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Working Papers

From Duke University, Department of Economics
Department of Economics Duke University 213 Social Sciences Building Box 90097 Durham, NC 27708-0097.

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13-30: Time-Varying Systemic Risk: Evidence from a Dynamic Copula Model of CDS Spreads Downloads
Dong Hwan Oh and Andrew Patton
13-29: Daily House Price Indexes: Construction, Modeling, and Longer-Run Predictions Downloads
Tim Bollerslev, Andrew Patton and Wang Wenjing
13-28: Dynamic Copula Models and High Frequency Data Downloads
Irving Arturo De Lira Salvatierra and Andrew Patton
13-27: Asymptotic Inference about Predictive Accuracy Using High Frequency Data Downloads
Jia Li and Andrew Patton
13-27: The Impact of Hedge Funds on Asset Markets Downloads
Matthias Kruttli, Andrew Patton and Tarun Ramadorai
13-25: Lawyers: Gatekeepers of the Sovereign Debt Market? Downloads
Michael Bradley, Irving Arturo De Lira Salvatierra and G. Mitu Gulati
13-24: Endogenous Insurance and Informal Relationships Downloads
Xiao Yu Wang
13-23: A Note on Moral Hazard and Linear Compensation Schemes Downloads
Xiao Yu Wang
13-22: Interdependent Utility and Truthtelling in Two-Sided Matching Downloads
Xiao Yu Wang
13-21: How Individual Preferences Get Aggregated in Groups - an Experimental Study Downloads
Attila Ambrus, Ben Greiner and Parag Pathak
13-20: Globalization and Inflation: Structural Evidence from a Time Varying VAR Approach Downloads
Francesco Bianchi and Andrea Civelli
13-19: Escaping the Great Recession Downloads
Francesco Bianchi and Leonardo Melosi
13-18: Supplement to “Foundations for Cooperation in the Prisoners’ Dilemma” Downloads
Brendan Daley and Philipp Sadowski
13-17: Foundations for Cooperation in the Prisoners’ Dilemma Downloads
Brendan Daley and Philipp Sadowski
13-16: On Uniform Inference in Nonlinear Models with Endogeneity Downloads
Shakeeb Khan and Denis Nekipelov
13-15: Enhanced Versus Traditional Indexation for International Mutual Funds: Evaluating DFA, WisdomTree and RAFI Powershares Downloads
Edward Tower and Heehyun Lim
13-14: Modeling the Evolution of Expectations and Uncertainty in General Equilibrium Downloads
Francesco Bianchi and Leonardo Melosi
13-13: Constrained Discretion and Central Bank Transparency Downloads
Francesco Bianchi and Leonardo Melosi
13-12: Dormant Shocks and Fiscal Virtue Downloads
Francesco Bianchi and Leonardo Melosi
13-11: Endogenous Growth and Property Rights over Renewable Resources Downloads
Nujin Suphaphiphat, Pietro Peretto and Simone Valente
13-10: From Smith to Schumpeter: A Theory of Take-Off and Convergence to Sustained Growth Downloads
Pietro Peretto
13-9: Growth on a Finite Planet: Resources, Technology, and Population in the Long Run Downloads
Pietro Peretto and Simone Valente
13-8: The Role of Age in Jury Selection and Trial Outcomes Downloads
Shamena Anwar, Patrick Bayer and Randi Hjalmarsson
13-7: The Vulnerability of Minority Homeowners in the Housing Boom and Bust Downloads
Patrick Bayer, Fernando Ferreira and Stephen Ross
13-1: Exchange Rate Determination, Risk Sharing and the Asset Market View Downloads
Craig Burnside and Jeremy J. Graveline
12-21: Terms of Endearment: An Equilibrium Model of Sex and Matching Downloads
Peter Arcidiacono, Andrew Beauchamp and Marjorie McElroy
12-20: Dynamic Price Competition with Capacity Constraints and a Strategic Buyer Downloads
James Anton, Gary Biglaiser and Nikolaos Vettas
12-19: Paying for Performance When Health Care Production is Multi-Dimensional: The Impact of Rwanda's National Program on Rewarded Services, Multitasking and Health Outcome Downloads
Tisamarie B. Sherry, Sebastian Bauhoff and Manoj Mohanan
12-18: Delay as Agenda Setting Downloads
James Anton and Dennis Yao
12-17: A Theory of Subjective Learning Downloads
David Dillenberger, Juan Sebastian Lleras, Philipp Sadowski and Norio Takeoka
12-16: Dynamic Preference for Flexibility Downloads
R. Vijay Krishna and Philipp Sadowski
12-15: Generalized Partition and Subjective Filtration Downloads
David Dillenberger and Philipp Sadowski
12-14: Shale Gas Development and Property Values: Differences Across Drinking Water Sources Downloads
Lucija Muehlenbachs, Elisheba Spiller and Christopher Timmins
12-13: Commitment-Flexibility Trade-Off and Withdrawal Penalties Downloads
Attila Ambrus and Georgy Egorov
12-12: Gradual Bidding in eBay-Like Auctions Downloads
Attila Ambrus, James Burns and Yuhta Ishii
12-11: Rationalizing Choice with Multi-Self Models Downloads
Attila Ambrus and Kareen Rozen
12-10: Price Discrimination in the Housing Market Downloads
Patrick Bayer, Marcus Casey, Fernando Ferreira and Robert McMillan
12-09: The Dynamic Effects of Educational Accountability Downloads
Hugh Macartney
12-08: A Fair and Impartial Jury? The Role of Age in Jury Selection and Trial Outcomes Downloads
Shamena Anwar, Patrick Bayer and Randi Hjalmarsson
12-07: Approximating High-Dimensional Dynamic Models: Sieve Value Function Iteration Downloads
Peter Arcidiacono, Patrick Bayer, Federico Bugni and Jon James
12-06: Ambiguous Business Cycles Downloads
Cosmin Ilut and Martin Schneider
12-05: Testing an Informational Theory of Legislation: Evidence from the U.S. House of Representatives: Supplementary Appendix Downloads
Attila Ambrus, Laszlo Sandor and Hye Young You
12-04: Regime Switches, Agents’ Beliefs, and Post-World War II U.S. Macroeconomic Dynamics Downloads
Francesco Bianchi
12-02: Tobin’S Q Versus Cape Versus Caper: Predicting Stock Market Returns Using Fundamentals and Momentum Downloads
Edward Tower
12-01: Bayesian Estimation of a Dynamic Game with Endogenous, Partially Observed, Serially Correlated State Downloads
A. Gallant, Han Hong and Ahmed Khwaja
11-26: (Un)Informed Charitable Giving Downloads
Silvana Krasteva and Huseyin Yildirim
11-25: Appendix for Pirates of the Mediterranean: An Empirical Investigation of Bargaining with Transaction Costs Downloads
Attila Ambrus, Eric Chaney and Igor Salitskiy
11-24: Pirates of the Mediterranean: An Empirical Investigation of Bargaining with Transaction Costs Downloads
Attila Ambrus, Eric Chaney and Igor Salitskiy
11-23: Volatility Activity: Specification and Estimation Downloads
Viktor Todorov, George Tauchen and Iaryna Grynkiv
11-22: Levy Process Models for High Frequency Financial Data Downloads
George Tauchen
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