Working Papers
From University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Management
The Aarhus School of Business, Fuglesangs Allé 4, DK-8210 Aarhus V, Denmark.
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- 2009-1: Literature Review of Enterprise Systems Research Using Institutional Theory: Towards a Conceptual Model

- Per Svejvig
- 2008-2: Towards Understanding
- Erik Maaløe
- 2008-1: What is CSR? - a review of different theoretical perspectives and case studies of Cheminova and Systematic

- Claus Aagaard, Dion Angelo Valente and Morten Rasmussen
- 2007-5: Modes of Explanation

- Erik Maaløe
- 2007-4: Plan, pegepind og situeret handling. Tavs og situeret viden i IT-udvikling

- Anders Lau Mandsholm
- 2007-3: Rettigheder uden pligter, mål uden formål, velfærd uden omtanke - en kritisk vurdering af Socialdemokraternes og Regeringens forslag til velfærds- og kvalitetsreform

- Verner C. Petersen
- 2007-2: Distortions of modern management theory - and an attempt to correct them

- Verner C. Petersen
- 2007-1: Modes of Interpretation

- Erik Maaløe
- 2006-5: MBTI - distorted reflections of personality?

- Verner C. Petersen
- 2006-4: The Ship of Fools - a society of selfish individuals

- Verner C. Petersen
- 2006-3: Mod et balanceret arbejdsbegreb

- Steffen Korsgaard
- 2006-2: Uddannelse i Entrepreneurship - Universiteternes nye udfordring. En ramme til forståelse og udvikling af entrepreneurielle universitetsmiljøer Entrepreneurship Education - the New Challenge Facing the Universities. A framework for understanding and development of entrepreneurial university communities

- Per Blenker, Poul Dreisler and John Kjeldsen
- 2006-1: Overvejelser om forbrugerpolitik fra markedslogik og egeninteresse til informeret og ansvarlig selvregulering

- Verner C. Petersen
- 2005-13: The otherworldly view of economics - and its consequences

- Verner C. Petersen
- 2005-12: The Impact of Entry and Competition by Open Source Software on Innovation

- Jürgen Bitzer and Philipp J.H. Schröder
- 2005-11: Effects of foreign presence and affiliate control on the productivity of domestic companies in a transition economy: the case of Polish manufacturing 1993-2002

- Konrad Pawlik
- 2005-10: Are Patents used to Suppress Useful Technology?
- John Howells
- 2005-9: Konstruktionen af "ingroup"-strukturer i en koreansk virksomhed - skabelsen af den harmoniske familie?

- Charlotte Jonasson and Jakob Lauring
- 2005-8: Hverdagsstrategier i charterturismen: En antropologisk analyse af turistproduktets udvikling på Gran Canaria

- Jakob Lauring
- 2005-7: The export intensity of foreign affiliates in transition economies - the importance of the organization of production

- Jørgen Ulff-Møller Nielsen and Konrad Pawlik
- 2005-6: Export performance of MNE affiliates in Polish Manufacturing: 1993-2002. A study on knowledge mandate, transfer and absorption

- Konrad Pawlik
- 2005-5: How knowledge transfer and absorption impact on the profitability of foreign affiliates in Transition Economy? The case of Poland: 1993-2002

- Konrad Pawlik
- 2005-4: Increasing role of foreign capital in Polish economy since 1993

- Konrad Pawlik
- 2005-3: Inward FDI and credit constraints in the CEEC

- Aleksander Rutkowski
- 2005-2: Coming to Terms' & 'Truth

- Erik Maaløe

- Kenneth Stenkjær Pedersen, Helle Maibom Færgemann, John Kjeldsen, Poul Dreisler and Per Blenker
- 2004-13: Emergent Strategisk Ledelse - vejen frem…? Beskrivelse og analyse af emergent strategisk ledelse som teoretisk ledelsesbegreb og praktisk ledelsesværktøj

- Frank Radich, Anders Drejer and Louis Printz
- 2004-12: Forskellige teoretiske opfattelser af innovation over tid - inden for eller uden for virksomheden?

- Anders Drejer

- Anders Drejer
- 2004-10: En undersøgelse af uddannelse i entrepreneurship - et studie af fire udenlandske universitetsmiljøer
- Poul Dreisler, Per Blenker, John Kjeldsen and Helle Færgemann
- 2004-9: In Case of Case Research

- Erik Maaløe
- 2004-8: Coming to Terms - on language, induction, deduction and our uncertain grasp of realities
- Erik Maaløe
- 2004-7: Innovation and the Organisation of Technical Expertise and Work

- John Howelss
- 2004-6: Academic entrepreneurship - an oxymoron?
- Sannie Fisker
- 2004-5: Internationalisering og organisationsudvikling gennem udstationering - et casestudie
- Jakob Lauring
- 2004-4: Mangfoldighedsledelse i Danmark - en undersøgelse af konkrete fordele og komplikationer ved tilstedeværelsen af kulturel mangfoldighed
- Jakob Lauring
- 2004-3: Emerging organisations – An experiment to investigate the emergence of an organisation
- Björk Sigurgeirsdóttir, Ingibjörg Sigursardóttir, Jelle Wichman and Lotte Gydesen
- 2004-2: Truth - A Concept of Imagination with Many Faces
- Erik Maaløe
- 2004-1: En diskussion af strategiteoriens udvikling - i går, i dag, i morgen
- Anders Drejer and Louis Printz
- 2003-9: Ledelse og selvorganiserende praksis
- Christian Hansen
- 2003-8: Forretningsudvikling - defineret og set i sin rette kontekst
- Anders Drejer

- Christian Waldstrøm
- 2003-6: Metaforer, organisationer og værdier

- Christian Hansen
- 2003-5: The management of innovation and patterns in technological development
- John Howells
- 2003-4: Innovation and the exploitation of intellectual property law
- John Howells
- 2003-3: Financial techniques, institutions and innovation
- John Howells
- John Howells
- 2003-1: Praktiske øvelser med udgangspunkt i fangernes dilemma

- Poul Bonde Jensen
- 2002-2: The Innovator's dilemma revisited. The Home Communication Concept (HCC)
- Arne Stjernholm Madsen and John Ulhøi
- 2002-1: Linking: Modern Societies, Entrepreneurship and Networks. And, Presenting Two Methods to Evaluate Networks
- Henrik Knudsen
- 2001-5: Leadership and Management Theories Revisited

- Mona Toft Madsen
- 2001-4: Gender Differences and Informal Networks in a Scandinavian Context

- Christian Waldstrøm
- 2001-3: Eco-economic theory building: Implications for researching small and medium-sized enterprises

- Aharon Factor
- 2001-2: Informal Networks in Organizations - A literature review

- Christian Waldstrøm
- 2001-1: Trends and patterns in contemporary management in smaller companies: The Danish Perspective

- John Ulhøi and Henning Madsen
- 2000-8: Efter 1990'ernes miljøledelse - hva' så?

- John Ulhøi and Páll M. Rikhardsson
- 2000-7: Making the leap of faith - part 2: From modern management to spirited, value-based leadership
- Verner C. Petersen
- 2000-6: Industrial Symbiosis in an Extended Perspective

- Inger Bojsen Nehm and John Ulhøi
- 2000-5: Making the leap of faith. Part 1. From hierarchy to self-organization
- Verner C. Petersen
- 2000-4: Technological competition, creative destruction and the competitive process
- John Howells
- 2000-3: Identity, Space and Politics: The Europeanization Process Between Necessity and Personal Choice. A case study of the Danish and the Italian Customs Administration

- Patrizia Venturelli Christensen
- 2000-2: Containing the runaway logic - from voices of concern to responsible entrepreneurship
- Verner C. Petersen
- 2000-1: The response of old technology incumbents to technological competition - Does the sailing ship effect exist?
- John Howells