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Natural Field Experiments

From The Field Experiments Website
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00807: Measuring racial educational disparities over time amongst top achievers Downloads
Uditi Karna, Min Sok Lee, John List, Andrew Simon and Haruka Uchida
00806: Socio-economic status explains one-third of the racial disparity in top academic achievement Downloads
John List and Haruka Uchida
00804: The Experimentalist Looks Within: Toward an Understanding of Within-Subject Experimental Designs Downloads
John List
00801: Scaling policy ideas in developing countries Downloads
John List
00799: Toward an Understanding of the Political Economy of Using Field Experiments in Policymaking Downloads
Guglielmo Briscese and John List
00798: Policy evaluation and the causal analysis of public support Downloads
Stefano Carattini, Robert Dur and John List
00793: Peer-to-peer solar and social rewards: Evidence from a field experiment Downloads
Stefano Carattini, Kenneth Gillingham, Xiangyu Meng and Erez Yoeli
00792: Experimental Economics: Theory and Practice Downloads
John List
00791: Toward an Understanding of the Economics of Prosumers: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment in Energy Downloads
John List, Ioannis Pragidis and Michael Price
00790: Megastudy shows that reminders boost vaccination but adding free rides does not Downloads
Katherine Milkman, Sean Ellis, Dena Gromet, Youngwoo Jung, Alex Luscher, Rayyan Mobarak, Madeline Paxson, Ramon Silvera Zumaran, Robert Kuan, Ron Berman, Neil Lewis Jr, John List, Mitesh Patel, Christophe Van den Bulte, Kevin Volpp, Maryann Beauvais, Jonathon Bellows, Cheryl Marandola and Angela Duckworth
00789: Chief for a Day: Elite Capture and Management Performance in a Field Experiment in Sierra Leone Downloads
Erwin Bulte, Andreas Kontoleon, John List, Ty Turley and Maarten Voors
00788: Field Experiments: Here Today Gone Tomorrow? Downloads
John List
00787: Using Field Experiments to Understand the Impact of Institutions on Economic Growth Downloads
Omar Al-Ubaydli, Faith Fatchen and John List
John List
00783: Optimally Generate Policy-Based Evidence Before Scaling Downloads
John List
00781: The Tradeoffs of Transparency: Measuring Discrimination When Subjects Are Told They Are in an Experiment Downloads
Amanda Agan, Bo Cowgill and Laura Gee
00779: Putting Economic Research into Practice at Businesses Downloads
John List
00776: Stress Testing Structural Models of Unobserved Heterogeneity: Robust Inference on Optimal Nonlinear Pricing Downloads
Aaron Bodoh-Creed, Brent Hickman, John List, Ian Muir and Gregory Sun
00775: Once and Done: Leveraging Behavioral Economics to Increase Charitable Contributions Downloads
Amee Kamdar, Steven Levitt, John List, Brian Mullaney and Chad Syverson
00773: Our Best Chance to Make Real Change? Scalable Ideas with Private Partners Downloads
John List
00772: Toward an Understanding of Tax Amnesties: Theory and Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment Downloads
Patricia Gil, Justin Holz, John List, Andrew Simon and Alejandro Zentner
00771: Left-Digit Bias at Lyft Downloads
John List, Ian Muir, Devin Pope and Gregory Sun
John List
00764: High-frequency location data shows that race affects the likelihood of being stopped and fined for speeding Downloads
Pradhi Aggarwal, Alec Brandon, Ariel Goldszmidt, Justin Holz, John List, Ian Muir, Gregory Sun and Thomas Yu
00763: Using Machine Learning for Efficient Flexible Regression Adjustment in Economic Experiments Downloads
John List, Ian Muir and Gregory Sun
00756: Returns to effort: experimental evidence from an online language platform Downloads
Fulya Ersoy
00754: The Economics of Content Moderation: Theory and Experimental Evidence from Hate Speech on Twitter Downloads
Rafael Jimenez-Duran
00750: What motivates people to pay their taxes? Evidence from four experiments on tax compliance Downloads
Eric Floyd, Michael Hallsworth, John List, Robert Metcalfe, Kristian Rotaru and Ivo Vlaev
00747: 2021 Summary Data of Natural Field Experiments Published on Downloads
John List
00741: The role of open science practices in scaling evidence-based prevention programs Downloads
Robert Ammerman, Anne Duggan, John List, Lauren Supplee and Dana Suskind
00738: How Field Experiments in Economics Can Complement Psychological Research on Judgment Biases Downloads
John List
00732: Multiple Testing with Covariate Adjustment in Experimental Economics Downloads
John List, Azeem Shaikh and Atom Vayalinkal
00725: When Bonuses Backfire: Evidence from the Workplace Downloads
Jakob Alfitian, Dirk Sliwka and Timo Vogelsang
00724: Efficiency and Equity Impacts of Energy Subsidies Downloads
Robert Hahn and Robert Metcalfe
00720: The Value of Time in the United States: Estimates from Nationwide Natural Field Experiments Downloads
Ariel Goldszmidt, John List, Robert Metcalfe, Ian Muir and Jenny Wang
00715: Reservation Wages and Workers' Valuation of Job Flexibility: Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment Downloads
Kuan-Ming Chen, Min Ding, John List and Magne Mogstad
00714: 2020 Summary Data of Natural Field Experiments Published on Downloads
John List
00713: Are Economics and Psychology Complements in Household Technology Diffusion? Evidence from a Natural Field Experiment Downloads
Matilde Giaccherini, David Herberich, David Jimenez-Gomez, John List, Giovanni Ponti and Michael Price
00712: The $100 Million Nudge: Increasing Tax Compliance of Businesses and the Self-Employed using a Natural Field Experiment Downloads
Marvin Cardoza, Justin Holz, John List, Alejandro Zentner and Joaquin Zentner
00709: The Effects of Access to Credit on Productivity: Separating Technological Changes from Changes in Technical Efficiency Downloads
Mohammad Malek, Nusrat Abedin Jimi, Subal Kumbhakar and Plamen Nikolov
00707: Teamwork, Leadership and Gender Downloads
Maria De Paola, Francesca Gioia and Vincenzo Scoppa
00706: Do Women Shy Away from Public Speaking? A Field Experiment Downloads
Maria De Paola, Rosetta Lombardo, Valeria Pupo and Vincenzo Scoppa
00705: The adverse consequences of tournaments: Evidence from a field experiment Downloads
Maria De Paola, Francesca Gioia and Vincenzo Scoppa
00704: Free-riding and knowledge spillovers in teams: The role of social ties Downloads
Maria De Paola, Francesca Gioia and Vincenzo Scoppa
00699: Verifying the representativeness heuristic: A field experiment with real-life lottery tickets Downloads
Michal Krawczyk and Joanna Rachubik
00697: Gender, beauty and support networks in academia: Evidence from a field experiment Downloads
Michal Krawczyk and Magdalena Smyk
00694: What brings your subjects to the lab? A field experiment Downloads
Michal Krawczyk
00693: The representativeness heuristic and the choice of lottery tickets: A field experiment Downloads
Michal Krawczyk and Joanna Rachubik
00690: Framing in the Field. A Simple Experiment on the Reflection Effect Downloads
Michal Krawczyk
00689: (Un)Available upon Request: Field Experiment on Researchers' Willingness to Share Supplementary Materials Downloads
Michal Krawczyk and Ernesto Reuben
Page updated 2025-02-18
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