CVER Research Papers
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- 041: The mismatch earnings penalty

- Chiara Cavaglia, Lindsey Macmillan, Konstantina Maragkou, Richard Murphy and Gill Wyness
- 040: Immigration and vocational training: Evidence from England

- Alan Manning, Sandra McNally and Guglielmo Ventura
- 039: The Recent Evolution of Apprenticeships: participation and pathways

- Chiara Cavaglia, Sandra McNally and Guglielmo Ventura
- 038: On Track to Success? Returns to vocational education against different alternatives

- Sönke Hendrik Matthewes and Guglielmo Ventura
- 037: Variation in Parenthood Wage Effect: A human capital approach

- Maria Petrillo
- 036: Do Management Practices Matter in Further Education?

- Sandra McNally, Luis Schmidt and Anna Valero
- 035: The Effects of College Capital Projects on Student Outcome

- Stephen Gibbons, Claudia Hupkau, Sandra McNally and Henry Overman
- 034: The impact of the Apprenticeship Levy on Apprenticeships and other training outcomes

- Gavan Conlon, Andrew Dickerson, Steven McIntosh and Pietro Patrignani
- 033: Trends in job-related training and policies for building future skills into the recovery

- Jiaqi Li, Anna Valero and Guglielmo Ventura
- 032: Gender, achievement, and subject choice in English education

- Chiara Cavaglia, Stephen Machin, Sandra McNally and Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela
- 031: Closing the Gap Between Vocational and General Education? Evidence from University Technical Colleges in England

- Stephen Machin, Sandra McNally, Camille Terrier and Guglielmo Ventura
- 030: Where versus What: College Value-Added and Returns to Field of Study in Further Education

- Esteban Aucejo, Claudia Hupkau and Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela
- 029: Gender and Socio-Economic Differences in STEM Uptake and Attainment

- Emily McDool and Damon Morris
- 028: The long-term impact of improving non-cognitive skills of adolescents: Evidence from an English remediation programme

- Vahé Nafilyan, Stefan Speckesser and Augustin de Coulon
- 027: Employee Training and Firm Performance:Quasi-experimental evidence from the European Social Fund

- Pedro Martins
- 026: Post-Compulsory Education Pathways and Labour Market Outcomes

- Andrew Dickerson, Emily McDool and Damon Morris
- 025: Peer Effects and Social Influence in Post-16 Educational Choice

- Alice Battiston, Sophie Hedges, Thomas Lazarowicz and Stefan Speckesser
- 024: BTECs, higher education and labour market outcomes using the Longitudinal Education Outcome (LEO) dataset

- Alice Battiston, Gavan Conlon and Pietro Patrignani
- 023: Socio-economic inequality and academic match among post-compulsory education participants

- Konstantina Maragkou
- 022: The value of progression in further education

- Alice Battiston, Gavan Conlon, Sophie Hedges and Pietro Patrignani
- 021: Labour market outcomes disaggregated by subject area using the Longitudinal Education Outcomes (LEO) data

- Alice Battiston, Gavan Conlon, Sophie Hedges and Pietro Patrignani
- 020: The Changing Demand for Skills in the UK

- Andrew Dickerson and Damon Morris
- 019: A comparison of earnings related to higher level vocational/technical and academic education

- Hector Espinoza and Stefan Speckesser
- 018: Devolving Skills: The case of the Apprenticeship Grant for Employers

- Chiara Cavaglia, Sandra McNally and Henry Overman
- 017: The causal effect of secondary school peers on educational aspirations

- Andrew Dickerson, Konstantina Maragkou and Steven McIntosh
- 016: Labour Market Outcomes of Older Versus Younger Apprentices: A Comparison of Earnings Differentials

- Steven McIntosh and Damon Morris
- 015: Do apprenticeships pay? Evidence for England

- Chiara Cavaglia, Sandra McNally and Guglielmo Ventura
- 014: Entry through the narrow door: the costs of just failing high stakes exams

- Stephen Machin, Sandra McNally and Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela
- 013: Settling the counterfactual debate: Is there a preferable counterfactual when estimating the returns to vocational qualifications?

- Gavan Conlon, Sophie Hedges and Pietro Patrignani
- 012: Skills, Signals, and Employability: An Experimental Investigation

- Marc Piopiunik, Guido Schwerdt, Lisa Simon and Ludger Woessmann
- 011: Building apprentices’ skills in the workplace: Car Service in Germany, the UK and Spain

- Philipp Grollmann, Hilary Steedman, Anika Jansen and Robert Gray
- 010: Apprenticeships for Young People in England: Is there a Payoff?

- Chiara Cavaglia, Sandra McNally and Guglielmo Ventura
- 009: The Payoff to Vocational Qualifications: Reconciling Estimates from Survey and Administrative Data

- Gavan Conlon, Sophie Hedges, Steven McIntosh, Damon Morris and Pietro Patrignani
- 008: Peer Effects and Social Influence in Post-16 Educational Choice

- Sophie Hedges and Stefan Speckesser
- 007: The earnings differentials associated with vocational education and training using the Longitudinal Education Outcomes data

- Gavan Conlon, Sophie Hedges and Pietro Patrignani
- 006: The longer the better? The impact of the 2012 apprenticeship reform in England on achievement and other outcomes

- Vahé Nafilyan and Stefan Speckesser
- 005: Post 16 remedial policies: a literature review

- Clementine van Effenterre
- 004: Young people in low level vocational education: characteristics, trajectories and labour market outcomes

- Sophie Hedges, Vahé Nafilyan, Stefan Speckesser and Augustin de Coulon
- 003: Vocational vs. General Education and Employment over the Life-Cycle: New Evidence from PIAAC

- Franziska Hampf and Ludger Woessmann
- 002: Labour Market Returns to Vocational Qualifications in the Labour Force Survey

- Steven McIntosh and Damon Morris
- 001: Post-compulsory education in England: choices and implications

- Claudia Hupkau, Sandra McNally, Jenifer Ruiz-Valenzuela and Guglielmo Ventura