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FAME Research Paper Series

Continued by Swiss Finance Institute Research Paper Series.

From International Center for Financial Asset Management and Engineering
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rp163: False Discoveries in Mutual Fund Performance: Measuring Luck in Estimated Alphas Downloads
Laurent Barras, Olivier Scaillet and Russell Wermers
rp162: Repurchasing Shares on a Second Trading Line Downloads
Dusan Isakov, Dennis Y. Chung and Christophe Perignon
rp161: Distribution Risk and Equity Returns Downloads
Jean-Pierre Danthine, John B. Donaldson and Paolo Siconolfi
rp160: House Price Changes and Idiosyncratic Risk: The Impact of Property Characteristics Downloads
Steven Bourassa, Donald Haurin, Jessica L. Haurin, Martin Hoesli and Jian Sun
rp159: A latent factor model for ordinal data to measure multivariate predictive ability of financial market movements Downloads
Philippe Huber, Olivier Scaillet and Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser
rp158: R2 Around the World: New Theory and New Tests Downloads
Li Jin and Stewart C. Myers
rp157: Negotiating over Banking Secrecy: The Case of Switzerland and the European Union Downloads
Alexandre Ziegler, François-Xavier Delaloye and Michel Habib
rp156: Rational Inattention: A Solution to the Forward Discount Puzzle Downloads
Philippe Bacchetta and Eric van Wincoop
rp155: Can Information Heterogeneity Explain the Exchange Rate Determination? Downloads
Philippe Bacchetta and Eric van Wincoop
rp154: Testing for Stochastic Dominance Efficiency Downloads
Olivier Scaillet and Nikolas Topaloglou
rp153: International Conditional Asset Allocation under Real Time Uncertrainty Downloads
Laruent Barras
rp152: Debt Equity Choice in Europe Downloads
Philippe Gaud, Martin Hoesli and André Bender
rp151: Spatial Dependence, Housing Submarkets, and House Prices Downloads
Steven Bourassa, Eva Cantoni and Martin Hoesli
rp150: Estimation of Jump-Diffusion Process vis Empirical Characteristic Function Downloads
Michael Rockinger and Maria Semenova
rp149: Suggested vs. Actual Institutional Allocattion to Real Estate in Europe: A Matter of Size Downloads
Martin Hoesli and Jon Lekander
rp148: Monte Carlo Simulations for Real Estate Valuation Downloads
Martin Hoesli, Elion Jani and André Bender
rp147: Equity and Neutrality in Housing Taxation Downloads
Philippe Thalmann
rp146: Order Submission Strategies and Information: Empirical Evidence from the NYSE Downloads
Alessandro Beber and Cecilia Caglio
rp145: Kernel Based Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Copulas with Fixed Smoothing Parameters Downloads
Olivier Scaillet
rp144: Multiariate Wavelet-based sahpe preserving estimation for dependant observation Downloads
Antonio Cosma, Olivier Scaillet and Rainer von Sachs
rp143: A Kolmogorov-Smirnov type test for shortfall dominance against parametric alternatives Downloads
Michel Denuit, Anne-Cécile Goderniaux and Olivier Scaillet
rp142: Times-To-Default:Life Cycle, Global and Industry Cycle Impact Downloads
Fabien Couderc and Olivier Renault
rp141: Understanding Default Risk Through Nonparametric Intensity Estimation Downloads
Fabien Couderc
rp140: Robust Mean-Variance Portfolio Selection Downloads
Cédric Perret-Gentil and Maria-Pia Victoria-Feser
rp139: Trading Volumes in Dynamically Efficient Markets Downloads
Tony Berrada, Julien Hugonnier and Marcel Rindisbacher
rp138: Growth Options in General Equilibrium: Some Asset Pricing Implications Downloads
Julien Hugonnier, Erwan Morellec and Suresh Sundaresan
rp137: On the Demand for Budget Constrained Insurance Downloads
Richard Watt and Henri Loubergé
rp136: Direct Preference Wealth in Aggregate Household Portfolios Downloads
Pascal St-Amour
rp135: Indirect Robust Estimation of the Short-term interest Rate Process Downloads
Veronika Czellar, G. Karolyi and Elvezio Ronchetti
rp134: Do Major Financial Crises Provide Information on Sovereign Risk to the Rest of the World? A Look at Credit Default Swap Markets Downloads
Didier Cossin and Gero Jung
rp133: Are European Corporate Bond and Default Swap Markets Segmented? Downloads
Didier Cossin and Hongze Lu
rp132: Conditional Asset Allocation under Non-Normality: How Costly is the Mean-Variance Criterion? Downloads
Eric Jondeau and Michael Rockinger
rp131: Capital Gains Taxes, Irreversible Investment, and Capital Structure Downloads
Norman Schürhoff
rp130: Financial Intermediation and the Costs of Trading in an Opaque Market Downloads
Richard Green, Burton Hollifield and Norman Schürhoff
rp129: House Prices, Fundamentals and Inflation Downloads
Angela Black, Patricia Fraser and Martin Hoesli
rp128: A Kolmogorov-Smirnov Type Test for Positive Quadrant Dependence Downloads
Olivier Scaillet
rp127: Optimal Changes of Gaussian Measures, with Application to Finance Downloads
Henry Schellhorn
rp126: The Dynamics of Mergers and Acquisitions Downloads
Erwan Morellec and Alexei Zdhanov
rp125: Capital Structure, Credit Risk, and Macroeconomic Conditions Downloads
Dirk Hackbarth, Jianjun Miao and Erwan Morellec
rp124: Developer's Expertise and Dynamicsof Financial Innovation: Theory and Evidence Downloads
Helios Herrera and Enrique Schroth
rp123: A Double-Sided Multiunit Combinatorial Auction for Substitutes: Theory and Algorithms Downloads
Henry Schellhorn
rp122: Investment under Uncertainty and Incomplete Markets Downloads
Julien Hugonnier and Erwan Morellec
rp121: On the debt Capacityof growth Options Downloads
Michael J. Barclay, Erwan Morellec and Clifford W. Smith
rp120: Omega Portfolio Construction with Johnson Distributions Downloads
Alexander Passow
rp119: A Simple Alternative House Price Index Method Downloads
Steven Bourassa, Martin Hoesli and Jian Sun
rp118: Real Asset Returns and Components of Inflation: A Structural VAR Analysis Downloads
Matthias Hagmann and Carlos Lenz
rp117: Equity Returns and Integration: Is Europe Changing? Downloads
Kpate Adjaoute and Jean-Pierre Danthine
rp116: Price Impact and Survival of Irrational Traders Downloads
Leonid Kogan, Stephan Ross, Jiang Wang and Mark Westerfield
rp115: Predicting Tail-related Risk Measures: The Consequences of Using GARCH Filters for non-GARCH Data Downloads
Amine Jalal and Michael Rockinger
rp114: Further Evidence on Debt-Equity Choice Downloads
Philippe Gaud, Martin Hoesli and André Bender
Page updated 2024-09-14
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