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Working Papers of LICOS - Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance

From KU Leuven, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), LICOS - Centre for Institutions and Economic Performance
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719293: Miracle seeds: Biased expectations, complementary input use, and the dynamics of smallholder technology adoption Downloads
Caroline Miehe, Bjorn Van Campenhout, Leocardia Nabwire, Robert Sparrow and David Spielman
683140: Gendered perceptions in maize supply chains: Evidence from Uganda Downloads
Bjorn Van Campenhout and Anusha De
675652: Globalization and political economy of food policies: insights from planting restrictions in colonial wine markets Downloads
Giulia Meloni and Johan Swinnen
674093: Market power and the volatility of markups in the food value chain: the role of Italian cooperatives Downloads
Hyejin Lee, Johan Swinnen and Patrick Van Cayseele
671347: When distance drives destination, towns can stimulate development Downloads
Joachim De Weerdt, Luc Christiaensen and Ravi Kanbur
671298: Trade, value chain technology and prices: evidence from dairy in East Africa Downloads
Liz Ignowski, Bart Minten, Johan Swinnen, Bjorn Van Campenhout and Senne Vandevelde
655016: Measuring macro- and micronutrient intake in multi-purpose surveys: evidence from a survey experiment in Tanzania Downloads
Hannah Ameye, Joachim De Weerdt and John Gibson
653201: Breaking down silos - on post-harvest loss interventions in Tanzania Downloads
Joachim Vandercasteelen and Luc Christiaensen
649089: What can we learn from experimenting with survey methods? Downloads
Joachim De Weerdt, John Gibson and Kathleen Beegle
649086: The water of life and death: a brief economic history of spirits Downloads
Lara Cockx, Giulia Meloni and Johan Swinnen
649037: Domestic versus export-led agricultural transformation: evidence from Uganda's dairy value chain Downloads
Bjorn Van Campenhout, Bart Minten and Johan Swinnen
649035: Obesity, income and gender: the changing global relationship Downloads
Hannah Ameye and Johan Swinnen
649031: Value chain development as public policy: conceptualization and evidence from the agri-food sector in Bangladesh Downloads
Rob Kuijpers
648954: On target? The incidence of sanctions across listed firms in Iran Downloads
Mirko Draca, Jason Garred, Leanne Stickland and Nele Warrinnier
648684: Moving towards a better future? Migration and children's healt and education Downloads
Lara Cockx and Elfriede Lecossois
638992: Culture and Food Security
Elena Briones Alonso, Lara Cockx and Johan Swinnen
634342: Technology Adoption and Value Chains in Developing Countries: Panel Evidence from Dairy in Punjab Downloads
Saule Burkitbayeva, Emma Janssen and Johan Swinnen
634340: Subsidies and Agricultural Productivity: CAP payments and labour productivity (convergence) in EU agriculture Downloads
Maria Garrone, Dorien Emmers, Alessandro Olper and Johan Swinnen
634338: The Value of Terroir. A historical analysis of the Bordeaux and Champagne geographical indications Downloads
Catherine Haeck, Giulia Meloni and Johan Swinnen
634335: Spoiler alert! Spillovers in the context of a video intervention to maintain seed quality among Ugandan potato farmers Downloads
Senne Vandevelde, Bjorn Van Campenhout and Wilberforce Walukano
633395: Decomposing the contribution of migration to poverty reduction: methodology and application to Tanzania Downloads
Luc Christiaensen, Joachim De Weerdt and Ravi Kanbur
633391: Jobs and agricultural policy: impact of the common agricultural policy on EU agricultural employment Downloads
Maria Garrone, Dorien Emmers, Alessandro Olper and Johan Swinnen
631300: From Quantity to Quality: Delivering a Home-based Parenting Intervention through China’s Family Planning Cadres Downloads
Sean Sylvia, Nele Warrinnier, Renfu Luo, Ai Yue, Orazio Attanasio, Alexis Medina and Scott Rozelle
626586: Mark-up volatility in Food Value Chains: Evidence from France and Italy Downloads
Maria Garrone and Johan Swinnen
619269: Migrants, towns, poverty and jobs: insights from Tanzania Downloads
Luc Christiaensen, Joachim De Weerdt, Bert Ingelaere and Ravi Kanbur
616908: Global alcohol markets: evolving consumption patterns, regulations and industrial organizations Downloads
Kym Anderson, Giulia Meloni and Johan Swinnen
615888: The role of Information in agricultural technology adoption: experimental evidence from rice farmers in Uganda Downloads
Bjorn Van Campenhout, Wilberforce Walukano, Fiona Nattembo, Lydia Nazziwa-Nviiri and Jaap Blom
615880: Stimulating agricultural technology adoption: lessons from fertilizer use among Ugandan Potato farmers Downloads
Lydia Nazziwa-Nviiri, Bjorn Van Campenhout and David Amwonya
615867: Impact pathways of a participatory local governance initiative in Uganda: a qualitative exploration Downloads
Bjorn Van Campenhout, Emmanuel Bizimungu, Jennifer Smart and Nassul Kabunga
613945: Mchango wa Miji Midogo Katika Kuleta Maendeleo na Kuondoa Umaskini Tanzania Downloads
Luc Christiaensen, Joachim De Weerdt and Ravi Kanbur
613143: Trade and terroir. The political economy of the world's first geographical indications Downloads
Giulia Meloni and Johan Swinnen
610582: An evaluative look behind the curtain: World Bank Group staff's early experience with the shared prosperity goal Downloads
Lodewijk Smets and Zeljko Bogetic
610562: Impact of phone reminders on survey response rates. Evidence from a web-based survey in an international organization Downloads
Lodewijk Smets
610139: The relationship between status and happiness: evidence from the caste system in rural India Downloads
Bert Van Landeghem and Anneleen Vandeplas
610137: Female political representation in the aftermath of ethnic voilence. A comparative analysis of Burundi and Rwanda Downloads
Andrea Guariso, Bert Ingelaere and Marijke Verpoorten
610123: Why secondary towns can be important for poverty reduction - a migrant's perspective Downloads
Luc Christiaensen, Joachim De Weerdt, Bert Ingelaere and Ravi Kanbur
607491: Unfair trading practices in the food supply chain: a literature review on methodologies, impacts and regulatory aspects Downloads
Jan Falkowski, Claude Menard, Richard J Sexton, Johan Swinnen and Senne Vandevelde
601760: Association of World Bank policy lending with social development policies and institutions Downloads
Zeljko Bogetic and Lodewijk Smets
600030: Putting your money where your mouth is: geographic targeting of World Bank projects to the bottom 40 percent Downloads
Hannes Öhler, Mario Negre, Lodewijk Smets, Renzo Massari and Zeljko Bogetic
599465: Subsidiarity and the division of power in the European Union: When do national parliaments send reasoned opinions? Downloads
Martijn Huysmans
591898: Culture and food security Downloads
Elena Briones Alonso, Lara Cockx and Johan Swinnen
587948: Effect of a micro entrepreneur-based community health delivery program on under-five mortality in Uganda: a cluster-randomized controlled trial Downloads
Martina Björkman Nyqvist, Andrea Guariso, Jakob Svensson and David Yanagizawa-Drott
587947: Where to create jobs to reduce poverty: cities or towns? Downloads
Luc Christiaensen, Joachim De Weerdt and Ravi Kanbur
587945: Secondary towns and poverty reduction in Tanzania Downloads
Luc Christiaensen, Joachim De Weerdt and Ravi Kanbur
587013: The transmission of health across 7 generations in China, 1789-1906 Downloads
Jean-François Maystadt and Giuseppe Migali
587006: In utero seasonal food insecurity and cognitive development: evidence from Ethiopia Downloads
Habtamu Beshir and Jean-François Maystadt
586976: Labour market and wage developments in Europe, annual review 2016 Downloads
Alfonso Arpaia, Pedro Cardoso, Emmanuel Joseph, Áron Kiss, Balázs Pálvölgyi, Fabiana Pierini, Anneleen Vandeplas and Kristine Van Herck
586433: Making exit costly but efficient: the political economy of exit clauses and secession Downloads
Martijn Huysmans and Christophe Crombez
584133: Paying more for less: why don't households in Tanzania take advantage of bulk discounts? Downloads
Brian Dillon, Joachim De Weerdt and Ted O'Donoghue
580500: Cities, towns, and poverty: migration equilibrium and income distribution in a todaro-type model with mulitiple destinations Downloads
Luc Christiaensen, Joachim De Weerdt and Ravi Kanbur
Page updated 2024-10-07
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