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Working Papers

From Department of Economics, Bilkent University
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1201: Turkey's Experience with Disinflation: Where did all the welfare gains go? Downloads
Bilin Neyapti
1101: Does Fiscal Decentralization Promote Fiscal Discipline? Downloads
Bilin Neyapti, Zafer Akin and Zeynep B. Cevik
1005: Macroeconomic Impact of Bank Regulation and Supervision: A cross-country investigation Downloads
Bilin Neyapti and Nazire Nergiz Dincer
1004: Monotonic Extension Downloads
Farhad Husseinov
1003: The Role of Human Capital In Productivity Spillovers from FDI: An Empirical Analysis on Turkish Manufacturing Firms Downloads
Seda Koymen and Selin Sayek
1002: MNEs and Wages: the Role of Productivity Spillovers and Imperfect Labor Market Downloads
Bahar Sağlam and Selin Sayek
1001: Agency Costs, Fiscal Policy, and Business Cycle Fluctuations Downloads
Burçin Kısacıkoğlu
0903: The (Ir)relevance of Inflation Persistence for Inflation Targeting Policy Design Downloads
Sevim Kosem-Alp
0902: Performance of Monetary Institutions: Comparative Evidence Downloads
Bilin Neyapti
0901: Factors Influencing Relative Price of Goods and Services Sectors in Turkey: An Econometric Analysis Downloads
Kivilcim Metin-Ozcan and Koray Kalafatcılar
0802: Fiscal Decentralization and Deficits: International Evidence Downloads
Bilin Neyapti
0801: Productivity and Growth in an Unstable Emerging Market Economy: The Case of Turkey, 1960-2004 Downloads
Kivilcim Metin-Ozcan and Mustafa Ismihan
0709: Admissible Functional Forms in Monetary Economics Downloads
Neil Arnwine
0708: Does Fiscal Decentralization Promote Fiscal Discipline? Downloads
Bilin Neyapti and Nida Cakir
0707: What Fisher Knew About His Relation, We Sometimes Forget Downloads
Taner Yigit and Neil Arnwine
0706: Inflation Targeting: An Indirect Approach to Assess the Direct Impact Downloads
Taner Yigit
0705: Announcements and Credibility under Inflation Targeting Downloads
Taner Yigit and Banu Demir
0704: The Effects of Exchange Rate Fluctuations on Economic Activity in Turkey Downloads
Hakan Berument, Magda Kandil and Nazire Nergiz Dincer
0703: The Differential Sectoral Effects of Policy Shocks: Evidence from Turkey Downloads
Hakan Berument, Nildag Ceylan and Mustafa Yücel
0702: Effects of Adopting Inflation Targeting Regimes on Inflation Variability Downloads
Hakan Berument and Ebru Yuksel
0701: The Relationship between Different Price Indexes: A Set of Evidence from Inflation Targeting Countries Downloads
Hakan Berument, Yilmaz Akdi, Seyit Cilasun and Hasan Olgun
0610: The Growth Performance of the Turkish Economy: 1960-2004 Downloads
Kivilcim Metin-Ozcan and Mustafa Ismihan
0609: Existence of equilibrium, core and fair division in a heterogeneous divisible commodity exchange economy Downloads
Farhad Huseyin
0608: Existence of the core in a heterogeneous divisible commodity exchange economy Downloads
Farhad Huseyin
0607: Inflation Uncertainty and Interest Rates: Is The Fisher Relation Universal? Downloads
Hakan Berument, Hasan Olgun and Basak Ceylan
0606: Performance of Soccer on the Stock Market:Evidence from Turkey Downloads
Hakan Berument, Esin Gšzpinar and Basak Ceylan
0605: Production Boosting Effects of Football Downloads
Hakan Berument and Eray YŸcel
0604: The Center and Periphery Relations In International Stock Markets Downloads
Hakan Berument, Nergiz Din Er and Hasan Olgun
0603: The Relationship Between Different Price Indices: Evidence from Turkey Downloads
Hakan Berument, Seyit Cilasun and Yilmaz Akdi
0602: An Empirical Analysis of Istanbul Stock Exchange Sub-Indexes Downloads
Hakan Berument, Yilmaz Akdi and Cemal Atakan
0601: The Effects of Japanese Economic Performance on Indonesia Downloads
Hakan Berument, Bengisu Vural and Basak Ceylan
0514: Intermediaries and Corruption Downloads
Cagla Okten Hasker and Kevin Hasker
0513: The Effects of Exchange Rate Risk on Economic Performance: The Turkish Experience Downloads
Hakan Berument and Nergiz Din Er
0512: The Asymmetric Effects of Government Spending Shocks: Empirical Evidence from Turkey Downloads
Hakan Berument and Burak Dogan
0511: Return and Maturity Relationships for Treasury Auctions: Evidence from Turkey Downloads
Hakan Berument and M. Eray YŸcel
0510: Denomination Composition of Trade and Trade Balance: Evidence from Turkey Downloads
Hakan Berument and Nergiz Din Er
0509: Measuring Monetary Policy for A Small Open Economy: Turkey Downloads
Hakan Berument
0508: Effect of S&P500Õs Return on Emerging Markets: Turkish Experience Downloads
Hakan Berument and Onur Ince
0507: Success in Soccer and Economic Performance: Evidence from Besiktas-Turkey Downloads
Hakan Berument, M. Eray YŸcel and Onur Ince
0506: Business Cycles in Turkey and European Union Countries: A Perspective to the Membership Downloads
Hakan Berument, M. Eray YŸcel and ZŸbeyir Kilin
0505: Aid and Foreign Direct Investment: International Evidence Downloads
Mustafa Karakaplan, Bilin Neyapti and Selin Sayek
0504: The Effects of Privatization on Efficiency: How Does Privatization Work? Downloads
‚agla …kten
0503: Legal Quality of Bank Regulation and Supervision and its Determinants: A Mixed Sample Downloads
Bilin Neyapti and Nergiz Din Er
0502: Expected Multi-Utility Theorems with Topological Continuity Axioms Downloads
Ozgur Evren
0501: Pilgrims to Eurozone: How Far, How Fast Downloads
Evžen Kočenda, Ali Kutan and Taner Yigit
0408: Fisher Equation and Output Growth Downloads
Neil Arnwine
0407: Effects of Transition and Political Instability on Foreign Direct Investment Inflows: Central Europe and the Balkans Downloads
Taner Yigit and Ali Kutan
0406: The Emergent Seed: Simplifying the Analysis of Dynamic Evolution Downloads
Kevin Hasker
0405: Determinants of Workers Remittances: The Case of Turkey Downloads
Bilin Neyapti, Kivilcim Metin-Ozcan and Osman Tuncay Aydas
0404: Has European Customs Union Agrement Really Affected Turkey's Trade? Downloads
Bilin Neyapti, Fatma Taskin and Murat Üngör
Page updated 2024-09-07
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