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COVID-19 Policy Response Portal project notes

From International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
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8: Policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Nepal Downloads
Nandita Srivastava, Binisha Nepal, Biswash Gauchan and Adam Kennedy
7: Governing a crisis and crises of governance: The political dimensions of COVID-19 Downloads
Adam Kennedy and Danielle Resnick
6: Contention over contagion: Citizen responses to COVID-19 policies Downloads
Danielle Resnick
5: Timing, targets, and transparency: Foreign and domestic resource mobilization to combat COVID-19 Downloads
Adam Kennedy and Danielle Resnick
4: Enabling or enfeebling the private sector? Government policy responses and business initiatives during COVID-19 Downloads
Gracie Rosenbach and Danielle Resnick
3: Scaling up and sustaining social protection under COVID-19 Downloads
Peixun Fang, Adam Kennedy and Danielle Resnick
2: Balancing health and economic livelihoods: Policy responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Zambia Downloads
Miyanda Malambo, Fwasa Singogo, Mulako Kabisa and Hambulo Ngoma
1: From farm to table: How are governments keeping food systems functioning during COVID-19? Downloads
Adam Kennedy and Danielle Resnick
Page updated 2024-09-16
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