Discussion Paper Series RECAP15
From RECAP15, European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)
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- 31: The Specification of Rules of Differentiation in the NDCs to the Paris Agreement

- Ulrike Will
- 30: The economics and management of flood risk in Germany

- Volker Meyer and Reimund Schwarze
- 29: Simultaneous and Sequential Voting under General Decision Rules

- Friedel Bolle
- 28: Experimental investigations of coordination games: high success rates, invariant behavior, and surprising dynamics

- Jörg Spiller and Friedel Bolle
- 27: Die Einführung von marktbasierten Maßnahmen zur Emissionsbegrenzung im internationalen Flugverkehr unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Beschlüsse des ICAO

- Denise Trebes
- 26: The flip side of power

- Friedel Bolle and Philipp E. Otto
- 25: Linking von Emissionshandelssystemen: Die EU als Vorreiter für einen globalen CO2-Markt?

- Eva-Maria Mauer
- 24: Spatio-temporal statistical assessment of anthropogenic CO2 emissions from satellite data

- Patrick Vetter, Wolfgang Schmid and Reimund Schwarze
- 23: Carbon taxation and market financial instruments for mobilizing climate finance

- Oleksandr Sushchenko and Reimund Schwarze
- 22: Pareto improvements induced by climate funding in a strategic adaptation-mitigation framework

- Wolfgang Peters, Reimund Schwarze and Anna-Katharina Topp
- 21: Nudging as a new 'soft' tool in environmental policy. An analysis based on insights from cognitive and social psychology

- Gabriela Michalek, Georg Meran, Reimund Schwarze and Özgür Yildiz
- 20: The Extrajurisdictional Effects of Environmental Measures in the WTO Law Balancing Process

- Ulrike Will
- 19: RECAP15-Policy Brief 3: Gegenseitigkeit und Vertrauen als Erfolgsfaktoren der internationalen Klimapolitik / Reciprocity and Trust as Factors for Success in International Climate Policy

- Friedel Bolle, Wolfgang Buchholz, Wolfgang Peters, Reimund Schwarze, Aneta Ufert, Patrick Vetter and Özgür Yildiz
- 18: RECAP15-Policy Brief 2: Für einen wettbewerbsneutralen EU-Emissionshandel / EU Emissions Trading System without competitive disadvantages

- Daniel Becker, Clemens Heuson, Wolfgang Peters and Ulrike Will
- 17: RECAP15-Policy Brief 1: Strategische Kosten der Anpassung durch Klimafonds reduzieren / A three-tier system of climate funding to reduce the strategic cost of adaptation

- Wolfgang Peters, Reimund Schwarze and Anna-Katharina Topp
- 16: Equity as a Prerequisite for Stability of Cooperation on Global Public Good Provision

- Wolfgang Buchholz, Alexander Haupt and Wolfgang Peters
- 15: Spielräume für uni- und multilateralen Klimaschutz

- Wolfgang Buchholz, Wolfgang Peters and Aneta Ufert
- 14: Binary Threshold Public Goods

- Friedel Bolle
- 13: Revenue Equivalence of the Volunteer’s Dilemma and the Stag Hunt Game and Inferiority of Intermediate Thresholds

- Friedel Bolle
- 12: Carbon Leakage: Pollution, Trade or Politics?

- Gabriela Michalek and Reimund Schwarze
- 11: Investment and Adaptation as Commitment Devices in Climate Politics

- Clemens Heuson, Wolfgang Peters, Reimund Schwarze and Anna-Katharina Topp
- 10: Grenzausgleichsinstrumente bei unilateralen Klimaschutzmaßnahmen. Eine ökonomische und WTO-rechtliche Analyse

- Daniel Becker, Magdalena Brzeskot, Wolfgang Peters and Ulrike Will
- 9: Efficient Approximation of the Spatial Covariance Function for Large Datasets - Analysis of Atmospheric CO2 Concentrations

- Patrick Vetter, Wolfgang Schmid and Reimund Schwarze
- 8: Inter-Generational Thoughtfulness in a Dynamic Public Good Experiment

- Jörg Spiller and Friedel Bolle
- 7: The effect of feed-in tariffs on the production cost and the landscape externalities of wind power generation in West Saxony, Germany

- Martin Drechsler, Jürgen Meyerhoff and Cornelia Ohl
- 6: Environmental Policy and the Energy Eficiency of Vertically Differentiated Consumer Products

- Magdalena Brzeskot and Alexander Haupt
- 5: Potentially Harmful International Cooperation on Global Public Good Provision

- Wolfgang Buchholz, Richard Cornes and Dirk Rübbelke
- 4: Which mode of funding developing countries’ climate policies under the post-Kyoto framework?

- Clemens Heuson, Wolfgang Peters, Reimund Schwarze and Anna-Katharina Topp
- 3: Evaluation Mechanisms for Climate Finance

- Olga Kovalchuk
- 2: International Environmental Agreements, Fiscal Federalism, and Constitutional Design

- Wolfgang Buchholz, Alexander Haupt and Wolfgang Peters
- 1: Ökonomische Blickwinkel auf Gerechtigkeitsfragen am Beispiel des globalen Klimaschutzes

- Wolfgang Buchholz, Cornelia Ohl and Aneta Ufert