Midwest Agribusiness Trade Research and Information Center (MATRIC) Publications (archive only)
From Center for Agricultural and Rural Development (CARD) at Iowa State University Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 10-wp517: How Market Efficiency and the Theory of Storage Link Corn and Ethanol Markets

- Mindy Mallory, Dermot Hayes and Scott Irwin
- 09-wp497: Impact of Biofuels Policy on Agribusiness Stock Prices, The

- Fatma Tepe, Xiaodong Du and David Hennessy
- 08-mbp14: Steady Supplies or Stockpiles? Demand for Corn-Based Distillers Grains by the U.S. Beef Industry

- Roxanne Clemens and Bruce Babcock
- 07-mbp13: Creating a Geographically Linked Brand for High-Quality Beef: A Case Study

- Bruce Babcock, Dermot Hayes, John Lawrence and Roxanne Clemens
- 07-mbp12: After the Ban: The Japanese Market for U.S. Beef

- Roxanne Clemens
- 07-mwp10: Recent International and Regulatory Decisions about Geographical Indications, The

- Stéphan Marette, Roxanne Clemens and Bruce Babcock
- 06-mbp11: Global Prospects for Dairy in Argentina and Chile: Evidence from Field Visits and Model Simulations

- Frank Fuller, John Beghin, Michael Boland, Bruce Babcock and William Foster
- 06-mbp10: Changing Structure of Pork Trade, Production, and Processing in Mexico, The

- S. Batres-Marquez, Roxanne Clemens and Helen Jensen
- 06-mwp9: Collective Marketing Arrangements for Geographically Differentiated Agricultural Products: Welfare Impacts and Policy Implications

- Sergio Lence, Stéphan Marette, Dermot Hayes and William Foster
- 05-wp406: The Collective-Quality Promotion in the Agribusiness Sector: An Overview

- Stéphan Marette
- 05-wp405: Common Labels and Market Mechanisms

- Christine Boizot-Szantai, Sébastien Lecocq and Stéphan Marette
- 05-mrp12: What Can the United States Learn from Spain's Pork Sector? Implications from a Comparative Economic Analysis

- Sergio Lence
- 05-mrp11: Case Study of China's Commercial Pork Value Chain, A

- Jacinto Fabiosa, Dinghuan Hu and Cheng Fang
- 05-mrp10: Impact of Ownership Structure on the Performance of China's Feed Mill Sector, The

- Jacinto Fabiosa
- 05-mrp9: Emerging Issues for Geographical Indication Branding Strategies

- Sanjeev Agarwal and Michael Barone
- 05-mrp8: Radio Frequency Identification Tagging as a Mechanism of Creating a Viable Producer's Brand in the Cattle Industry

- Brian Mennecke and Anthony Townsend
- 04-mbp9: Country of Origin as a Brand: The Case of New Zealand Lamb

- Roxanne Clemens and Bruce Babcock
- 04-mbp8: Keeping Farmers on the Land: Adding Value in Agriculture in the Veneto Region of Italy

- Roxanne Clemens
- 04-mwp8: Challenge of Conforming to Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures for China's Agricultural Exports.,The

- Fengxia Dong and Helen Jensen
- 04-mbp7: Geographical Indications and Property Rights: Protecting Value-Added Agricultural Products

- Bruce Babcock and Roxanne Clemens
- 04-mbp6: Brazil: The Future of Modern Agriculture?

- Holger Matthey, Jacinto Fabiosa and Frank Fuller
- 03-mrp7: Lessons Learned from the Canadian Cattle Industry: National Animal Identification and The Mad Cow

- John Lawrence, Daryl Strohbehn, Daniel Loy and Reginald Clause
- 03-mrp6: Assessing the Feasibility of Processing and Marketing Niche Soy Oil

- Sergio Lence and Sanjeev Agarwal
- 03-mbp5: Meat Traceability and Consumer Assurance in Japan

- Roxanne Clemens
- 03-mrp5: Emerging Forms of Competitive Advantage: Implications for Agricultural Producers

- Michael Barone and Thomas DeCarlo
- 02-bp40: Quality Management and Information Transmission in Cattle Markets: A Case Study of the Chariton Valley Beef Alliance

- Brent Hueth and John Lawrence
- 02-mwp7: Improving the U.S. Position in World Soybean Meal Trade

- Hyesun Park and Charles Hurburgh
- 02-mwp6: Assessment by Midwestern Agricultural Firms of Doing Business in China and India

- Sanjeev Agarwal
- 02-mbp4: Why Can't U.S. Beef Compete in the European Union?

- Roxanne Clemens and Bruce Babcock
- 02-mrp4: Does the U.S. Midwest Have a Cost Advantage Over China in Producing Corn, Soybeans, and Hogs?

- Cheng Fang and Jacinto Fabiosa
- 02-mbp3: Why Can't Vidalia Onions Be Grown in Iowa? Developing a Branded Agricultural Product

- Roxanne Clemens
- 02-mbp2: Beef Mission 2001: Chengdu, Guangzhou, Panyu, and Hong Kong, China

- Steven Lonergan
- 02-mbp1: Quality Assurance "Down Under": Market Access and Product Differentiation

- John Lawrence
- 01-mwp5: Response to an Asymmetric Demand for Attributes: An Application to the Market for Genetically Modified Crops

- Sergio Lence and Dermot Hayes
- 00-mrp3: Comparative Analysis of Agricultural Transportation and Logistics Systems in the United States and Argentina, A

- Thomas Goldsby
- 00-mrp2: Comparative Marketing Analysis of Major Agricultural Products in the United States and Argentina, A

- Sergio Lence
- 00-mrp1: Economic, Financial, and Political Environment in Argentina, The

- Sanjeev Agarwal
- 99-sr89: Midwest Feeds Consortium: Final Report, The

- Anthony Ostrowski, Paul Brown, Rolando Flores, Robert Summerfelt, Keith Heffernan, Phillip Kaus and Paul Brown
- 97-mwp4: Developing an International Agribusiness Construction Information System

- E. Jaselskis, R. Wilson and A. Ladson
- 97-mwp3: Economic and Market Developments in the Franc Zone

- Staff Matric
- 97-mwp2: Initiation of End-User Specific Grain Marketing at Iowa Elevators

- Charles Hurburgh
- 96-mwp1: Competitiveness and Marketability of Vegetable Oils, Oilmeals, and Plant Equipment for Processing of Oilseeds and Oils in the Baltic States

- Sanjeev Agarwal and John Wong
- 94-gatt2: Brazilian Agriculture and Policy Changes under GATT

- Michael Helmar
- 93-tr28: Aggregate Agricultural Inputs and Outputs in Developing Countries: A Data Set

- Jori Elisiana, Lilyan Fulginiti and Richard Perrin
- 92-tr24: Study of the Market Potential for an Ultrasonic and Video Imaging System for Quality Assurance of Agricultural Grains and Seeds, A

- V. Premakumar and John Helmuth
- 82-wp13: Optimal Stochastic Advertising Strategies for the U.S. Beef Industry

- Kun Lee, Stanley Schraufnagel and Earl Heady