Working Papers
From Yale - Economic Growth Center
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- 699: Cooperatives as Information Machines: The Lending Practices of german Agricultural Credit Cooperatives, 1883-1914
- Timothy Guinnane
- 698: Technological Change and Educational Wage Differentials in Korea
- K.S. Choi
- 697: Labor Markets, Human Capital and Development Performance in East Asia
- G. Ranis
- 696: Net Worth, Credit Constraints and Economic Development
- M. Sakuragawa
- 695: Women's Choice of Work and Fertility in Urban Tamul Nadu, India
- M. Duraisamy
- 694: Does Head Start Make a Difference?
- Duncan Thomas and Janet Currie
- 693: The Brazilian Family in the Labor Force, 1978-1988: A Study of Labor Supply
- J. Jatoba
- 692: School Attainnment, Parental Education and Gender in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana
- Aysıt Tansel
- 691: Labor Supply Decisions of Married Women in Rural India
- Jeemol Unni
- 690: A Comparison of the Effects of Matching and Search on the Wages of Men and Women
- Anne Royalty
- 689: Does Job Matching Differ by Sex?
- Anne Royalty
- 688: Economic Growth and Convergence Across the Seven Colonies of Australia: 1861-1991
- Paul Cashin
- 687: Using Data on Money Stocks to Estimate Real Colonial GDP in the Seven Colonies of Australia: 1861-1991
- Paul Cashin
- 686: Socioeconomic Determinants of fertility and Child Mortality in Sudan
- N.E.A. Maglad
- 685: Economic Preconditions for the Asian Regional Integration
- J. Goto and K. Hamada
- 683: Education, and Women's Time Allocation to Non-Market Work in an Urban Setting of India
- R. Malathy
- 682: Capital Flight, North-South Lending, and Stages of economic Development
- K. Hamada and M. Sakuragawa
- 681: Mortality Decline in the Low Income World: Causes and Consequences
- T. Schultz
- 680: Monetary Integration in Hostorical Perspective
- K. Hamada and D. Porteous
- 679: Taxation and Risk-Taking Once Again. (With and Without Tax Revenue Disposal)
- Giancarlo Corsetti
- 678: A Portfolio Approach to Endogenous Growth Eaton's Model Revisited
- Giancarlo Corsetti
- 677: Occupational Choice and Multiple Job Holding in Rural Gujarat, India
- Jeemol Unni
- 676: Theories of Long-Run Growth: Old and New
- T. Srinivasan and Lakshmi Raut
- 675: An Event History Analysis of Divorce in China
- Z. Yi, T.P. Schulz and W. Deming
- 674: Excessive Deficits: Sense and Nonsence in the Treaty of Maastricht
- Willem Buiter, Giancarlo Corsetti and Nouriel Roubini
- 673: Leaving Parental Home: Census-Based Estimates for China, Japan, South Korea, United States, France and Sweden
- Z. Yi, A. Coale, M.K. Choe and L. Zhiwu
- 672: The Reconstruction and Stabilization of the Postwar Japanese Economy: Possible Lessons for Eastern Europe
- K. Hamada and M. Kasuya
- 671: U.S. Money Demand: Surprising Cross-Sectional Estimates
- Xavier Sala-i-Martin and Casey Mulligan
- 670: The Role of Education and Human Capital in Economic Development: An Empirical Assessment
- T. Schultz
- 669: The Distribution of Income and Expenditure within the Household
- Duncan Thomas
- 668: The Demographic Transition in Southern Africa: Another Look at the Evidence from Botswana and Zimbabwe
- Duncan Thomas and I. Muvandi
- 667: Gender, Intrafamily Allocation of Resources and Child Schooling in South India
- Duraisamy P
- 666: Public Welfare and Growth
- Xavier Sala-i-Martin
- 665: A Comparative Study of Fertility Determinants in Togo ang Uganda: A Hazard Model Analysis
- Namkee Ahn and A. Shariff
- 664: Permanent International Productivity Growth Differentials in an Integrated Global Economy. The Role of Households, Non-Tradeness, Self- Financing and Fiscal Policy
- Willem Buiter and Kenneth Kletzer
- 663: Measurment of Returns to Adult Health: Morbidity Effects on Wage Rates in Cote d'Ivoire and Ghana
- T. Schultz and Aysıt Tansel
- 662: The Relationship between Local Family Planning Expenditures and Fertility in Thailand, 1976-1981
- T. Schultz
- 661: Wage Employment, Earnings and Returns to Schooling for Men and Women in Turkey
- Aysıt Tansel
- 660: Cigarette Demand, Health Scares and Education in Turkey
- Aysıt Tansel
- 659: Government Solvency, Ponzi Finance and the Redundancy and Usefulness of Public Debt
- Willem Buiter and Kenneth Kletzer
- 658: A Growth Model of Inflation, Tax Evasion and Financial Repression
- Nouriel Roubini and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
- 657: Pensions
- Xavier Sala-i-Martin
- 656: Distribution of Rents and Growth
- Charles Engel and Kenneth Kletzer
- 655: Capital Mobility in Neoclassical Models of Growth
- Robert Barro, N. Gregory Mankiw and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
- 654: Should we Worry About the Fiscal Numerology of Maastricht?
- Willem Buiter
- 653: Two Blades of Grass: Research for U.S. Agriculture
- R.E. Evenson
- 652: Taxes and the Form of Ownership of Foreign Corporate Equity
- Roger Gordon and J. Jun
- 651: Transitional Dynamics in Two-Sector Models of Endogenous Growth
- Casey Mulligan and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
- 650: Regional Growth and Migration: a Japan - U.S. Comparaison
- Robert Barro and Xavier Sala-i-Martin
- 649: Wages, Schooling and Background: Investments in Men and Women in Urban Brazil
- John Strauss and Duncan Thomas