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CID Working Papers

From Center for International Development at Harvard University
79 John F. Kennedy Street.
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446: Diagnosing Wyoming's Workforce Challenges Downloads
Lucas Lamby, Sophia Henn, Tim O'Brien and Ricardo Hausmann
442: Japan's Economic Puzzle Downloads
Dany Bahar, Guillermo Arcay, Jesus Daboin Pacheco and Ricardo Hausmann
441: Grants in Wyoming: Constraints and Solutions Downloads
Timothy Freeman, Tim O'Brien, Alejandro Rueda-Sanz and Ricardo Hausmann
440: Pandemic-era Inflation Drivers and Global Spillovers Downloads
Álvaro Silva, Julian di Giovanni, Muhammed A. Yildirim and Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan
439: Towards a Sustainable Recovery for Lebanon's Economy Downloads
Ricardo Hausmann, Ugo Panizza, Carmen Reinhart, Douglas Barrios, Clement Brenot, Jesus Daboin Pacheco, Clemens Graf von Luckner, Frank Muci and Lucila Venturi
438: How Pratham Learns While Scaling: A Case Study of Adaptive Design and Evaluation Downloads
Jossie Fahsbender, Siddhant Gokhale and Michael Walton
437: What Combination of Features Are Associated With Scalable and Sustainable Last-Mile Service Delivery Models? A Qualitative Comparative Analysis Downloads
Ojas Gokhale and Siddhant Gokhale
436: Inequality in Chile: Perceptions and Patterns Downloads
Ignacia Lecaros, Daniela Paz Cruzat, Ricardo Pommer Muñoz, Pablo Tillan and Michael Walton
435: Housing in Wyoming: Constraints and Solutions Downloads
Sarah Bui, Timothy Freeman, Ricardo Hausmann, Farah Kaddah, Lucas Lamby, Tim O'Brien and Eric S. M. Protzer
434: Growth Through Inclusion in South Africa Downloads
Ricardo Hausmann, Tim O'Brien, Andres Fortunato, Alexia Lochmann, Kishan Shah, Lucila Venturi, Sheyla Enciso, Ekaterina Vashkinskaya, Ketan Ahuja, Bailey Klinger, Federico Sturzenegger and Marcelo Tokman
433: Process and Implementation Evaluations: A Primer Downloads
Patricia J. Rogers and Michael Woolcock
432: A Growth Perspective on Wyoming Downloads
Sarah Bui, Timothy Freeman, Farah Kaddah, Lucas Lamby, Yang Li, Tim O'Brien, Eric S. M. Protzer, Alejandro Rueda-Sanz, Ricardo Villasmil and Ricardo Hausmann
431: Facilitating learning and discovery-oriented industrial policy in Albania Downloads
Matt Andrews and Peter Harrington
430: Seeing the Forest for More Than the Trees: a Policy Strategy to Curb Deforestation and Advance Shared Prosperity in the Colombian Amazon Downloads
Timothy Cheston, Patricio Goldstein, Timothy Freeman, Alejandro Rueda-Sanz, Ricardo Hausmann, Shreyas Gadgin Matha, Sebastian Bustos, Eduardo Lora, Sarah Bui and Nidhi Rao
429: Estimation of Nonlinear Exchange Rate Dynamics in Evolving Regimes Downloads
Jeffrey Frankel
428: Adaptive Evaluation: A Complexity-Based Approach to Systematic Learning for Innovation and Scaling in Development Downloads
Michael Walton
427: A Growth Diagnostic of Kazakhstan Downloads
Douglas Barrios, Nikita Taniparti, Ricardo Hausmann, Clement Brenot, Can Soylu, Roukaya El Houda, Ekaterina Vashkinskaya, Felicia Belostecinic and Sophia Henn
426: The Economic Complexity of Kazakhstan: A Roadmap for Sustainable and Inclusive Growth Downloads
Clement Brenot, Douglas Barrios, Eric S. M. Protzer, Nikita Taniparti, Ricardo Hausmann and Sophia Henn
425: Responding Adaptively to the COVID-19 Crisis in Indonesia: Insights and Implications from an Indonesian Governance Program Downloads
Maliki Achmad, Graham Teskey, Anna Winoto and Michael Woolcock
424: A Survey of Importers: Results of a Survey Conducted in Collaboration with the Ethiopian Economics Association Downloads
Ricardo Hausmann, Tim O'Brien, Timothy Cheston, Nikita Taniparti, Ibrahim Worku Hassen, Can Soylu, Lucas Lamby and Pablo Neumeyer
423: Development in a Complex World: The Case of Ethiopia Downloads
Ricardo Hausmann, Tim O'Brien, Timothy Cheston, Ibrahim Worku Hassen, Can Soylu, Kishan Shah, Nikita Taniparti, Pankhuri Prasad and Pablo Neumeyer
422: Economic Costs of Friend-shoring Downloads
Beata Javorcik, Lucas Kitzmueller, Helena Schweiger and Muhammed A. Yildirim
421: An Integrated Epidemiological and Economic Model of Covid-19 NPIs in Argentina Downloads
Adolfo Rubinstein, Eduardo Levy Yeyati, Alejandro López Osornio, Federico Filippini, Adrian Santoro, Cintia Cejas, Ariel Bardach, Alfredo Palacios, Fernando Argento, Jamile Balivian, Federico Augustovski and Andrés Pichón Riviere
420: Yet it Endures: The Persistence of Original Sin Downloads
Barry Eichengreen, Ricardo Hausmann and Ugo Panizza
419: Leaning-against-the-wind Intervention and the “carry-trade” View of the Cost of Reserves Downloads
Eduardo Levy Yeyati and Juan Francisco Gómez
418: Public policy actors view success differently, and it matters Downloads
Matt Andrews
417: On the Design of Effective Sanctions: The Case of Bans on Exports to Russia Downloads
Ricardo Hausmann, Ulrich Schetter and Muhammed A. Yildirim
416: A Simple Theory of Economic Development at the Extensive Industry Margin Downloads
Dario Diodato, Ricardo Hausmann and Ulrich Schetter
415: What is public policy success, especially in development? Downloads
Matt Andrews
414: Global Supply Chain Pressures, International Trade, and Inflation Downloads
Julian di Giovanni, Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan, Álvaro Silva and Muhammed A. Yildirim
413: This is How to Think About and Achieve Public Policy Success Downloads
Matt Andrews
412: Cutting Putin’s Energy Rent: 'Smart Sanctioning' Russian Oil and Gas Downloads
Ricardo Hausmann, Agata Łoskot-Strachota, Axel Ockenfels, Ulrich Schetter, Simone Tagliapietra, Guntram Wolff and Georg Zachmann
411: What Will It Take for Jordan to Grow? Downloads
Tim O'Brien, Thảo-Nguyên Bùi, Ermal Frasheri, Fernando Garcia, Eric S. M. Protzer, Ricardo Villasmil and Ricardo Hausmann
410: The Economic Complexity of Namibia: A Roadmap for Productive Diversification Downloads
Ricardo Hausmann, Miguel Santos, Douglas Barrios, Nikita Taniparti, Jorge Tudela Pye and Jessie Lu
409: Managing for Motivation as Public Performance Improvement Strategy in Education & Far Beyond Downloads
Dan Honig
408: Building Mass Support for Global Pandemic Recovery Efforts in the United States Downloads
Gautam Nair and Kyle Peyton
407: Informality, Consumption Taxes and Redistribution Downloads
Anders Jensen, Pierre Bachas and Lucie Gadenne
406: Getting Real about Unknowns in Complex Policy Work Downloads
Matt Andrews
405: A Growth Diagnostic of Namibia Downloads
Douglas Barrios, Frank Muci, Jessie Lu, Jorge Tudela Pye, Miguel Santos, Nikita Taniparti and Ricardo Hausmann
404: Macroeconomic risks after a decade of microeconomic turbulence: South Africa 2007-2020 Downloads
Douglas Barrios, Federico Sturzenegger, Frank Muci, Patricio Goldstein and Ricardo Hausmann
403: Can Africa Compete in World Soccer? Downloads
Matt Andrews
402: Successful Failure in Public Policy Work Downloads
Matt Andrews
401: New Avenues for Colombia’s Internationalization: Trade in Tasks Downloads
Ricardo Hausmann and Sebastian Bustos
400: A Generation of Italian Economists Downloads
Martina Viarengo, Ugo Panizza and Enrico Nano
399: Let’s Take the Con Out of Randomized Control Trials in Development: The Puzzles and Paradoxes of External Validity, Empirically Illustrated Downloads
Lant Pritchett
398: National Development Delivers: And How! And How? Downloads
Lant Pritchett
397: The Role of the Diaspora in the Internationalization of the Colombian Economy Downloads
Ljubica Nedelkoska, Andre Assumpcao, Ana Grisanti, Matte Hartog, Julian Hinz, Jessie Lu, Daniela Muhaj, Eric S. M. Protzer, Annalee Saxenian and Ricardo Hausmann
395: Western Australia – Research Findings and Policy Recommendations Downloads
Ana Grisanti, Douglas Barrios, Eric S. M. Protzer, Jorge Tapia, Nikita Taniparti, Ricardo Hausmann, Rushabh Sanghvi, Semiray Kasoolu and Tim O'Brien
394: Economic Complexity Report for Western Australia Downloads
Ana Grisanti, Eric S. M. Protzer, Jorge Tapia and Ricardo Hausmann
393: Growth Perspective on Western Australia Downloads
Ana Grisanti, Douglas Barrios, Eric S. M. Protzer, Jorge Tapia, Ricardo Hausmann, Semiray Kasoolu, Tim O'Brien, Rushabh Sanghvi and Nikita Taniparti
Page updated 2025-01-21
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