Supervisory Research and Analysis Working Papers
From Federal Reserve Bank of Boston Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Catherine Spozio (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- SRA 24-02: Scenario-based Quantile Connectedness of the U.S. Interbank Liquidity Risk Network
- Tomohiro Ando, Jushan Bai, Lina Lu and Cindy M. Vojtech
- 24-01: Managing Risk in Cards Portfolios: Risk Appetite and Limits
- Tiffany Eder, Claire Labonne, Caitlin O'Loughlin and Krish Sharma
- SRA 23-02: Runs and Flights to Safety: Are Stablecoins the New Money Market Funds?
- Kenechukwu Anadu, Pablo D. Azar, Catherine Huang, Marco Cipriani, Thomas Eisenbach, Gabriele La Spada, Mattia Landoni, Marco Macchiavelli, Antoine Malfroy-Camine and J. Christina Wang
- SRA 23-01: Non-Bank Financial Institutions and Banks’ Fire-Sale Vulnerabilities
- Nicola Cetorelli, Mattia Landoni and Lina Lu
- RPA 19-2: Reach for Yield by U.S. Public Pension Funds
- Kenechukwu Anadu, James Bohn, Lina Lu, Matthew Pritsker and Andrei Zlate
- RPA 19-1: Variable Annuities: Underlying Risks and Sensitivities
- Imad Chahboun and Nathaniel Hoover
- RPA 18-5: Monetary Policy Divergence and Net Capital Flows: Accounting for Endogenous Policy Responses
- Jonathan Davis and Andrei Zlate
- RPA 18-4: The Shift from Active to Passive Investing: Potential Risks to Financial Stability?
- Kenechukwu Anadu, Mathias S. Kruttli, Patrick E. McCabe, Emilio Osambela and Chaehee Shin
- RPA 18-3: Bad Sovereign or Bad Balance Sheets? Euro Interbank Market Fragmentation and Monetary Policy, 2011-2015
- Silvia Gabrieli and Claire Labonne
- RPA 18-2: Quasi Maximum Likelihood Analysis of High Dimensional Constrained Factor Models
- Kunpeng Li, Qi Li and Lina Lu
- RPA 18-1: Optimal Delegation Under Unknown Bias: The Role of Concavity
- Noam Tanner
- RPA 17-5: The Intersection of U.S. Money Market Mutual Fund Reforms, Bank Liquidity Requirements, and the Federal Home Loan Bank System
- Kenechukwu Anadu and Viktoria Baklanova
- RPA 17-4: Choosing Stress Scenarios for Systemic Risk Through Dimension Reduction
- Matthew Pritsker
- RPA 17-3: Simultaneous Spatial Panel Data Models with Common Shocks
- Lina Lu
- RPA 17-2: International Financial Spillovers to Emerging Market Economies: How Important Are Economic Fundamentals?
- Shaghil Ahmed, Brahima Coulibaly and Andrei Zlate
- RPA 17-1: Estimating Loss Given Default from CDS under Weak Identification
- Lily Liu
- RPA 16-4: Liquidity Shocks, Dollar Funding Costs, and the Bank Lending Channel during the European Sovereign Crisis
- Ricardo Correa, Horacio Sapriza and Andrei Zlate
- RPA 16-3: Offshoring, Low-skilled Immigration, and Labor Market Polarization
- Federico Mandelman and Andrei Zlate
- RPA 16-2: Opacity and Disclosure in Short-Term Wholesale Funding Markets
- Michal Kowalik
- RPA 16-1: Offshore Production and Business Cycle Dynamics with Heterogeneous Firms
- Andrei Zlate
- RPA 15-2: Cross-Sectional Factor Dynamics and Momentum Returns
- Doron Avramov and Satadru Hore
- RPA 15-1: Macroprudential Policy: Case Study from a Tabletop Exercise
- Tobias Adrian, Patrick de Fontnouvelle, Emily Yang and Andrei Zlate
- RPA 12-5: Bank deregulation and racial inequality in America
- Ross Levine, Alexey Levkov and Yona Rubinstein
- RPA 12-4: Knightian uncertainty and interbank lending
- Matthew Pritsker
- RPA 12-3: The stability of prime money market mutual funds: sponsor support from 2007 to 2011
- Kenechukwu Anadu, Steffanie Brady and Nathaniel R. Cooper
- QAU12-2: Bank diversification, market structure and bank risk taking: theory and evidence from U.S. commercial banks
- Martin Goetz
- QAU12-1: Evaluating the impact of fair value accounting on financial institutions: implications for accounting standards setting and bank supervision
- Sanders Shaffer
- QAU10-7: Branching of banks and union decline
- Alexey Levkov
- QAU10-6: Financing constraints and unemployment: evidence from the Great Recession
- Burcu Duygan-Bump, Alexey Levkov and Judit Montoriol-Garriga
- QAU10-5: Risk, returns, and multinational production
- Jose Fillat and Stefania Garetto
- QAU10-4: Addressing the pro-cyclicality of capital requirements with a dynamic loan loss provision system
- Jose Fillat and Judit Montoriol-Garriga
- QAU10-3: How effective were the Federal Reserve emergency liquidity facilities?: evidence from the Asset-Backed Commercial Paper Money Market Mutual Fund Liquidity Facility
- Burcu Duygan-Bump, Patrick M. Parkinson, Eric Rosengren, Gustavo Suarez and Paul Willen
- QAU10-2: Optimal portfolio choice with predictability in house prices and transaction costs
- Stefano Corradin, Jose Fillat and Carles Vergara-Alert
- QAU10-1: Fair value accounting: villain or innocent victim?: exploring the links between fair value accounting, bank regulatory capital, and the recent financial crisis
- Sanders Shaffer
- QAU09-5: Your house or your credit card, which would you choose?: personal delinquency tradeoffs and precautionary liquidity motives
- Ethan Cohen-Cole and Jonathan Morse
- QAU09-4: A question of liquidity: the great banking run of 2008?
- Judit Montoriol-Garriga and Evan G. Sekeris
- QAU09-3: Market proxies, correlation, and relative mean-variance efficiency: still living with the roll critique
- Todd Prono
- QAU09-2: Forgive and forget: who gets credit after bankruptcy and why?
- Ethan Cohen-Cole, Burcu Duygan-Bump and Judit Montoriol-Garriga
- QAU09-1: The option value of consumer bankruptcy
- Ethan Cohen-Cole
- QAU08-7: The balance sheet channel
- Ethan Cohen-Cole and Enrique Martínez García
- QAU08-6: Household bankruptcy decision: the role of social stigma vs. information sharing
- Ethan Cohen-Cole and Burcu Duygan-Bump
- QAU08-5: Looking behind the aggregates: a reply to “Facts and Myths about the Financial Crisis of 2008”
- Ethan Cohen-Cole, Burcu Duygan-Bump, Jose Fillat and Judit Montoriol-Garriga
- QAU08-4: GARCH-based identification and estimation of triangular systems
- Todd Prono
- QAU08-3: Household debt repayment behaviour: what role do institutions play?
- Burcu Duygan-Bump and Charles Grant
- QAU08-2: Is obesity contagious?: social networks vs. environmental factors in the obesity epidemic
- Ethan Cohen-Cole and Jason Fletcher
- QAU08-1: Credit card redlining
- Ethan Cohen-Cole
- QAU07-8: Loss distribution estimation, external data and model averaging
- Ethan Cohen-Cole and Todd Prono
- QAU07-7: Demonstration effects in preventive care
- Ritesh Banerjee, Ethan Cohen-Cole and Giulio Zanella
- QAU07-6: Information diffusion based explanations of asset pricing anomalies
- Athanasios Bolmatis and Evan G. Sekeris
- QAU07-5: Asset liquidity, debt valuation and credit risk
- Ethan Cohen-Cole
- QAU07-4: Unpacking social interactions
- Ethan Cohen-Cole and Giulio Zanella
- QAU07-3: Model uncertainty and the deterrent effect of capital punishment
- Ethan Cohen-Cole, Steven Durlauf, Jeffrey Fagan and Daniel Nagin