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Econometric Society 2004 North American Summer Meetings

From Econometric Society
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663: Competition and Consumer Confusion Downloads
David Laibson and Xavier Gabaix
662: The Ordinal Egalitarian Solution for Finite Choice Sets
Simon Wilkie and John Conley
661: Dilemmas of an Economic Theorist
Ariel Rubinstein
660: Competing in Capabilities
John Sutton
659: Virtual utility and the core for games with incomplete information Downloads
Roger Myerson
658: Attack Politics
Ignacio Palacios-Huerta and Brian Knight
657: Belief Formation in Social Networks: a Large Field Experiment
Tanya Rosenblat and Markus Mobius
655: An Experimental Study of Information in Bargaining
Muriel Niederle, Guillaume Frechette and Uri Gneezy
654: Group Play in Games and the Role of Consent in Network Formation
Matthew Jackson and Gary Charness
653: Bargaining and Network Structure: An Experiment
Gary Charness and Margarida Corominas-Bosch & Guillaume R. Frechette
652: Do Women shy away from Competition?
Lise Vesterlund and Muriel Niederle
651: Are the Disabled Discriminated Against in Product Markets? Evidence from Sportscards to Sportscars
John List and Uri Gneezy
650: Selection Effects on Trust and Trustworthiness
Robert Slonim
647: Public Debt, Fiscal Solvency, and Macroeconomic Uncertainty in Emerging Markets: The Tale of the Tormented Insurer
P. Marcelo Oviedo and Enrique Mendoza
646: Do Tests of Capital Structure Theory Mean What They Say? Downloads
Ilya Strebulaev
644: Monetary Rules for Emerging Market Economies
Alessandro Rebucci
643: Optimal Monetary Policy under Asset Market Segmentation Downloads
Rajesh Singh, Amartya Lahiri and Carlos Vegh
642: Workers, Warriors and Criminals: Social Conflict in General Equilibrium
Pedro Dal Bã³ and Ernesto Dal Bã³
633: Liquidity, Default and Crashes: Endogenous Contracts in General Equilibrium Downloads
John Geanakoplos
632: Two New Proofs of Afriat's Theorem Downloads
Michael Todd, Ana Fostel and Herbert Scarf
628: Punitive Damage Awards, Frivolous Lawsuits and Firm’s Level of Care
Maxim Nikitin and Claudia M.Landeo
627: Optimal Taylor Rules in an Estimated Model of a Small Open Economy Downloads
Nooman Rebei, Steven Ambler and Ali Dib
626: learning optimal monetary policies
Federico Ravenna and Richard Dennis
625: Growing Strategy Sets in Repeated Games Downloads
Daijiro Okada and Abraham Neyman
619: Pricing Psychology: Evidence from a Randomized Field Experiment in a Consumer Credit Market
Marianne Bertrand and Dean Karlan
618: Neckties in the Tropics: a Model of International Trade and Cultural Diversity Downloads
James Rauch and Vitor Trindade
615: Optimal search auctions Downloads
Charles Zheng, Jacques Crémer and Yossef Spiegel
614: Pareto Improving Taxation in Incomplete Markets Downloads
Sergio Turner
613: Individually Rational, Balanced-Budget Bayesian Mechanisms and the Informed Principal Problem
Grigory Kosenokand Sergei Severinov
612: A Model of Gossip
Wei Li
611: Understanding preferences for income redistribution Downloads
Chih Ming Tan and Louise Keely
610: Convergence of Nonlinear Pricing Mechanisms to Optimal Auction Mechanisms with Applications to Optimal Auctions for Heterogeneous Objects Downloads
Eiichiro Kazumori
609: Optimal auctions with ambiguity Downloads
Andreas Pape, Subir Bose and Emre Ozdenoren
608: Interpreting Permanent and Transitory Shocks to Output When Aggregate Demand May Not Be Neutral in the Long-run Downloads
John Keating
607: The GATT and Gradualism Downloads
Benjamin Zissimos and Ben Lockwood
605: Efficient Semiparametric Estimation of Quantile Treatment Effects Downloads
Sergio Firpo
604: Does Consumption Respond More to Housing Wealth Than to Financial Market Wealth?
N Kishor
602: Instrumental Variable Estimation of Nonlinear Errors-in-Variables Models Downloads
Susanne Schennach
601: Biases in Macroeconomic Forecasts: Irrationality or Asymmetric Loss? Downloads
Allan Timmermann, Graham Elliott and Ivana Komunjer
600: Non-Markovian Regime Switching with Endogenous States and Time-Varying State Strengths Downloads
Chib and Michael Dueker
597: Nonlinearity, Nonstationarity, and Thick Tails: How They Interact to Generate Persistency in Memory
Joon Park and J. Miller
594: Identification and Estimation of Triangular Simultaneous Equations Models without Additivity Downloads
Whitney Newey and Guido Imbens
593: WWII and Long Run Convergence in the OECD Downloads
Peter Robertson and John Landon-Lane
589: Who Bears the Cost of a Change in the Exchange Rate? Downloads
Rebecca Hellerstein
587: Split-Award Tort Reform and Settlement Outcomes: An Experimental Investigation
Maxim Nikitin, Linda Babcock and Claudia Landeo
586: Merger Incentives and Inverse Matrices from Bertrand Competition Downloads
Eric Howe and Jingang Zhao
585: Promotions, State Dependence and Intrafirm Job Mobility: Evidence From Personnel Records Downloads
Pablo Acosta
581: Coalition-Stable Equilibria in Repeated Games Downloads
Anthony Chung
579: High-Frequency Principal Components and Evolution of Liquidity in a Limit Order Market Downloads
Konstantin Tyurin
578: A Theory of Risk Aversion without the Independence Axiom Downloads
Hengjie Ai
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