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Working Papers

From Agricultural and Development Economics Division of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO - ESA)
Agricultural Sector in Economic Development Service FAO Viale delle Terme di Caracalla 00153 Rome Italy.
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09-07: Did Speculation Affect World Rice Prices? Downloads
Charles Timmer
09-06: Linking Smallholders to the New Agricultural Economy: An Evaluation of the Plataformas Program in Ecuador Downloads
Romina Cavatassi, Mario González Flores, Paul Winters, Jorge Andrade-Piedra, Graham Thiele and Patricio Espinosa
09-02: Analyzing the Impact of Food Price Increases: Assumptions about Marketing Margins can be Crucial Downloads
David Dawe and Irini Maltsoglou
09-01: The Unimportance of “Low” World Grain Stocks for Recent World Price Increases Downloads
David Dawe
08-09: Rural Population Change in Developing Countries:Lessons for Policymaking Downloads
Gustavo Anríquez and Libor Stloukal
08-07: The Impact of Rising Food Prices on the Poor Downloads
Alberto Zezza, Benjamin Davis, Carlo Azzarri, Katia Covarrubias, Luca Tasciotti and Gustavo Anríquez
08-06: Patterns of Rural Development: A Cross-Country Comparison Using Microeconomic Data Downloads
Paul Winters, Timothy Essam, Benjamin Davis, Alberto Zezza, Calogero Carletto and Kostas Stamoulis
08-04: A Back of the Envelope Estimation of the Effect of Soaring Food Prices on World Hunger Downloads
Gustavo Anríquez
08-03: Have Recent Increases in International Cereal Prices Been Transmitted to Domestic Economies? The experience in seven large Asian countries Downloads
David Dawe
08-02: Agency, Education and Networks: Gender and International Migration from Albania Downloads
Guy Stecklov, Calogero Carletto, Benjamin Davis and Carlo Azzarri
08-01: Linkages between Farm and Non-Farm Sectors at the Household Level in Rural Ghana A consistent stochastic distance function approach Downloads
Gustavo Anríquez and Silvio Daidone
07-28: Understanding the Dynamics of Food Insecurity and Vulnerability in Orissa, India Downloads
Christian Romer Lovendal
07-27: Food Prices and Food Security in Trinidad and Tobago Downloads
Christian Romer Løvendal and Kristian Thor Jakobsen
07-26: Agricultural Policy Impact Analysis with Multi-Market Models: A Primer Downloads
André Croppenstedt, Lorenzo Bellù, Fabrizio Bresciani and Stefania DiGiuseppe
07-25: An Assessment of the Impact of Higher Yields for Maize, Soybean and Cassava in Indonesia: A Multi-Market Model Approach Downloads
Bambang Sayaka, Sumaryanto Sumaryanto, Masjidin Siregar, André Croppenstedt and Stefania DiGiuseppe
07-24: Rural Income Generating Activities: Whatever Happened to the Institutional Vacuum? Evidence from Ghana, Guatemala, Nicaragua and Vietnam Downloads
Alberto Zezza, Calogero Carletto, Benjamin Davis, Kostas Stamoulis and Paul Winters
07-22: Understanding the Dynamics of Food Insecurity and Vulnerability in Himachal Pradesh Downloads
Christian Romer Lovendal
07-21: Addressing Food Insecurity in Fragile States; Case Studies from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Somalia and Sudan Downloads
Luca Alinovi, Günter Hemrich and Luca Russo
07-20: Long-Term Farming Trends. An Inquiry Using Agricultural Censuses Downloads
Gustavo Anríquez and Genny Bonomi
07-19: Long-Term Rural Demographic Trends Downloads
Gustavo Anríquez
07-18: An Assessment of the Impact of Rice Tariff Policy in Indonesia; A Multi-Market Model Approach Downloads
Bambang Sayaka, Sumaryanto Sumaryanto, André Croppenstedt and Stefania DiGiuseppe
07-17: Rural Household Access to Assets and Agrarian Institutions; A Cross Country Comparison Downloads
Alberto Zezza, Paul Winters, Benjamin Davis, Calogero Carletto, Katia Covarrubias, Esteban Quiñones, Kostas Stamoulis, Takis Karfakis, Luca Tasciotti, StefaniaStefania DiGiuseppe and Genny Bonomi
07-16: Rural Income Generating Activities; A Cross Country Comparison Downloads
Benjamin Davis, Paul Winters, Calogero Carletto, Katia Covarrubias, Esteban Quiñones, Alberto Zezza, Kostas Stamoulis, Genny Bonomi and StefaniaStefania DiGiuseppe
07-15: An Assessment of the Impact of Wheat Market Liberalization in Egypt; A Multi-Market Model Approach Downloads
Gamal M. Siam and André Croppenstedt
07-13: Impacts of International Migration and Remittances on Source Country Household Incomes in Small Island States; Fiji and Tonga Downloads
Richard P.C. Brown and Gareth Leeves
07-12: Action, Function, & Structure; Interpreting Network Effects on Behavior in Rural Malawi Downloads
Guy Stecklov and Alexander Weinreb
07-10: Does Migration Make Rural Households More Productive? Evidence from Mexico Downloads
J. Edward Taylor and Alejandro Lopez-Feldman
07-04: Seasonal Migration and Agriculture in Vietnam Downloads
Alan de Brauw
07-03: Non-Traditional Exports, Traditional Constraints; the Adoption and Diffusion of Cash Crops among Smallholders in Guatemala Downloads
Calogero Carletto, Angeli Kirk, Paul Winters and Benjamin Davis
07-02: Rural Development and Poverty Reduction; Is Agriculture Still the Key? Downloads
Gustavo Anríquez and Kostas Stamoulis
07-01: Governance and Rural Public Expenditures in Latin America. The Impact on Rural Development Downloads
Gustavo Anríquez
06-17: The Role of Crop Genetic Diversity in Coping with Agricultural Production Shocks: Insights from Eastern Ethiopia Downloads
Romina Cavatassi, Leslie Lipper and Jeffrey Hopkins
06-16: Sowing the Seeds of Social Relations: The Role of Social Capital in Crop Diversity Downloads
Paul Winters, Romina Cavatassi and Leslie Lipper
06-15: Putting Payments for Environmental Services in the Context of Economic Development Downloads
David Zilberman, Leslie Lipper and Nancy McCarthy
06-14: Assessing the Impact of Massive Out-Migration on Agriculture Downloads
Nancy McCarthy, Calogero Carletto, Benjamin Davis and Irini Maltsoglou
06-13: Abatement and Transaction Costs of Carbon-Sink Projects Involving Smallholders Downloads
Oscar Cacho and Leslie Lipper
06-12: Measuring Vulnerability to Food Insecurity Downloads
Pasquale Scaramozzino
06-11: Assessing the Impact of Food Aid on Recipient Countries: A Survey Downloads
Titus Awokuse
06-10: Food Aid in Response to Acute Food Insecurity Downloads
Christopher Barrett
06-09: Food Aid as Part of a Coherent Strategy to Advance Food Security Objectives Downloads
Christopher Barrett
06-08: Less-Favoured Areas: Looking Beyond Agriculture Towards Ecosystem Services Downloads
Leslie Lipper, Prabhu Pingali and Monika Zurek
06-07: The Experience of Conditional Cash Transfers in Latin America and the Caribbean Downloads
Sudhanshu Handa and Benjamin Davis
06-06: Choosing to Migrate or Migrating to Choose: Migration and Labour Choice in Albania Downloads
Carlo Azzarri, Calogero Carletto, Benjamin Davis and Alberto Zezza
06-05: Food Aid’s Intended and Unintended Consequences Downloads
Christopher Barrett
06-04: When are Payments for Environmental Services Beneficial to the Poor? Downloads
David Zilberman, Leslie Lipper and Nancy McCarthy
06-03: An Assessment of the Impact of Increasing Wheat Self-Sufficiency and Promoting Cash-Transfer Subsidies for Consumers in Egypt: A Multi-Market Model Downloads
Gamal Siam
06-02: Household Income Structure and Determinants in Rural Egypt Downloads
André Croppenstedt
06-01: Eradicating Extreme Poverty and Hunger: Towards a Coherent Policy Agenda Downloads
Prabhu Pingali, Kostas Stamoulis and Randy Stringer
05-10: Measuring Food Security Using Respondents’ Perception of Food Consumption Adequacy Downloads
Mauro Migotto, Benjamin Davis, Calogero Carletto and Kathleen Beegle
05-09: From the Green Revolution to the Gene Revolution: How will the Poor Fare? Downloads
Prabhu Pingali and Terri Raney
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