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Global COE Hi-Stat Discussion Paper Series

From Institute of Economic Research, Hitotsubashi University
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12-298: Extending the Original Position: Revisiting the Pattanaik Critique of Vickrey/Harsanyi Utilitarianism Downloads
Peter Hammond
12-297: Educational Credentialism and Elite Formation in Japan: A Long-term Perspective Downloads
Daiji Kawaguchi and Hiroshi Ono
12-296: The Relationship Between Young Unemployed and Parents' Financial Resources Downloads
Kazuyasu Sakamoto
12-295: Estimating Upward Bias in the Japanese CPI Using Engel's Law Downloads
Kazuhito Higa
12-294: Estimating the Extensive Margin of Youth Labor Supply Downloads
Shota Araki
12-293: Monetary Policy Cooperation - Policy Prescriptions from New Open Economy Macroeconomics Downloads
Ippei Fujiwara
12-292: The Effects of a Megabank Merger on Firm-Bank Relationships and Borrowing Costs Downloads
Iichiro Uesugi and Taisuke Uchino
12-291: The Effects of the Property Tax Break for Newly-Built Houses on Housing Investments in Tokyo Downloads
Norifumi Yukutake
12-290: On the Realizability of Social Preferences in Three-Party Parliamentary Downloads
Kazuya Kikuchi
12-289: Government-Sponsored Cooperative Research in Japan: Case Study of the Organization for Pharmaceutical Safety and Research (OPSR) Program Downloads
Yosuke Okada and Takahito Kushi
12-288: FDI Spillover Effects in the Food Industry in Asian Countries Downloads
Takuya Yamamoto and Takeshi Sakurai
12-287: Using Volume Measurement for Measuring Health Care in the SNA Downloads
Mieko Fujisawa
12-286: More Political Parties, More Redistribution? Empirical Evidence from State Governments in India Downloads
Yuko Mori
12-285: Compensating Wage Differentials in Stable Job Matching Equilibrium Downloads
Seungjin Han and Shintaro Yamaguchi
12-284: Taxation and Public Goods Provision in China and Japan before 1850 Downloads
Tuan-Hwee Sng and Chiaki Moriguchi
12-283: Inspiration and Perspiration Factors in Economic Growth: The Former Soviet Union Area versus China (ca. 1920-2010) Downloads
Dmitry Didenko, Péter Földvári and Bas van Leeuwen
12-282: Empirical Analysis of Elections and Voting Behavior in India Downloads
Yuko Mori
12-281: Modelling for the Wavelet Coefficients of ARFIMA Processes Downloads
Kei Nanamiya
12-280: Forecasting with Non-spurious Factors in U.S. Macroeconomic Time Series Downloads
Yohei Yamamoto
12-279: Time Instability of the U.S. Monetary System: Multiple Break Tests and Reduced Rank TVP VAR Downloads
Dukpa Kim and Yohei Yamamoto
12-278: Human Growth Pattern: Observations from the Longitudinal Survey of Babies in 21st Century in Japan Downloads
Yukinobu Kitamura
12-277: External Shocks and Japanese Business Cycles: Evidence from a Sign-Restricted VAR Downloads
Hiroshi Morita
12-276: Limit Theorems for the Pre-averaged Hayashi-Yoshida Estimator with Random Sampling Downloads
Yuta Koike
12-275: Changes in Returns to Task-Specific Skills and Gender Wage Gap Downloads
Shintaro Yamaguchi
12-274: Value Added Tax Revisited: Toward a Reasonable Consumption Tax Reform in Japan Downloads
Yukinobu Kitamura
12-273: Pricing Nikkei 225 Options Using Realized Volatility Downloads
Masato Ubukata and Toshiaki Watanabe
12-272: Urban Society of Amman - Report of the Amman Household Survey 2008 Downloads
Hiroshi Kato, Haruka Usuki and Erina Iwasaki
12-271: Fewer School Days, More Inequality Downloads
Daiji Kawaguchi
12-270: Regime Switches in Japanese Fiscal Policy: Markov-Switching VAR Approach Downloads
Jun-Hyung Ko and Hiroshi Morita
12-269: Realized Beta GARCH: A Multivariate GARCH Model with Realized Measures of Volatility and Covolatility Downloads
Peter Hansen, Asger Lunde and Valeri Voev
12-268: A Test for the Rank of the Volatility Process: The Random Perturbation Approach Downloads
Jean Jacod and Mark Podolskij
12-267: China's Economic Growth, Structural Change and the Lewisian Turning Point Downloads
Kyoji Fukao and Tangjun Yuan
12-266: Parametric Inference and Dynamic State Recovery from Option Panels Downloads
Torben Andersen, Nicola Fusari and Viktor Todorov
12-265: Low Birth Weight: Its Causes and Consequences Downloads
Daiji Kawaguchi and Haruko Noguchi
12-264: Investigating Impacts of Self-Exciting Jumps in Returns and Volatility: A Bayesian Learning Approach Downloads
Andras Fulop, Junye Li and Jun Yu
12-263: Menu Costs and Dynamic Duopoly Downloads
Kazuko Kano
12-262: Consumption Inequality and the Age of Household Heads in Developing Countries: A Comparative Study of Thailand, India, and Pakistan Downloads
Takashi Kurosaki and Kyosuke Kurita
12-261: Who Is Willing to Continue Business Start-up? An Empirical Analysis on the Founders' Willingness Based on Anonymous Micro Data of the "Employment Status Survey" Downloads
Hiroyuki Okamuro and Kenta Ikeuchi
12-260: Work-Life Balance and Gender Differences in Self-Employment Income during the Start-up Stage in Japan Downloads
Hiroyuki Okamuro and Kenta Ikeuchi
12-259: Testing the Number of Components in Finite Mixture Models Downloads
Hiroyuki Kasahara and Katsumi Shimotsu
12-258: On the Usefulness or Lack Thereof of Optimality Criteria for Structural Change Tests Downloads
Pierre Perron and Yohei Yamamoto
12-257: Voter Turnout and the Principle of "One Person, One Vote": Empirical Evidence from the Constituency Freeze in India Downloads
Yuko Mori
12-256: Covariate Unit Root Test for Cross-Sectionally Dependent Panel Data Downloads
Eiji Kurozumi, Daisuke Yamazaki and Kaddour Hadri
12-255: The AMU Deviation Indicators Based on the Purchasing Power Parity and Adjusted by the Balassa-Samuelson Effect Downloads
Eiji Ogawa and Zhiqian Wang
12-254: Rationality, Market and Rural Credit: Case of Fude Association Downloads
Kaixiang Peng
12-253: Wage Convergence and Divergence in East Asia, 1900-39 Downloads
Myung Soo Cha
12-252: The Economic Significance of the Imperial Household Department in the Qianlong Period Downloads
Hui-min Lai
12-251: The Restoration of the Gold Standard after the US Civil War: A Volatility Analysis Downloads
Max Meulemann, Martin Uebele and Bernd Wilfling
12-250: Estimating and Testing Multiple Structural Changes in Linear Models Using Band Spectral Regressions Downloads
Yohei Yamamoto and Pierre Perron
12-249: Bootstrap Inference for Impulse Response Functions in Factor-Augmented Vector Autoregressions Downloads
Yohei Yamamoto
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