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Sustainable Business Models for E-Learning

Gabriela Hoppe and Michael Breitner ()

No 7, IWI Discussion Paper Series from Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik, Universität Hannover

Abstract: E-learning becomes more and more important. Reasons are the paramount importance of knowledge, life-time learning, globalization and mobility. Not all providers of information system components for the specific domain of e-learning succeed in closing the gap between costs and revenues. Especially in the academic sector e-learning projects suffer more and more from decreasing funding. For many currently active research groups it is es-sential to market their research results, e. g. e-learning applications, in order to fund actual and future e-learning projects. Basis of a successful commercialization of e-learning products is a coherent and consistent over-all e-learning strategy. E-learning strategies have to address economical, pedagogical and technological goals. For ensuring pedagogical and techno-logical quality, different theories and models for e-learning already exist, e. g. the Essen Learning Model (ELM). But there is a lack of theories and mo-dels ensuring economical “quality” in terms of marketable and sustainable products. This paper presents a framework for sustainable e-learning busi-ness models. Its advantage is its suitability for products designed for, e. g., computer based training (CBT) as well as for web based (WBT) or mobile based training (MBT). Thus it considers opportunities enabled by new in-formation technologies. The framework is also suitable to complete existing e-learning theories and models focusing only the pedagogical and technolo-gical dimension of e-learning. According to this new approach sustainable business models for e-learning integrate and consolidate strategic propositi-ons concerning market model, activity model and asset model. By analyzing these issues, crucial success factors for the commercialization of e-learning products are identified. Additionally, successful relations between core ac-tivities and revenue models are presented.

Keywords: E-learning; business models; sustainability; economical aspects; cost benefit analysis; e-learning architectures (search for similar items in EconPapers)
JEL-codes: I29 O39 (search for similar items in EconPapers)
Pages: 21 pages
Date: 2004-01-07
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