Working Paper Series
From Research Institute of Industrial Economics
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- 144: Adaptive Economizing, Technological Change, and the Demand for Labor in Disequilibrium
- Richard H. Day and Kenneth Hanson
- 143: The Stability of Economic Organizational Forms and the Importance of Human Capital
- Gunnar Eliasson
- 142: Endogenous Preferences and Adaptive Economizing
- Richard H. Day
- 141: Trade Specialists and Money in an Ongoing Exchange Economy
- Robert W. Clower and Daniel Friedman
- 140: Measuring and Modeling Innovative New Entry in Swedish Industry
- Ove Granstrand
- 139: Dynamic Micro-Macro Market Coordination and Technical Change
- Gunnar Eliasson
- 138: Information Technology, Capital Structure and the Nature of Technical Change
- Gunnar Eliasson
- 137: Private Enterprise vs. Government Control: An Organizationally Dynamic Comparison
- Pavel Pelikan
- 136: 'New Forms' of Investment in LDCs by Swedish Multinationals
- Magnus Blomström and Birgitta Swedenborg
- 135: Analysis of Industrial Structure: A Production Function Approach
- Finn Førsund and Lennart Hjalmarsson
- 134: Firm Strategies in the Machine Tool Industry in the United States and Sweden: Responses to Technological Challenges and Global Competition
- Bo Carlsson
- 133: Effects of Tax Reform on the Demand for Owner-Occupied Housing: A Micro Simulation Approach
- David Brownstone, Peter Englund and Mats Persson
- 132: A General FIML Estimator for a Certain Class of Models that are Non-Linear in the Variables
- Erik Mellander
- 131: CONRAD – A Maximum Likelihood Program for Estimation of Simultaneous Equations Models that are Non-Linear in the Parameters
- Leif Jansson and Erik Mellander
- 130: Fertility and the Opportunities of Children: Evidence on Quantity-Quality Interactions in Sweden
- Bertil Holmlund
- 129: Organisation och styrsystem i ett modernt storföretag
- Gunnar Eliasson
- 128: Information Criterion and Estimation of Misspecified Qualitative Choice Models
- David Brownstone
- 127: Comment on Feldstein and Poterba’s “Unemployment Insurance and Reservation Wages”
- Harald Lang
- 126: An Easy Fixup of the Flaws in Lucas’ ‘Neutrality of Money’
- Harald Lang
- 125: Estimates of Bounds for Export Price Elasticities in an Underidentified Simultaneous Two Equation System
- Eva Christina Horwitz
- 124: Prisstabilisering genom skattebaserad inkomstpolitik
- Bengt-Christer Ysander
- 123: What Can Be Learned from the Chrysler Experience?
- Frank Stafford
- 122: The Firm and Financial Markets in the Swedish Micro-to-Macro Model (MOSES): Theory, Model and Verification
- Gunnar Eliasson
- 121: Comparative Keynesian Dynamics
- Richard A. Day
- 120: Unemployment and Mental Health: Some Evidence from Panel Data
- Anders Bjorklund
- 119: Forestalling the Demise of Empirical Economics: The Role of Microdata in Labor Economics Research
- Frank Stafford
- 118: The MOSES Manual, Part 2, The Initialization Process
- Fredrik Bergholm
- 117: Micro Heterogeneity of Firms and the Stability of Industrial Growth
- Gunnar Eliasson
- 116: Schumpeterian Dynamics
- Erik Dahmén
- 115: On the Behavioral and Rational Foundation of Economic Theory
- Herbert Simon
- 114: The Microeconomics of Organization and Productivity Change: The Use of Machine Tools in Manufacturing
- Bo Carlsson
- 113: The Industrial Finance Systems; Europe, U.S. and Japan
- Tad Rybczynski
- 112: Schumpeterian Competition in Alternative Technological Regimes
- Sidney Winter
- 111: Disequilibrium Economic Dynamics: A Post-Schumpeterian Contribution
- Richard A. Day
- 110: A Nonwalrasian Model of the Business Cycle
- Jean-Pascal Benassy
- 109: Capitalist Organization and Nationalistic Response; Social Dynamics in the Age of Schumpeter
- William Parker
- 108: Entry, Industry Growth and the Micro Dynamics of Industry Supply
- John C. Hause and Gunnar Du Rietz
- 107: The Largest Nordic Manufacturing Companies
- Lars Oxelheim
- 106: Public Policy Evaluation in Sweden
- Bengt-Christer Ysander
- 105: Estimation of Wage Gains and Welfare Gains from Self-Selection Models
- Anders Bjorklund
- 104: De utlandsetablerade företagen och den svenska ekonomin
- Gunnar Eliasson
- 103: The Swedish Micro-to-Macro Model: Idea, Design and Application
- Gunnar Eliasson
- 102: Collection Data for Micro Analysis. Experiences from the HUS-Pilot Study
- N. Anders Klevmarken
- 101: Norway in a Scandinavian perspective: What Would Have Happened without Oil?
- Gunnar Eliasson
- 100: Quit Behavior under Imperfect Information: Searching, Moving, Learning
- Bertil Holmlund and Harald Lang
- 99: An Equilibrium Model of Search Unemployment
- James Albrecht and Bo Axell
- 98: Technical Progress and Structural Change in the Swedish Cement Industry 1955 - 1979
- Finn Førsund and Lennart Hjalmarsson
- 97: The Development and Use of Machine Tools in Historical Perspective
- Bo Carlsson
- 96: The Machine Tool Industry – Problems and Prospects in an International Perspective
- Bo Carlsson
- 95: Sweden’s Laffer Curve: Taxation and the Unobserved Economy
- Edgar Feige and Robert T. McGee