Finance Working Papers
From University of Aarhus, Aarhus School of Business, Department of Business Studies
The Aarhus School of Business, Fuglesangs Allé 4, DK-8210 Aarhus V, Denmark.
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- 04-2: Estimating the Consumption-Capital Asset Pricing Model without Consumption Data: Evidence from Denmark

- Anne-Sofie Reng Rasmussen
- 04-1: Speculative bubbles in stock prices? Tests based on the price-dividend ratio

- Tom Engsted and Carsten Tanggaard
- 03-9: Local Linear Density Estimation for Filtered Survival Data, with Bias Correction

- Jens Perch Nielsen, Carsten Tanggaard and M. C. Jones
- 03-8: Volatility-Spillover E ffects in European Bond Markets

- Charlotte Christiansen

- Morten Balling
- 03-6: Errors in Trade Classification: Consequences and Remedies

- Carsten Tanggaard
- 03-5: Further Evidence on Hedge Funds Performance

- Claus Bang Christiansen, Peter Brink Madsen and Michael Christensen
- 03-4: Evaluating Danish Mutual Fund Performance

- Michael Christensen
- 03-3: Denmark - A chapter on the Danish Bond Market

- Charlotte Christiansen, Tom Engsted, Svend Jakobsen and Carsten Tanggaard
- 03-2: An Empirical Study of the Term Structure of Interest Rates in Denmark, 1993 – 2002

- Charlotte Christiansen, Tom Engsted, Svend Jakobsen and Carsten Tanggaard
- 03-1: A New Daily Dividend-adjusted Index for the Danish Stock Market, 1985-2002: Construction, Statistical Properties, and Return Predictability

- Klaus Belter, Tom Engsted and Carsten Tanggaard
- 02-24: On the Suboptimality of Single-Factor Exercise Strategies for Bermudan Swaptions

- Mikkel Svenstrup
- 02-23: Efficient Control Variates and Strategies for Bermudan Swaptions in a Libor Market Model

- Malene Shin Jensen and Mikkel Svenstrup
- 02-22: Mortgage Choice - The Danish Case

- Mikkel Svenstrup
- 02-21: Valuation of Path-Dependent Interest Rate Derivatives in a Finite Difference Setup

- Mikkel Svenstrup
- 02-20: The Pros and Cons of Butterfly Barbells

- Michael Christensen
- 02-19: Multivariate Term Structure Models with Level and Heteroskedasticity Effects

- Charlotte Christiansen
- 02-18: Improving the Least-Squares Monte-Carlo Approach

- Nicki Søndergaard Rasmussen
- 02-17: Efficient Control Variates for Monte-Carlo Valuation of American Options

- Nicki Søndergaard Rasmussen
- 02-16: Finite Difference Computation of State-Prices in Term Structure Models: with Applications to Calibration and MBS Analysis

- Nicki Søndergaard Rasmussen
- 02-15: Hedging with a Misspecified Model

- Nicki Søndergaard Rasmussen
- 02-14: Long-Run Forecasting in Multicointegrated Systems

- Boriss Siliverstovs, Tom Engsted and Niels Haldrup
- 02-13: Regime Switching in the Yield Curve

- Charlotte Christiansen
- 02-12: Testing for Multiple Types of Marginal Investor in Ex-day Pricing

- Jan Bartholdy and Kate Briown
- 02-11: Unbiased Estimation of Expected Return Using CAPM
- Jan Bartholdy and Paula Peare
- 02-10: Deposit Insurance and the Risk Premium in Bank Deposit Rates
- Jan Bartholdy, Glenn Boyle and R. D. Stover
- 02-9: The Educational Asset Market: A Finance Perspective on Human Capital Investment

- Charlotte Christiansen and Helena Nielsen
- 02-8: Aktiemarkedet
- Tom Engsted
- 02-7: Estimating intractable non-linear term structure models

- Peter Mikkelsen
- 02-6: Estimating quadratic term structure models by non-linear filtering
- Jes Taulbjerg
- 02-5: Conditional moment testing, term premia and affine term structure models
- Jes Taulbjerg
- 02-4: Co-integration and exponential-affine models of the term structure
- Jes Taulbjerg
- 02-3: Revisiting the shape of the yield curve: the effect of interest rate volatility

- Charlotte Christiansen and Jesper Lund
- 02-2: Misspecification versus bubbles in hyperinflation data: Comment

- Tom Engsted
- 02-1: The comovement of US and UK stock markets

- Tom Engsted and Carsten Tanggaard
- 01-12: Long Maturity Forward Rates

- Charlotte Christiansen
- 01-11: Prediction of Mortalities. A Comparative Danish Study
- P. Fledelius and Jens Perch Nielsen
- 01-10: Two-Dimensional Hazard Estimation for Longevity Analysis
- P. Fledelius, Montserrat Guillen, Jens Perch Nielsen and M. Vogelius
- 01-9: A New Test for Speculative Bubbles Based on Return Variance Decompositions

- Tom Engsted and Carsten Tanggaard
- 01-8: On Finite Dimensional HJM Representations

- Peter Mikkelsen
- 01-7: MCMC Based Estimation of Term Structure Models

- Peter Mikkelsen
- 01-6: Cross-Currency LIBOR Market Models

- Peter Mikkelsen
- 01-5: A Finite Difference Approach to the Valuation of Path Dependent Life Insurance Liabilities

- Anders Grosen, Bjarke Jensen and Peter Jørgensen
- 01-4: Life Insurance Liabilities at Market Value

- Anders Grosen and Peter Jørgensen
- 01-3: Bootstrap Inference in Semiparametric Generalized Additive Models

- Wolfgang Härdle, Sylvie Huet, Enno Mammen and Stefan Sperlich
- 01-2: Estimating Multiplicative and Additive Hazard Functions by Kernel Methods

- Oliver Linton, Jens Perch Nielsen and Sara Van de Geer
- 01-1: Real Supply Shocks and the Money Growth-Inflation Relationship
- Michael Christensen
- 00-16: Global Polynomial Kernel Hazard Estimation

- Jens Perch Nielsen and Carsten Tanggaard
- 00-15: Quantifying the "Peso Problem" Bias: A Switching Regime Approach

- Allan Bødskov Andersen
- 00-14: Credit Spreads and the Term Structure of Interest Rates

- Charlotte Christiansen
- 00-13: Was the Honeymoon Effect Effective? An Analysis of the EMS Target Zone

- Allan Bødskov Andersen
- 00-12: Exchange Rate Dynamics in a General Equilibrium Model with Decreasing Returns to Labor

- Allan Bødskov Andersen
- 00-11: Narrow Banking
- Paula Peare
- 00-10: Evaluating the C-CAPM and the Equity Premium Puzzle at Short and Long Horizons: A Markovian Bootstrap Approach

- Tom Engsted, Enno Mammen and Carsten Tanggaard
- 00-9: The Relation Between Asset Returns and Inflation at Short and Long Horizons

- Tom Engsted and Carsten Tanggaard
- 00-8: Measuring Noise in the Permanent Income Hypothesis

- Tom Engsted
- 00-7: Boundary and Bias Correction in Kernel Hazard Estimation

- Jens Perch Nielsen and Carsten Tanggaard
- 00-6: Variable Bandwidth Kernel Hazard Estimators

- Jens Perch Nielsen
- 00-5: Super-Efficient Prediction Based on High-Quality Marker Information

- Jens Perch Nielsen
- 00-4: Kernel Density Estimation of Actuarial Loss Functions

- Catalina Bolance, Montserrat Guillen and Jens Perch Nielsen
- 00-3: Longevity Studies Based on Kernel Hazard Estimation

- Angie Felipe, Montserrat Guillen and Jens Perch Nielsen
- 00-2: Uncovered Interest Parity and Policy Behavior New Evidence
- Michael Christensen
- 00-1: Implied Volatility of Interest Rate Options: An Empirical Investigation of the Market Model
- Charlotte Christiansen and Charlotte Strunk Hansen