From Universite Aix-Marseille III
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- 00a26: Tournoi, promotion et revelation des motivations
- M.-P. Giamarchi and Antoine Soubeyran
- 00a24: Intertemporal Equilibrium with Myopic Altruism
- Stéphane Lambrecht, Philippe Michel and Emmanuel Thibault
- 00a23: A Mean-Value for Games with Communication Structure
- G. Hamiache
- 00a18: Bayesian Option Pricing using Asymmetric Garch Models
- Luc Bauwens and Michel Lubrano
- 00a17: Education Supply and Growth: the Role of Progressive Taxation
- V. Barthelemy
- 00a16: Can Skill-Biased Technological Change Compress Unemployment Rate Differentials Across Education Groups?
- Bruno Decreuse
- 00a15: Selection of One Nash Equilibrium in the One-Dimensional Linear-Quadratic Differential Game
- P. Cartigny and Philippe Michel
- 00a14: Supply and Demand Responses to Skill-Biased Technical Change: a Matching Approach with Heterogenous Workers
- Olivier Charlot and B. Decreuse
- 00a13: Cutting a Simplex with a Hyperplane Question of Volume
- A. Leroux
- 00a12: Labor Immigration and Long Run Welfare in a Growth Model with Heterogeneous Agents and Endogenous Labor Supply
- Emmanuel Thibault
- 00a11: Jusqu'ou l'Etat peut-il s'endetter? Une approche par les modeles a generations imbriquees d'agents
- B. Crettez, Philippe Michel and Bertrand Wigniolle
- 00a10: Morphogenesis of Social Networks and Coexistence of Technologies
- Frédéric Deroïan
- 00a09: Bootstrap Confidence Intervals Based on Inverting Hypothesis Tests
- Russell Davidson
- 00a08: Learning or Doing?
- Bruno Decreuse, J.-P. Vidal and Alice Fabre
- 00a07: Can Skill Decay Increase Search Effort?
- Olivier Charlot and Bruno Decreuse
- 00a06: Returns to Scale and Vertical Restraints in a Regulated Industry
- Y. Nakache and Antoine Soubeyran
- 00a05: Elements pour une macroeconomic de la concurrence parfaite
- Louis-André Gérard-Varet
- 00a04: Filters for Short Nonstationary Sequences
- David Pollock
- 00b04: Importance des variables dans les methodes CART
- Badih Ghattas
- 00c03: Dynamical Systems Arising from Infinite Time Horizon Optimization Models
- Kazuo Nishimura and Alain Venditti
- 00a03: Gestion de portefeuille avec garantie: l'allocation optimale en actifs derives
- Philippe Bertrand, J.-P. Lesne and Jean-Luc Prigent
- 00b03: Une estimation d'un modele collectif d'offre de travail avec prise en compte de la taxation
- Nicolas Moreau
- 00b02: Modelling the FF/DM Rate by Thresholding Cointegration Analysis
- M. Baghli
- 00a02: Games for Central Bankers, Markets v/s Politics in Public Policy Decisions
- Alessandra Casella
- 00c02: L'hysteresis du taux de chomage: une analyse epistemologique
- G. Quiquerez
- 00b01: Mobilite professionnelle passee et risque de perte d'emploi pour les jeunes
- I. Recotillet
- 00c01: Principal-agent
- Louis-André Gérard-Varet
- 00a01: Dynamic Concepts of Interactions in Long Run Investment Games
- Charles Figuieres
- 99a59: The Pricing Paradox and Tatonnement Instability in a Wage-Maximizing Economy
- D. Suvakovic
- 99a58: Indeterminacy and Cycles in Two-Sector Discrete-Time Models
- Jess Benhabib, Kazuo Nishimura and Alain Venditti
- 99a57: Comportements strategiques et methode d'evaluation contingente: une modele heterogene multiplicatif
- Emmanuel Flachaire and S. Luchini
- 99a56: National Debt Sustainability and the Dynamics in the Economy of Diamond
- David de la Croix and Philippe Michel
- 99a55: Economic Integration and Growth under Intergenerational Financing of Human Capital Formation
- Philippe Michel and J.-P. Vidal
- 99a54: Endogenous Growth and Fluctuations in an Economy with a Housing Sector
- Paulo Brito and Alfredo Pereira
- 99a53: Et si l'universite n'etait qu'un filtre? Actualite meconnue du modele d'Arrow
- Claude Gamel
- 99a52: Associated Consistency and Shapley Value
- G. Hamiache
- 99a51: Myopic Altruism and Intergenerational Transfers
- Stéphane Lambrecht
- 99a50: How do Interpersonal Influence Externalities Affect the Diffusion of Innovations
- Frédéric Deroïan
- 99a49: Smooth Transition GARCH Models: a Bayesian perspective
- Michel Lubrano
- 99a48: On the Optimality of Cultural Education and Cultural Subsidies
- L. Champarnaud, Victor Ginsburgh and Philippe Michel
- 99a47: Inequality and Growth: the Dual Role of Human Capital in Development
- Theo Eicher and Cecilia Garcia-Penalosa
- 99a46: Determinacy and Stability Under Learning of Rational Expectations Equilibria
- Stephane Gauthier
- 99a45: On the Uniqueness of the Bubble-Free Solution in Linear Rational Expectations Models
- Gabriel Desgranges and Stephane Gauthier
- 99a44: Empirical Process of the Squared Residuals of an ARCH Sequence
- L. Horvath, P. Kokoszka and G. Teyssiere
- 99a43: Bequests and the Intergenerational Degree of Altruism
- Emmanuel Thibault
- 99a42: A General Framework for Testing the Granger Noncausality Hypothesis
- A. Peguin-Feissolle and Timo Teräsvirta
- 99a41: Do Unemployment Benefits Favour Job-Search?
- B. Decreuse
- 99a40: Dependance temporelle, heterogeneite et couts de licenciement
- Bruno Decreuse
- 99a39: Fiscal Policies in an OLG Model with Imperfect Altruism and Endogenous Labor Supply
- S. Catania
- 99a38: Endogenous Intergenerational Altruism and Economic Growth
- J.P. Vidal