Past Working Papers
From Universidad del Desarrollo, School of Business and Economics
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- 32: The impacts of privatization on distributional equity: the chilean case, 1985-9
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 31: Visión del Gobierno sobre el Estado-empresario
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 30: Public policies and national dvelopment
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 29: Efectos de un programa de privatizaciones: el caso de Chile (1985-1989)
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 28: Alternativas de políticas públicas
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 27: Endeudamiento interno: orígenes, soluciones y perspectivas
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 26: Reflexiones en torno al estado empresario en Chile
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 25: Chile´s struggle against populism: a success story
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 24: Chile: libertad económica 1860-2007
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 23: La lucha contra el populismo: el caso de Chile
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 22: La enseñanza de economía y administración en las instituciones de educación superior
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau and María de la Luz Domper
- 21: Una reflexión sobre la reforma previsional
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 20: Políticas públicas para el desarrollo
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 19: Concesiones: Agenda para el 2020. Prólogo
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 18: Determinants of the Risk Attitude in Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Latin America
- Jean Sepulveda and Claudio Bonilla
- 17: Ideas para una educación de calidad
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 16: Reputation and Political Legitimacy: IT T in Chile, 1927-1972
- Marcelo Bucheli and Erica Salvaj Carrera
- 15: Adaptation Strategies of Multinational Corporations, State-Owned Enterprises, and Domestic Business Groups to Economic and Political Transitions: A Network Analysis of the Chilean Telecommunications Sector, 1958- 2005
- Marcelo Bucheli and Erica Salvaj Carrera
- 14: Interlocked, Business Groups and the State in Chile (1970-2010)
- Erica Salvaj Carrera and Juan Pablo Couyoumdjian
- 13: Determining the Feasibility of Establishing New Multiple Use Marine Protected Areas in Chile
- Felipe Vásquez Lavín, Jeanne Simon and Ximena Paz-Lerdon
- 12: Using Stated Preference Methods to Design Cost-Effective Subsidy Programs to Induce Technology Adoption. An Application to a Stove Program in Southern Chile
- Felipe Vásquez Lavín, Walter Gómez, Hugo Salgado and Carlos Chavez
- 11: Desigualdad e inequidad en la utilización de servicios médicos por grupos etarios en Chile, 2000-2011
- Felipe Vásquez Lavín, Alejandra Chovar and Guillermo Paraje
- 10: La Huella de Miguel Kast 30 años después
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 09: From Chavismo to a democratic left in Venezuela
- Antonio Lecuna
- 08: High income inequality as a structural factor in entrepreneurial activity
- Antonio Lecuna
- 07: Entrepreneurship and Growth: A Latin American Paradox?
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau and Juan Pablo Couyoumdjian
- 06: Fomento a la innovación tecnológica: El caso chileno
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau
- 05: Credit rationing or entrepreneurial risk aversion? A comment
- Marcos Vergara and Claudio Bonilla
- 04: Emprendimiento: Factor clave para la nueva etapa de Chile
- Cristian Larroulet Vignau and Macarena Ramírez
- 03: The attitude toward the risk of entrepreneurial activity: Evidence from Chile
- Jean Sepulveda and Claudio Bonilla
- 02: Regulations and Entrepreneurship: Evidence from Developed and Developing Countries
- Claudia Alvarez, José Amorós and David Urbano
- 01: How Do Fund Managers Invest: Self Strategy of Herding in Private Pension Funds?
- Jose Olivares and Jean Sepulveda