FRB Atlanta CQER Working Paper
From Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
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- 2016-1: Affine term structure pricing with bond supply as factors
- Fumio Hayashi
- 2015-5: Trading down and the business cycle
- Nir Jaimovich, Sergio Rebelo and Arlene Wong
- 2015-4: Inflation dynamics during the financial crisis
- Simon Gilchrist, Raphael Schoenle, Jae Sim and Egon Zakrajšek
- 2015-3: The great housing boom of China
- Kaiji Chen and Yi Wen
- 2015-2: Optimal unemployment insurance and cyclical fluctuations
- Rui Li and Noah Williams
- 2015-1: A model of the Twin Ds: optimal default and devaluation
- Seunghoon Na, Stephanie Schmitt-Grohe, Martín Uribe and Vivian Yue
- 2013-03: Engineering a paradox of thrift recession
- Zhen Huo and José-Víctor Ríos-Rull
- 2013-02: Non-linear effects of taxation on growth
- Nir Jaimovich and Sergio Rebelo
- 2013-01: Innovation and growth with financial, and other, frictions
- Jonathan Chiu, Cesaire Meh and Randall Wright
- 2012-02: Understanding booms and busts in housing markets
- Craig Burnside, Martin Eichenbaum and Sergio Rebelo
- 2012-01: Moral hazard, investment, and firm dynamics
- Hengjie Ai and Rui Li
- 2011-01: Fiscal stimulus and distortionary taxation
- Thorsten Drautzburg and Harald Uhlig
- 2010-08: Monetary policy and stock market booms
- Lawrence Christiano, Cosmin Ilut, Roberto Motto and Massimo Rostagno
- 2010-07: Taxes, transfers, and employment in an incomplete markets model
- Jorge Alonso-Ortiz and Richard Rogerson
- 2010-06: Comment on Eggertsson, \"What fiscal policy is effective at zero interest rates?\"
- Lawrence Christiano
- 2010-05: Microfoundations of inflation persistence in the New Keynesian Phillips curve
- Marcelle Chauvet and Insu Kim
- 2010-04: Introducing financial frictions and unemployment into a small open economy model
- Lawrence Christiano, Mathias Trabandt and Karl Walentin
- 2010-03: Involuntary unemployment and the business cycle
- Lawrence Christiano, Mathias Trabandt and Karl Walentin
- 2010-02: DSGE models for monetary policy analysis
- Lawrence Christiano, Mathias Trabandt and Karl Walentin
- 2010-01: When is the government spending multiplier large?
- Lawrence Christiano, Martin Eichenbaum and Sergio Rebelo
- 2009-02: Causes and consequences of the oil shock of 2007–08
- James Hamilton
- 2009-01: Liquidity needs in economies with interconnected financial obligations
- Julio Rotemberg