Royal Economic Society Annual Conference 2002
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- 182: Globalization, Fragmentation and Intra-Firm trade
- Habib Zitouna
- 181: Chi-squared tests of interval and density forecasts, and the Bank of England's fan charts
- Kenneth Wallis
- 180: Propensity Score Estimates of the Effect of Fertility on Marital Dissolution
- Daniela Vuri
- 179: Monetary Transmission in Germany: New Perspectives on Financial Constraints and Investment Spending
- Ulf von Kalckreuth
- 178: The complementarity of RJVs and R&D subsidies when absorptive capacity matters
- Georg von Graevenitz
- 177: Structural Estimation with a Randomized Trial of a Principal Agent Model of Medical Insurance with Moral Hazard
- Marcos Vera-Hernandez
- 176: Market entry and roll-out with product differentiation
- Dionisia Tzavara, Paul Levine and Neil Rickman
- 175: Performance Persistence of Pension Fund Managers
- Ian Tonks
- 174: Autoregressive hidden Markov switching\\models of count data
- Nick Taylor
- 173: Competitive Balance and Income Redistribution in Team Sports
- Stefan Szymanski
- 172: Preferences for inequality: East vs. West
- Marc Suhrcke
- 171: Testing for Cointegration Rank Using Bayes Factors
- Katsuhiro Sugita
- 170: The Role of Human Capital and Population Growth in R&D-Based Models of Economic Growth
- Holger Strulik
- 169: The Impact of the Introduction of the UK Minimum Wage on the Employment Probabilities of Low Wage Workers
- Mark Stewart
- 168: A Theory of Self-Segregation as a Response to Relative Deprivation
- Oded Stark and You Qiang Wang
- 167: The Observational Equivalence of Taylor Rule and Taylor-type Rules
- Naveen Srinivasan, A. Patrick Minford and Francesco Perugini
- 166: Employment Effects of Progressive Taxation in a Unionised Economy
- Daniela Sonedda
- 165: A Panel Data Approach to testing Anomaly Effects in Factor Pricing Models
- Laura Serlenga, Yongcheol Shin and Andy Snell
- 164: Short-term Volatility versus Long-term Growth: Evidence in US Macroeconomic Time Series
- Marianne Sensier and Dick van Dijk
- 163: Tax Morale, Leviathan and the Political Process: A Theoretical Approach
- Jan Schnellenbach
- 162: Risk Aversion in Cumulative Prospect Theory
- Ulrich Schmidt and Horst Zank
- 161: An Axiomatization of Linear Cumulative Prospect Theory with Applications to Portfolio Selection and Insurance Demand
- Ulrich Schmidt and Horst Zank
- 160: Modelling and Forecasting Stock Returns: Exploiting the Futures Market, Regime Shifts and International Spillovers
- Lucio Sarno and Giorgio Valente
- 159: Transparency, Liquidity and Price Formation
- Barbara Rindi
- 158: Flexibility in the Small Firm: the dynamics of market re-positioning and scale adjustment in the early stages of the life cycle
- Gavin Reid
- 157: Why Run a Million Regressions? Endogenous Policy and Cross-Country Growth Empirics
- Günther Rehme
- 156: The Road to Ruin? Sequences of initiation to drug use and offending by young people in Britain
- Stephen Pudney
- 155: 'Quarbs' and Efficiency in Spread Betting Markets: can you beat the book?
- David Paton and Leighton Vaughan Williams
- 154: Incentives to (irreversible) investments under different regulatory regimes
- Paolo Panteghini and Carlo Scarpa
- 153: A Fairytale Ending Or The Same Old Story? The New Economy and Economic Growth in the United States
- Nigel Pain
- 152: The Within-household Schooling Decision: A Study of Children in Rural Andhra Pradesh
- Masako Ota and Peter Moffatt
- 151: Evaluating the Impact of a National Minimum Wage: Evidence from a New Survey of Firms
- Brian Nolan and Donal O'Neill
- 150: The Determinants of Urban Households' Transport Decisions: A Microeconometric Study using Irish Data
- Anne Nolan
- 149: Stock options and managerial incentives to invest
- Tom Nohel and Steven Todd
- 148: Asymmetric Information in Credit Markets and Monetary Policy
- Ulrike Neyer
- 147: Estimating Urban Road Congestion Costs
- David M Newbery and Georgina Santos
- 146: The Breakdown of Credit Relations under Conditions of a Banking Crisis. A Switching Regime Approach
- SÚnia MuÒoz
- 145: Weakening the Strong Convexity of Preferences
- Christophe Muller
- 144: Knowledge spillover, licensing and patent protection
- Arijit Mukherjee
- 143: Regulating local Public Utilities by Profit-Sharing
- Michele Moretto and Paola Valbonesi
- 142: Technological Progress and the Distribution of Productivities across Sectors
- Maria Morales
- 141: Procompetitive Trade Policies
- Jose Moraga-Gonzalez and Jean-Marie Viaene
- 140: ìNew" Views on the Optimum Currency Area Theory: What is EMU Telling US?
- Francesco Mongelli
- 139: Does Seasonality Change over the Business Cycle? An Investigation using Monthly Industrial Production Series
- Antoni Matas-Mir and Denise Osborn
- 138: New Keynesian Microfoundations Revisited: A Generalised Calvo-Taylor Model and the Desirability of Inflation vs. Price Level Targeting
- Richard Mash
- 137: Modelling Monetary Policy: Inflation Targeting in Practice
- Christopher Martin and Costas Milas
- 136: One-Way Compatibility, Two-Way Compatibility and Entry in Network Industries
- Fabio Manenti and Ernesto Somma
- 135: Which Type of Central Bank Smooths the Political Business Cycle?
- John Maloney, Andrew Pickering and Kaddour Hadri
- 134: Inflation Targets as a Stabilisation Device
- Lavan Mahadeva and Gabriel Sterne
- 133: The Dynamics of Income Shares and the Wage Curve-Phillips Curve Controversy
- Jakob Madsen