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Working Papers

From Peruvian Economic Association
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204: Effectiveness of monetary policy under economic uncertainty regimes Downloads
Nelson R. Ramírez-Rondán and Luis Yépez
203: Can Electronic Voting Shape Election Outcomes in Developing Countries? Evidence from Peru Downloads
Rodrigo Chang, Laura Castellanos, Esteban Penelas and Javier Torres
202: Building a shield together: Addressing low vaccine uptake against cancer through social norms Downloads
Stanislao Maldonado, Deborah Martinez and Lina Diaz
201: A Q-Theory of Banks Downloads
Juliane Begenau, Saki Bigio, Jeremy Majerovitz and Matias Vieyra
200: The Dual Imperative of Balancing Speed and Coordination in Times of Crisis: Senior Leaders’ Perspectives on Civil Service Transformations and Reform Downloads
Aisha J. Ali, Luis Álvaro Álvarez Calderón, Pedro Arcain Riccetto, Paola del Carpio, Elise El Nouchi, Javier Fuenzalida, Margarita Gómez, Aung Hein, Oswaldo Molina and Martin J. Williams
199: Interactions in a High Immigration Context Downloads
Diego Aycinena, Francisco Galarza and Javier Torres
198: Large shocks travel fast Downloads
Alberto Cavallo, Francesco Lippi and Ken Miyahara
197: GDP nowcasting with Machine Learning and Unstructured Data to Peru Downloads
Juan Tenorio and Wilder Pérez
196: El equilibrio en la cuenta corriente y sus implicancias en el tipo de cambio real en Perú Downloads
Hugo Fuentes-Dávila and Juan Tenorio
195: Does uncertainty matter for the fiscal consolidation and investment nexus? Downloads
Ioannis Bournakis and Nelson R. Ramírez-Rondán
194: Nudging microentrepreneurs under fire: Experimental evidence from favelas in Rio de Janeiro Downloads
Anna-Katharina Lenz and Martín Valdivia
193: COVID-19 pandemic through the lens of Leontief multipliers for Emerging Economies Downloads
Cesar Carrera
192: Roads and Deforestation: Do Local Institutions Matter? Downloads
Francisco Galarza, Joanna Kámiche Zegarra and Rosario Gómez
191: A Theory of Payments-Chain Crises Downloads
Saki Bigio
190: Does teacher subjective well-being influence students’ learning achievement? Evidence from public basic education in Peru Downloads
José María Rentería and Dante Solano
189: Perú: Consolidación Fiscal 1980-2020 y Retos a la Fecha – Una Aproximación Downloads
Gonzalo Pastor
188: The Impact of the Real Exchange Rate on Non-Traditional Chilean and Peruvian Exports: Evidence using Microdata Downloads
Renzo Castellares
187: The Geography of Job Tasks Downloads
Enghin Atalay, Sebastian Sotelo and Daniel Tannenbaum
186: Migration, Specialization, and Trade: Evidence from the Brazilian March to the West Downloads
Heitor Pellegrina and Sebastian Sotelo
185: Willingness to Pay for Improved Water Service: Evidence from Urban Peru Downloads
Francisco Galarza, Max Carbajal and Julio Aguirre
184: Employment protection legislation and on-the-job training in an informal labor market: Evidence from Peru Downloads
Miguel Jaramillo and Bruno Escobar
183: Innovation and Competitiveness in the Copper Mining GVC: Developing Local Suppliers in Peru Downloads
Penny Bamber, Karina Fernandez-Stark and Oswaldo Molina
182: Scrambling for Dollars: International Liquidity, Banks and Exchange Rates Downloads
Javier Bianchi, Saki Bigio and Charles Engel
181: Impacto de las medidas para la mitigación de la Covid - 19 en la Salud y en la Economía para Latinoamérica y Perú Downloads
Jose Carlos Saavedra, Pablo Lavado, Sebastián Lindley and Liz Villegas
180: Stratification of returns to higher education in Peru: the role of education quality and major choices Downloads
Alan Sanchez, Marta Favara and Catherine Porter
179: Labor Market Assimilation of South-South Forced Migrants: Evidence from a Small Open Latin American Economy Downloads
Javier Torres and Francisco Galarza
178: Does social health insurance spillover to student performance? Evidence from an RDD in Peru Downloads
Miguel Carpio, Lucero Gómez and Pablo Lavado
177: Do Inclusive Education Policies Improve Employment Opportunities? Evidence from a Field Experiment Downloads
Jorge Agüero, Francisco Galarza and Gustavo Yamada
176: Equalizing growth: The case of Peru Downloads
Nelson R. Ramírez-Rondán, Marco Terrones and Diego Winkelried
175: Too Hard, Too Easy, or Just Right: Dynamic Complementarity and Substitutability in The Production of Skill Downloads
Juan Castro and Lucciano Villacorta
174: Spillovers and Long Run Effects of Messages on Tax Compliance: Experimental Evidence from Peru Downloads
Juan Castro, Daniel Velásquez, Arlette Beltrán and Gustavo Yamada
173: Cause and Effect in Political Polarization: A Dynamic Analysis Downloads
Steven Callander and Juan Carlos Carbajal
172: Policies for Transactional De-Dollarization: A Laboratory Study Downloads
Johar Arrieta, David Florián, Kristian Lopez Vargas and Valeria Morales
171: A Q-Theory Of Banks Downloads
Juliane Begenau, Saki Bigio, Jeremy Majerovitz and Matias Vieyra
170: Empowering women through multifaceted interventions: Long-term evidence from a double matching design Downloads
Stanislao Maldonado
169: Repurchase Options in the Market for Lemons Downloads
Saki Bigio and Liyan Shi
168: The Portfolio Channel of Capital Flows and Foreign Exchange Intervention in A Small Open Economy Downloads
Carlos Montoro and Marco Ortiz
167: Inequality of educational opportunity and time-varying circumstances: Longitudinal evidence from Peru Downloads
José María Rentería
166: Job finding and separation rates in an economy with high labor informality Downloads
Nikita Cespedes Reynaga and Nelson R. Ramírez-Rondán
165: Measuring efficiency and risk preferences in dynamic portfolio choice Downloads
Jacopo Magnani, Jean Paul Rabanal, Olga Rud and Yabin Wang
164: Heterogeneous Credit Constraints and Optimal Monetary Policy Downloads
Marco Ortiz and Gerardo Herrera
163: La planificación importa: Infraestructura y planes municipales en Perú Downloads
Roberto Urrunaga and Luis Yépez
162: Global Recessions Downloads
Ayhan Kose, Naotaka Sugawara and Marco Terrones
161: Speculation-driven Business Cycles Downloads
Saki Bigio and Eduardo Zilberman
160: SFX Interventions, Financial Intermediation, and External Shocks in Emerging Economies Downloads
Alex Carrasco Martinez, David Florián and Rafael Nivin
159: Measuring the output gap, potential output growth and natural interest rate from a semi-structural dynamic model for Peru Downloads
Luis Castillo and David Florián
158: Work With What You’ve Got: Improving Teachers’ Pedagogical Skills at Scale in Rural Peru Downloads
Juan Castro, Paul Glewwe and Ricardo Montero
157: Cuando la educación no cumple su promesa: Brechas persistentes en habilidades básicas de peruanos del milenio Downloads
Gustavo Yamada, Juan Castro and Santiago Medina
156: Uncertainty and the Uncovered Interest Parity Condition: How Are They Related? Downloads
Nelson R. Ramírez-Rondán and Marco Terrones
155: Cyclicality of Fiscal Transfers for a Latin American Small Open Economy: The Perils of Earmarked Transfers Downloads
Javier Torres, Alexandra Málaga and Rodrigo Chang
Page updated 2024-12-07
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