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IOB Analyses & Policy Briefs

From Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB)
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63: La rébellion du M23 et trois décennies de conflit prolongé: que se passe-t-il en RD Congo et comment mettre fin à la violence? Downloads
Marijke Verpoorten and Nik Stoop
62: The M23 rebellion and three decades of prolonged conflict: what’s happening in DR Congo, and how can the violence be stopped? Downloads
Marijke Verpoorten and Nik Stoop
61: Education in Mongwe, Tanzania: a case study assessing education access and quality Downloads
Jade Snels, Karina Villanueva Calderon, Fiona Ward Shaw, Doreen Kyando, Solomon Mwije, Nathalie Holvoet, Sara Dewachter, Rajab Mgonja, Ephrahim Mchukwa, Ezekiel Obunde, Agripina Masashua, Saraphina Lukelo, Emmanuel Singu and Michael Nicodemus
60: Vulnerability, resilience, and integration of elderly South Sudanese refugees in Uganda: a case study of Pagirinya settlement in Adjumani district Downloads
Samuel Opono and Frank Ahimbisibwe
59: Occupational health and safety risks in artisanal and small-scale mining Downloads
Philippe Dunia Kabunga, Sara Geenen and Anuarite Bashizi
58: Quand les experts contextuels se réunissent… Une recherche collective pour les incarcérations irrégulières à la Prison Centrale de Makala (Kinshasa Downloads
Denis Augustin Samnick, Sara Liwerant, Tom De Herdt and Albert Malukisa Nkuku
57: When contextual experts get together... Collective research into irregular incarceration at Makala Central Prison (Kinshasa) Downloads
Denis Augustin Samnick, Sara Liwerant, Tom De Herdt and Albert Malukisa Nkuku
56: Jobs and violence: evidence from a policy experiment in DR Congo Downloads
Marijke Verpoorten and Nik Stoop
55: Delving deeper into the food security-development finance-governance quality nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Danny Cassimon, Olusegun Fadare and George Mavrotas
54: How to cope with a refugee population? Evidence from Uganda Downloads
Mark Marvin Kadigo
53: Mission accomplie? L’évaluation des quotas ethniques au Burundi Downloads
Alexandre Wadih Raffoul and Stef Vandeginste
52: Can universal cash transfers spur citizenship? An evaluation of Busibi CT’s impacts on (perceived) political efficacy Downloads
Filippo Grisolia, Sara Dewachter and Nathalie Holvoet
51: Conservation, conflit et exploitation minière semi-industrielle: le cas de l'est de la RDC Downloads
Verweijen Judith, Peer Schouten, Fergus O'Leary Simpson and Pascal Chakirwa Zirimwabagabo
50: Investigating the sustainability of cash transfer effects: the Busibi case Downloads
Filippo Grisolia, Sara Dewachter and Nathalie Holvoet
49: Conservation, conflict and semi-industrial mining: the case of eastern DRC Downloads
Judith Verweijen, Peer Schouten, Fergus O'Leary Simpson and Pascal Chakirwa Zirimwabagabo
48: Added value of community based monitoring (CBM): lessons from the Fuatilia Maji Project Downloads
Jenipher Biira Salamula, Josué Guerrero Calle, Sara Dewachter and Nathalie Holvoet
47: ¿Qué retos enfrenta la minería informal de oro en el Perú? Lecciones aprendidas de La Rinconada, Puno Downloads
Maria Eugenia Robles, Sara Geenen and Boris Verbrugge
46: Underground struggles: improving working conditions in artisanal and small-scale gold mining: lessons from Mindanao, Philippines Downloads
Eugenia Robles Mengoa, Sara Geenen, Boris Verbrugge, Beverly Besmanos and Rafael López Valverde
45: “La mort, c’est la nourriture du creuseur”: le travail informel dans les mines de Shabunda et Watsa à l’Est de la RDC Downloads
Divin-Luc Bikubanya, Sara Geenen and Boris Verbrugge
44: Increasing impact of international development study experiences Downloads
Wanda Casten, Sara Dewachter, Nathalie Holvoet, Hezron Makundi and Nawanda Yahaya
43: Debt-for-climate swaps in the COVID-19 era: killing two birds with one stone? Downloads
Dennis Essers, Danny Cassimon and Martin Prowse
42: ‘For King, for Freedom and for Justice’? Comments regarding Belgium’s Congo Commission Downloads
Stefaan Marysse
41: “Le Roi, la Loi, la Liberté”? Annotations à la Commission spéciale sur le passé colonial Downloads
Stefaan Marysse
40: Flagged and tagged by ITSCI: the potential and risks of non-state supply chain regulation Downloads
Hester Postma and Sara Geenen
39: Artisanal or industrial conflict minerals? Downloads
Nik Stoop, Marijke Verpoorten and Peter Van der Windt
38: Croyances religieuses endogènes et développement en Afrique subsaharienne Downloads
Sahawal Alidou and Marijke Verpoorten
37: Defying intuition: bigger families have no significant negative effect on children’s schooling in Sub-Saharan Africa Downloads
Marijke Verpoorten and Sahawal Alidou
36: Uganda: Museveni's struggle to create legitimacy among the 'Museveni babies' Downloads
Kristof Titeca
35: Urbanization and dietary change Downloads
Lara Cockx, Liesbeth Colen and Joachim De Weerdt
34: Reaching climate funding targets: the polluters aren’t paying. And green parties do not make a difference Downloads
Carola Klöck, Nadia Molenaers and Florian Weiler
33: Congo's elections and its political landscape: some key insights Downloads
Kristof Titeca and James Thamani
32: The biggest migration challenge ever Downloads
Marijke Verpoorten
31: How do illegal ivory traders operate? Field research among illegal ivory traders aims to give an answer Downloads
Kristof Titeca
30: Aid, trade, or state? The post-war recovery of the Rwandan coffee sector Downloads
Andrea Guariso and Marijke Verpoorten
29: Voodoo, vaccines and bed nets: magicoreligious beliefs affect health behavior in Benin Downloads
Nik Stoop and Marijke Verpoorten
28: Monitoring changes in intrahousehold decision-making and evaluating its impact: a toolkit Downloads
Els Lecoutere
27: La réforme constitutionnelle et la limitation du nombre de mandats présidentiels au Burundi: deux questions restées en suspens Downloads
Stef Vandeginste
26: What good is an oil sector without oil? How regime security and shorttermism explains DR Congo’s (non-)oil sector Downloads
Patrick Edmond and Kristof Titeca
25: Women in (and out of) artisanal mining: a call for revising Uganda's draft Mining and Minerals Policy Downloads
Stella Muheki and Sara Geenen
24: Burundi’s constitutional amendment: what do we know so far? Downloads
Stef Vandeginste
23: From figures to facts: making sense of socio-economic surveys in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) Downloads
Wim Marivoet and Tom De Herdt
22: Déjà vu? Congo from Mobutu to Kabila, twenty years later Downloads
Filip Reyntjens
21: Not your average job: measuring farm labor in Tanzania Downloads
Vellore Arthi, Kathleen Beegle, Joachim De Weerdt and Amparo Palacios-Lopez
20: The ICC Burexit: free at last? Burundi on its way out of the Rome Statute Downloads
Stef Vandeginste
19: Coopératives minières au Sud-Kivu: recours ou extorsion? Downloads
Jorden de Haan and Sara Geenen
18: Urbanization and poverty reduction: the role of secondary towns in Tanzania Downloads
Luc Christiaensen, Joachim De Weerdt and Ravi Kanbur
17: Burundi’s crisis and the Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement: which way forward? Downloads
Stef Vandeginste
16: Reduction of poverty and inequality, the Rwandan way. And the aid community loves it Downloads
Filip Reyntjens
15: Real governance and practical norms in Sub-Saharan Africa: the game of the rules Downloads
Tom De Herdt and Jean-Pierre Olivier de Sardan
14: Mining cooperatives in South Kivu: saviour or extortionist? Downloads
Jorden de Haan and Sara Geenen
13: Discours diplomatique et mandats présidentiels en Afrique centrale. Une lettre ouverte à son Excellence l'Ambassadeur de l'Allemagne au Rwanda, M. Peter Fahrenholtz Downloads
Stef Vandeginste
12: Presidential term limits and dubious diplomatic discourse. An open letter to His Excellency Peter Fahrenholtz, German Ambassador to Rwanda Downloads
Stef Vandeginste
11: Scenarios for Burundi Downloads
Filip Reyntjens
10: The social minefield of gold digging in South-Kivu, DRC. The case of Kamituga Downloads
Janvier Kilosho, Nik Stoop and Marijke Verpoorten
9: How to account for concessional loans in aid statistics? Downloads
Danny Cassimon, Robrecht Renard and Karel Verbeke
8: The final deathblow to development planning? A comparative book review of Easterly’s ‘The Tyranny of Experts’ and Ramalingam’s ‘Aid on the Edge of Chaos’ Downloads
Dennis Essers and Bert Jacobs
7: Reviving Benin's shrimp export sector: the need for an integrated approach Downloads
Romain Houssa, Johan Swinnen and Marijke Verpoorten
6: Rwanda: twenty years after the genocide Downloads
Filip Reyntjens
5: Out of Garamba, into Uganda. Poaching and trade of ivory in Garamba National Park and LRA-affected areas in Congo Downloads
Kristof Titeca
4: Une nouvelle Constitution pour le Burundi? Un défi pour la Charte africaine de la démocratie, des élections et de la gouvernance Downloads
Stef Vandeginste
3: Is ‘tradition’ the solution? Lessons from Rwanda’s gacaca courts for justice and reconciliation after mass violence Downloads
Bert Ingelaere
2: Armed Conflict and Economic Performance in Rwanda Downloads
Pieter Serneels and Marijke Verpoorten
1: And what about Africa's original sins? Downloads
Dennis Essers and Danny Cassimon
Page updated 2025-03-27
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