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Centre for International Trade and Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi Discussion Papers

From Centre for International Trade and Development, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India
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21-03: Interaction between trade and environment policies with special interest politics: A Case when commodity markets are imperfect Downloads
Gaurav Bhattacharya and Meeta Mehra
21-01: Trade Wars and Trade Talks Revisited: An extension of the Grossman-Helpman Model (1995) Downloads
Meeta Mehra and Gaurav Bhattacharya
20-02: Impact of Electoral Competition, Swing Voters and Interest Group Lobbying on Strategic Determination of Equilibrium Policy Platforms Downloads
Deepti Kohli and Meeta Mehra
20-01: Implications of Quality of Schooling on Economic Growth and Convergence– A System Dynamics Perspective Downloads
Meeta Mehra and Swati Saini
19-06: Measuring marginal abatement costs in the Indian thermal power sector: A by-production approach Downloads
Sushama Murty and Resham Nagpal
19-05: Female Education, Marital Assortative Mating and Dowry: Theory and Evidence from India Downloads
Prarthna Agarwal Goel
19-04: Overnutrition and Risk of Diabetes: A Micro Data Analysis for India Downloads
Shivani Gupta and Sangeeta Bansal
19-03: Some results from the theory of optimal taxation and their relevance for increasing progressiveness of Indian tax structure Downloads
Sushama Murty
19-01: Choice of models for emission-generating technologies and designing technical efficiency improvements Downloads
Sushama Murty and Resham Nagpal
18-09: Dynamics of Political Budget Cycle Downloads
Ganesh Manjhi and Meeta Mehra
18-08: Weighted index of graph efficiency improvements for a by-production technology and its application to Indian coal-based thermal power sector Downloads
Sushama Murty and Resham Nagpal
18-07: Measuring output-based technical efficiency of Indian coal-based thermal power plants: A by-production approach Downloads
Sushama Murty and Resham Nagpal
18-06: Quality of Schooling: Child Quantity-Quality Tradeoff, Technological Progress and Economic Growth Downloads
Swati Saini and Meeta Mehra
18-05: Influence of Social Network Effect and Incentive on Choice of Star Labeled Cars in India: A Latent Class Approach based on Choice Experiment Downloads
Charu Grover, Sangeeta Bansal and Adan Martinez-Cruz
18-04: Does Trade, Structural Transformation and Income Convergence: Empirical Evidence from the EU and the ASEAN Downloads
Devasmita Jena and Alokesh Barua
18-03: A Dynamic Analysis of Special Interest Politics and Electoral Competition Downloads
Ganesh Manjhi and Meeta Mehra
18-02: Does Financial Sector Development Augment Cross Border Capital Flows? Downloads
Pragya Atri and Abhijit Sen Gupta
18-01: Some principles for corrective taxation of externalities in a second-best world with commodity taxes Downloads
Sushama Murty
17-07: Lessons from optimal taxation theory for the GST and beyond Downloads
Sushama Murty
17-06: Bad Outputs Downloads
Sushama Murty and R. Robert Russell
17-05: Perform-Achieve-Trade Policy: A Case Study of Cement Industry for Energy Efficiency Downloads
Hena Oak and Sangeeta Bansal
17-03: Bank Consolidation and Efficiency: an Empirical Study from India Downloads
Kollapuri M
17-02: Access to Formal Financial Services: A Cross Country Study Downloads
Rigzin Yangdol
17-01: The Centre-State Political Transfer Cycles Downloads
Ganesh Manjhi and Meeta Mehra
16-02: Measuring unilateral and multilateral gains from tackling current economic ineciencies in CO2 reductions: Theory and evidence Downloads
Sushama Murty
16-01: Modeling emission-generating technologies: Reconciliation of axiomatic and by-production approaches Downloads
Sushama Murty and R. Robert Russell
15-11: Can the Organised and Unorganised Sectors Co-exits: A Theoretical Study Downloads
Manoj Pant and Shobha Bagai
15-10: Science Research and Knowledge Creation in Indian Universities: Theoretical Perspectives and Econometric Evidence Downloads
Sabyasachi Saha and Amit Ray
15-09: On Wage Inequality, Trade and Technology: Theory and Empirics Downloads
Alokesh Baura and Priyanta Ghosh
15-08: The Role of Services in Enhancing Indian Manufacturing Exports: A Firm Level Analysis, 2000-01 to 2011-12 Downloads
Sonia Mukherjee
15-07: Intergenerational Mobility, Human Capital Composition and Distance to Technological Frontier Downloads
Sujata Basu
15-06: Cross-Country Analysis of Composition of Human Capital and Total Factor Productivity Growth depending on its Distance to Frontier Downloads
Sujata Basu
15-05: R & D Sector Outsourcing, Human Capital Formation and Growth in the Context of Developed versus Developing Economies Downloads
Sujata Basu
15-04: The Role of Technological Conditions of Production in Explaining India's Manufacturing Growth, 1998-00 to 2007-08: Some Policy Perspectives Downloads
Alokesh Barua, Bishwanath Goldar and Himani Sharma
15-03: Imperfect Certification under Cournot Duopoly Downloads
Charu Grover and Sangeeta Bansal
15-02: Environmental Policy in a Federation with Special Interest Politics and Inter-governmental Grants Downloads
Divya Datt
15-01: The Enigma of the ‘Indian Model’ of Development Downloads
Amit Ray
14-04: Structural Transformation in the North-Eastern Region of India: Charting out an agriculture-based development policy Downloads
Alwin D’souza and Amit Ray
14-02: Optimizing Public Expenditure Allocations between Secondary and Higher Education Downloads
Vijay P. Ojha and Joydeep Ghosh
14-01: Do foreign banks in India indulge in cream skimming? Downloads
Mandira Sarma and Anjali Prashad
13-02: What Attracts FDI in Indian Manufacturing Industries? Downloads
Rashmi Rastogi and Aparna Sawhney
13-01: Trade and Wage Inequality: A Specific Factor Model with Intermediate Goods Downloads
Alokesh Barua and Manoj Pant
12-04: Exchange Market Pressure in India Downloads
Anuradha Guru and Mandira Sarma
12-03: Market Provision of Quality: Impact of Economic Growth Downloads
Sangeeta Bansal
12-01: Endogeneous Human Capital Formation, Distance to Frontier and Growth Downloads
Sujata Basu and Meeta Mehra
11-02: Capital Flows and the Impossible Trinity: The Indian Experience Downloads
Abhijit Sen Gupta and Ganesh Manjhi
11-01: Diffusion of Bt Cotton in India: Impact of Seed Prices and Technological Development Downloads
Anchal Arora and Sangeeta Bansal
10-07: Corporate Governance, Competition and Firm Performance: Evidence from India Downloads
Manoranjan Pattanayak Author- Workplace-Name: CRISIL Limited and Manoj Pant
10-06: Structural Change, Economic Growth and Trade: Case for Regional Reallocation of Investment in India Downloads
Alokesh Barua and Aparna Sawhney
10-04: FDI, Technology Transfer and Spillover —A Case Study of India Downloads
Manoj Pant and Sangeeta Mondal
10-03: Environmental Sustainability and the Account of Genuine Wealth in India Downloads
Aparna Sawhney
10-02: Weak Aversion to GM Foods: Experimental Evidence from India Downloads
Sangeeta Bansal, Sujoy Chakravarty and Bharat Ramaswami
10-01: Some Aspects of Incentive-Based Optimal Pricing and Environmental Regulation with Asymmetric Information Downloads
Saptarshi Basu Roy Choudhury and Meeta Mehra
09-12: North-South Capital Movement and Global Environment Downloads
Meeta Mehra
09-11: India's tryst with technology: The Way forward Downloads
Amit Ray and Sabyasachi Saha
09-10: Lacunae in Financial Regulatory Framework Vis-?-Vis Financial Repression Downloads
Gurbachan Singh
09-09: To Contribute or not to Contribute: Micro-theoretical Models of the Open Source Software (OSS) Development Downloads
Amit Ray and Subhasis Bera
09-08: Financial Intermediation and Employment Downloads
Manoj Pant, Prabal Roy Chowdhury and Gurbachan Singh
09-07: Why is 100% Reserve Banking Inefficient? Downloads
Gurbachan Singh
09-06: India?s Stance at the WTO: Shifting Coordinates, Unaltered Paradigm Downloads
Amit Ray and Sabyasachi Saha
09-05: Financial Repression, Bank Deposits, Real Assets and Black Money Downloads
Gurbachan Singh
09-04: Co-evolution of IPR Policy and Technological Learning in Developing Countries: A Game-theoretic Model Downloads
Amit Ray and Saradindu Bhaduri
09-03: Does Regionalism Hinder Multilateralism: A Case Study of India Downloads
Manoj Pant and Amit Sadhukhan
09-02: Corporate governance and Competition: A Case Study of India Downloads
Manoj Pant and Manoranjan Pattanayak
09-01: Economic Development: Do Governments matter? Downloads
Manoj Pant
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