontwikkeling 1991-2010. Gewestplanscenario versus structuurplanscenario Downloads
Ann Verhetsel
1995018: Disaggregating annual real GDP data into quarterly figures Downloads
Annick Bruggeman
1995017: Long-run exchange rate determination: A neural network study Downloads
W.J.H. Verkooijen, Joseph Plasmans and H.A.M. Daniëls
1995016: A TSP-procedure to test for the order of integration of a time series by means of (A)DF, PP and KPSS tests Downloads
Charlotte van Hooydonk
1995015: Transport externalities and optimal pricing and supply decisions in urban transportation: A simulation analysis for Belgium Downloads
Bruno De Borger and Sandra Wouters
1995014: A neo-classical demand model for higher education in Belgium Downloads
Inge Duchesne and Walter Nonneman
1995013: How the Belgian treasure should auction its debt Downloads
Daam van Reeth
1995012: Convergence and international policy coordination in the EU: A dynamic games approach Downloads
R.C. Douven and Joseph Plasmans
1995011: S.L.I.M. - A small linear interdependent model of eight EU-member states, the USA and Japan Downloads
R.C. Douven and Joseph Plasmans
1995010: Preference characterisation and indirect Allais coefficients Downloads
Fred Schroyen
1995009: Parental education and the demand for higher education: Some evidence for Belgium Downloads
Isabelle Cortens and Walter Nonnman
1995008: Is European antidumping protection against Central Europe too high? Downloads
Hylke Vandenbussche
1995007: Investment in the EC-countries: Does reducing uncertainty matter? Downloads
Hilde Meersman and Danny Cassimon
1995005: A further augmentation of the Solow model and the empirics of economic growth for OECD countries Downloads
Walter Nonneman and Patrick Vanhoudt
1995004: Het belang van investeringen in mensen, materieel en know-how voor economische groei: Emperische evidentie Downloads
Patrick Vanhoudt
1995003: Central bank independence: Only part of the inflation story Downloads
Freddy Heylen and Andre Van Poeck
1995002: How does increased foreign competition affect UK employment and wages? An empirical exploration Downloads
Jozef Konings and Hylke Vandenbussche
1995001: The choice of a technical efficiency measure on the Free Disposal Hull reference technology: A comparison using US banking data Downloads
Bruno De Borger, Gary Ferrier and Kristiaan Kerstens
1994031: How can Japanese and Central-European exporters to the EU avoid antidumping duties? Downloads
Hylke Vandenbussche
1994030: Ziekteverzuim en het toekennen van arbeidsongeschiktheid Downloads
Diana De Graeve, G. Dierickx and A. Dirckx
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