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Working Papers in Ecological Economics

From Australian National University, Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies, Ecological Economics Program
Bibliographic data for series maintained by Jack Pezzey ( this e-mail address is bad, please contact ).

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0201: A One-sided Sustainability Test With Multiple Consumption Goods Downloads
John Pezzey
0104: Residential energy demand in Australia: an application of dynamic OLS Downloads
Muhammad Akmal and David Stern
0103: Global sulfur emissions in the 1990s Downloads
David Stern
0102: Exact measures of income in two capital-resource-time economies Downloads
John Pezzey
0101: The structure of Australian residential energy demand Downloads
Muhammad Akmal and David Stern
0002: Some Further Economics of Easter Island: Adding Subsistence and Resource Conservation Downloads
John Pezzey and John M. Anderies
0001: Operationalising ecological economics: an academic perspective Downloads
Stephen Dovers
9902: Attributing Changes in Global Sulfur Emissions Downloads
David Stern
9901: The Environmental Kuznets Curve: Implications of Non-Stationarity Downloads
Roger Perman and David Stern
9806: Bioprospecting and Biodiversity Contracts Downloads
Denise M. Mulholland and Elizabeth Wilman
9805: Consumer-based carbon reduction incentives Downloads
Simon Niemeyer
9804: Is there an environmental Kuznets curve for sulfur? Downloads
David Stern, Tony Auld, Michael S. Common and Kali K. Sanyal
9803: A multivariate cointegration analysis of the role of energy in the U.S. macroeconomy Downloads
David Stern
9802: FARM: A Global Framework for Integrated Land Use/Cover Modeling Downloads
Roy Darwin
9801: Resource Economists Should Do More Cost Analysis and Less Benefit Analysis Downloads
Daniel McKenney
9708: Is there a global warming signal in hemispheric temperature series? Downloads
David Stern and Robert Kaufmann
9707: Recreational User Management of Parks: an Ecological Economic Framework Downloads
David Alden
9706: Economic Instruments for Environmental and Natural Resource Conservation and Management in the South Pacific Downloads
Colin Hunt
9705: The Travel Cost Method: an Empirical Investigation of Randall's Difficulty Downloads
Michael S. Common, Tim Bull and Natalie Stoeckl
9704: Property entitlements and land reform in upland Thai catchments Downloads
Roger Attwater
9703: Fire as an Economic Disincentive to Smallholder Rubber Planting in Imperata Areas Downloads
Ken Menz and Katie Ellis
9702: Time series properties of global climate variables: detection and attribution of climate change Downloads
David Stern and Robert Kaufmann
9701: Water Rights: An Ecological Economics Perspective Downloads
Michael Young
9601: Progress on environmental Kuznets curves Downloads
David Stern
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