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Working Papers of the Vienna Institute for European integration research (EIF)

From Institute for European integration research (EIF)
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2018: The Increasing Institutional Power of the European Parliament and EU Policy Making Downloads
Patrick Mueller and Noé Cornago
2017: The Increasing Institutional Power of the European Parliament and EU Policy Making Downloads
Adrienne Héritier
2016: The EU’s Green Dynamism, Decision-making Strategies and the Alignment of Legislative Actors Downloads
Henning Deters
2016: Albaniens Weg in die Europäische Union. Zwischen Konditionalität und partikularen Interessen Downloads
Arlind Dinollari
2016: New EMU governance: Not (yet) ready for social investment? Downloads
Anton Hemerijck
2015: Ein neues Werkzeug: Die Europäische Bürgerinitiative am Fallbeispiel von „right2water“ Downloads
Jakob Anton Luger
2015: Die Wiederaufnahme von Grenzkontrollen - Schengen als Opfer für "die nationale Sicherheit"? Downloads
Stefanie Rieder
2015: Österreich und die EU-Erweiterung am westlichen Balkan: Nationale Präferenzbildung und EU-Verhandlungsstrategien Downloads
Jun Saito
2015: Austria: stable society and crisis-exposed banks Downloads
Zdenek Kudrna
2014: A European Fundamental Rights Ornament that turns into a European Fundamental Rights Order: The EU Charter of Fundamental Rights at its fifth birthday Downloads
Gabriel N. Toggenburg
2014: The future of the Euro: agreements to disagree and prospective scenarios from the 2014 Vienna debate Downloads
Zdenek Kudrna
2014: European Disintegration – non-existing Phenomenon or a Blind Spot of European Integration Research? Preliminary Thoughts for a Research Agenda Downloads
Henrik Scheller and Annegret Eppler
2014: Synopsis of EIF project “EU Policies in a Global Perspective†Downloads
Gerda Falkner and Patrick Müller
2013: „Entwicklung im Konflikt – (un)möglich? Das EU-Friedenslabor im Magdalena Medio, Kolumbien“ Downloads
Michael Doschek
2012: Mittelbare Europapolitik im Bundesland Kärnten Downloads
Christoph Gräfling
2011: Partnership in implementation of the Structural Funds in Poland: 'shallow' adjustment or internalization of the European mode of cooperative governance? Downloads
Marcin Dabrowski
2011: Justice and Home Affairs in a Globalised World: Ambitions and Reality in the tale of the EU-US SWIFT Agreement Downloads
Marise Cremona
2011: Interlinking neofunctionalism and intergovernmentalism: Sidelining governments and manipulating policy preferences as "passerelles" Downloads
Gerda Falkner
2011: Europe at a Historical Crossroads: Grand Strategy or Resignation? Downloads
Jolyon Howorth
2011: Move Closer! New Modes of Governance and Accession to the European Union Downloads
Tanja A. Börzel
2010: Connecting the Dots: Case Studies and EU Implementation Research Downloads
Dimiter Toshkov, Moritz Knoll and Lisa Wewerka
2010: Ministerial Transposition of EU Directives: Can Oversight Improve Performance? Downloads
Radoslaw Zubek and Katarina Staronova
2010: Cross-border resolution of failed banks in the EU: A search for the second-best policies Downloads
Zdenek Kudrna
2010: The Evolution of the Common Fisheries Policy: Governance of a Common-Pool Resource in the Context of European Integration Downloads
Lukas Schweiger
2010: Compliance with EU Social Policies in Old and New Member States: Different Worlds, Different Remedies Downloads
Gerda Falkner
2010: The European Union in search of political identity and legitimacy: Is more Politics the Answer? Downloads
Vivien A. Schmidt
2010: Zum Verhältnis von Markt- und Gemeinwohlorientierung: Die Auswirkungen der EU-Liberalisierungsinitiativen auf die Sektoren Elektrizität und Eisenbahn in Österreich Downloads
Michael Joos
2010: Nichtregierungsorganisationen, die offene Methode der Koordinierung und die Suche nach dem deliberativen Moment: Lost in translation? Downloads
Alexandra Lamprecht
2010: Die Gretchenfrage an die Mitgliedstaaten: „Sag, wie hast Du’s mit der Integration?“ Downloads
Heinrich Schneider
2010: Taking stock: a review of quantitative studies of transposition and implementation of EU law Downloads
Dimiter Toshkov
2009: Applying the Concept of Europeanization to the Study of Foreign Policy: Dimensions and Mechanisms Downloads
Patrick Müller and Nicole Alecu de Flers
2009: The EU Financial Market Policy: Evolution, Innovation and Research Outlook Downloads
Zdenek Kudrna
2009: European Integration and the Welfare State(s) in Europe Downloads
Gerda Falkner
2009: Ideas, interests or institutions? The drivers of recent reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) Downloads
Sandra Kröger
2009: Post-accession compliance with EU law in Bulgaria and Romania: a comparative perspective Downloads
Florian Trauner
2008: EU Policies in the Lisbon Treaty: A Comparative Analysis Downloads
Gerda Falkner (ed.)
2008: Fine-tuning the Jurisprudence: The ECJ's Judicial Activism and Self-restraint Downloads
Andreas J. Obermaier
2008: Demokratisches Regieren durch gerichtliche Rechtsdurchsetzung: Bedingungen im Kontext der Europäischen Union Downloads
Reinhard Slepcevic
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