Working Papers
From Catholique de Louvain - Institut de statistique
Universite Catholique de Louvain, Institut de Statistique, Voie du Roman Pays, 34 B-1348 Louvain- La-Neuve, Belgique..
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- 9917: A Simple GCV Method of Span Selection for Periodigram Smoothing
- H.C. Ombao, J.A. Raz, R.L. Strawderman and R. von Sachs
- 9916: Nonparametric Estimation of Hazard Rate under the Constraint of Monotonicity
- J.A. Gifford, I. Gijbels, P. Hall and L.-S. Huang
- 9912: A Nonparametric Least-Squares Test for Checking a Polynomial Relationship
- I. Gijbels and V. Rousson
- 9908: Automatic Statistical Analysis of Bivariate Non-Stationary Time Series
- H. Ombao, J. Raz, R. von Sachs and B. Malow
- 9906: Survival Data with Explanatory Processes: a Full Nonparametric Bayesian Analysis
- J.-M. Rolin
- 9904: Statistical Inference in Nonparametric Frontier Models: the State of the Art
- Leopold Simar and Paul Wilson
- 9901: Wavelets in Time Series Analysis
- G.P. Nason and R. von Sachs
- 9812: The Cramer-Lundberg Approximation: A New Approach
- P. Ars and J. Janssen
- 9811: A General Methodology for Bootstrapping in Nonparametric Frontier Models
- Leopold Simar and Paul Wilson
- 9810: Productivity Growth in Industrialized Countries
- Leopold Simar and Paul Wilson
- 9809: Une analyse non parametrique des distributions du revenu et des caracteristiques des menages
- W. Hildenbrand, A. Kneip and K.J. Utikal
- 9808: Testing a Regression Model when we Have Smooth Alternatives in Mind
- W. Hardle and A. Kneip
- 9807: Bayesian Evaluation of Non-Admissible Conditioning: The Case of Fisher Test
- M. Mouchart and E. Scheihing
- 9806: Bayesian Evaluation of a Semi-Parametric Binary Response Model
- E. Scheihing and M. Mouchart
- 9805: Identification Problems in a Class of Mixture Models with an Application to the LISREL Model
- M. Mouchart and E. San Martin
- 9804: Demand Aggregation under Structural Stability
- W. Hildenbrand and A. Kneip
- 9801: Multiple Hypotheses Testing with Partial Prior Information
- J. Zhang
- 9704: Nonparametric Bayesian Survival Analysis
- J-M Rolin
- 9702: A Bivariate Distribution Function Estimator and Its Variance under Left Truncation and Right Censoring
- Y Gurler and I Gijbels
- 9612: Logarithmic Stock Returns: Leptokustosis, Heteroskedasticity and Change-Points
- C Weiner
- 9610: Testing Monotonicity of Regression
- A-W Bowman, M-C Jones and I Gijbels
- 9609: Interval and Band Estimation for Curves with Jumps
- I Gijbels, P Hall and A Kneip
- 9608: Bayesian Encompassing Specification Tests of a Parametric Model Against a Non Parametric Alternative
- Jean-Pierre Florens, Jean-Francois Richard and J-M Rolin
- 9606: Modelling Aggregate Consumption Expenditure and Income Distribution Effects
- W Hildenbrand and A Kneip
- 9603: A Note on the Convergence of Nonparametric DEA Efficiency Measures
- A Kneip, B-U Park and Leopold Simar
- 9602: Classical and Bayesian Inference Robustness in Multivariate Regression models
- C Fernandez, Jacek Osiewalski and Mark Steel
- 9510: Model Estimation in Nonlinear Regression
- J Engel and A Kneip
- 9504: GMM Estimation of Panel Probit Models: Nonparametric Estimation of the Optimal Instruments
- I Bertsched and Michael Lechner
- 9501: La modelations econometrique des transitions individuelles sur le marche du travail
- Jean-Pierre Florens, Denis Fougere, T Kamionka and M Mouchart
- 9303: Stochastic Frontiers: A Semiparametric Approach
- B. Park, R.C. Sickles and Leopold Simar
- 9302: On the Distribution of Jumps of the Dirichlet Process
- J.M. Rolin
- 9211: Multidimentional Change-Point Problems and Boundary Estimation
- Alexandre Tsybakov
- 9210: Nonparametric Model For CCD Star Tracker
- Korostelev, A.P.Chuslyaeva, I.
- 9209: Efficient Estimation of Monotone Boundaries
- Alexandre Tsybakov, A.P. Korostelev and Leopold Simar
- 9208: Minimax Linewise Algorithm for Image Reconstruction
- Alexandre Tsybakov and A.P. Korostelev
- 9207: Nonparametric Recursive Variance Estimation
- Alexandre Tsybakov and U. Stadtmuller
- 9206: Roott-n Consistent Estimators of Entropy for Densities with Unbounded Support
- Alexandre Tsybakov and E.C. Van Der Meulen
- 9205: ASymptotical Minimax Results in Image Analysis for Sets with Smooth Boundaries
- Enno Mammen and Alexandre Tsybakov
- 9204: Applied Nonparametric Methods
- W. Hardle
- 9203: Practical Performance of Several Data Driven Bandwidih Selectors
- B. Park and B. Turlach
- 9202: Some Useful Properties on the Dirichlet Process
- J.M. Rolin
- 9201: Efficient Semiparametric Estimation in Stochastic Frontier Model
- B.U. Park and Leopold Simar
- 0116: Bootstrap Bandwidth Selection in Kernel Density Estimation from a Contaminated Sample
- A. Delaigle and I. Gijbels
- 0115: Nonparametric Competing Risks Models: Identification and Strong Consistency
- J.M. Rolin
- 0020: Semiparametric Efficient Estimation of AR(1) Panel Data Models
- B.U. Park, R.C. Sickles and Leopold Simar
- 0013: Testing Restrictions in Nonparametric Efficiency Models
- Leopold Simar and Paul Wilson
- 0012: Estimating a Changepoint, Boundary of Frontier in the Presence of Observation Error
- P. Hall and Leopold Simar
- 7: Some Comments on Two Approximations Used for the Pricing of Reinstatements
- J.F. Walhin
- 0007: Some Comments on Two Approximations Used for the Pricing of Reinstatements
- J.F. Walhin
- 0004: Stochastic Analysis of Duplicates in Life Insurance Portfolios
- M. Denuit
- 4: Stochastic Analysis of Duplicates in Life Insurance Portfolios
- M. Denuit
- 0003: The Effect of Excess-of-Loss Reinsurance with Reinstatements of the Cedent's Portfolio
- J.F. Walhin and J. Paris
- 3: The Effect of Excess-of-Loss Reinsurance with Reinstatements of the Cedent's Portfolio
- J.F. Walhin and J. Paris
- 0002: Performance of the Bootstrap for DEA Estimators and Iterating the Principle
- Leopold Simar and Paul Wilson
- 2: Performance of the Bootstrap for DEA Estimators and Iterating the Principle
- Leopold Simar and Paul Wilson