IOB Discussion Papers
From Universiteit Antwerpen, Institute of Development Policy (IOB) Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Hans De Backer (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2024.03: Miners’ endurance in informal gold mining: the extreme case of La Rinconada, Peru

- Eugenia Robles Mengoa and Ana Luisa Sánchez
- 2024.02: Can cash transfers really be transformative? A literature review of the sustainability of their impacts

- Filippo Grisolia
- 2024.01: The differential effects of foreign aid to sub-Saharan Africa

- Afuge Akame and George Mavrotas
- 2023.02: Authority and power in local orders: customary authorities, the state, and jihadist insurgency in Mali

- Gianfabrizio Ladini
- 2023.01: Effective Altruism and the strategic ambiguity of ‘doing good’

- Mollie Gleiberman
- 2022.04: The influence of COVID-19 on remittances: potential development outcomes

- George Mavrotas and Catherine Van den Bosch
- 2022.03: Social accountability initiatives in the delivery of public services in Sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic literature review

- Doreen Nico Kyando
- 2022.02: Structuration of armed mobilisation in eastern DRC’s Kahuzi-Biega National Park

- O’Leary Simpson, Fergus, Romain Lwaboshi, Yves Ikobo and Papy Mulume
- 2022.01: Crispations identitaires et "identités légitimatrices" pendant crise politique: un regard rétrospectif sur la crise du 3ème mandat au Burundi

- Denis Banshimiyubusa
- 2021.07: The case of ‘double’ mining and conservation frontiers: evidence from DRC and Madagascar

- Fergus Simpson and Marketta Vuola
- 2021.06: Changing intrahousehold decision making to empower women in their households: a mixed methods analysis of a field experiment in rural south-west Tanzania

- Els Lecoutere and Lan Chu
- 2021.05: Sharing the little there is: towards a durable refugee-host relationship in Northern Uganda

- Sarah Vancluysen
- 2021.04: Beyond Samuragwa’s sweet and sour succession: a closer look at Burundi’s 2020 elections

- Stef Vandeginste
- 2021.03: When the hidden transcript storms centre stage: from slow to sudden violence in eastern DRCongo’s Kahuzi-Biega National Park

- Fergus O'Leary Simpson
- 2021.02: How to understand ex-combatants’ political participation against the background of rebel-to-party transformations

- Eliane Giezendanner and Bert Ingelaere
- 2021.01: Abordaje de la venta ambulante en Guayaquil - Ecuador: desde los discursos hegemónicos a un enfoque basado en los derechos

- Lisette Villacrés and Sara Geenen
- 2020.03: Big data for poverty measurement: insights from a scoping review

- Michaëla Stubbers and Nathalie Holvoet
- 2020.02: Framing street vending in Guayaquil – Ecuador: from hegemonic discourses to a rights-based approach

- Lisette Villacrés and Sara Geenen
- 2020.01: Abstracting Congolese forests: mappings, representational narratives, and the production of the plantation space under REDD+

- Catherine Windey
- 2019.04: Can the logical framework help to manage change? Perspectives from the field of security sector reform

- Daniel Szczepanski and Tom De Herdt
- 2019.03: Tilting the balance: a real options analysis of Burundian president Nkurunziza's third term candidacy

- Danny Cassimon and Stef Vandeginste
- 2019.02: The missing link in hybrid peacebuilding: localized peace trajectories & endogenous knowledge

- Aura Liliana López López and Bert Ingelaere
- 2019.01: Did conditional cash transfers in the Productive Safety Net Program empower women in Tigray, north-east Ethiopia?

- Megos Desalegne Gelagay and Els Lecoutere
- 2018.02: Women in (and out of) artisanal mining: apposing policy and women's lived experiences in Lujinji B and Wakayiba mines, Mubende, Uganda

- Stella Muheki and Sara Geenen
- 2018.01: Chicken now, not eggs later: short-termism, underdevelopment and regime stabilisation in the DRC’s oil governance

- Patrick Edmond and Kristof Titeca
- 2017.02: Local integration as a durable solution? The case of Rwandan refugees in Uganda

- Frank Ahimbisibwe, Bert Ingelaere and Sarah Vancluysen
- 2017.01: Water and local development in Huamantanga: a pathway interpretation of opportunities and risks of the Law of Compensation and Reward Mechanisms for Ecosystem Services in Peru

- Johan Bastiaensen, Patricia Velarde, Katya Pérez, Gert Van Hecken and Bert De Bièvre
- 2016.02: Diagnosing monitoring and evaluation systems for climate change programs: case study of the Caribbean’s climate change program

- Saudia Raha and Nathalie Holvoet
- 2016.01: The Rwenzururu movement and the struggle for the Rwenzururu kingdom in Uganda

- Arthur Syahuka-Muhindo and Kristof Titeca
- 2015.05: The frontiers of the debate on Payments for Ecosystem Services: a proposal for innovative future research

- Gert Van Hecken, Johan Bastiaensen and Catherine Windey
- 2015.04: Making sense of territorial pathways to rural development: a proposal for a normative and analytical framework

- Johan Bastiaensen, Pierre Merlet, Marc Craps, Tom De Herdt, Selmira Flores, Frederic Huybrechs, René Mendoza, Griet Steel and Gert Van Hecken
- 2015.03: Discourses, fragmentation and coalitions: the case of Herakles Farms’ large-scale land deal in Cameroon

- Teclaire Same Moukoudi and Sara Geenen
- 2015.02: La construction d’un socle de protection sociale au Burundi

- Frederic Ntimarubusa
- 2015.01: Arusha at 15: reflections on power-sharing, peace and transition in Burundi

- Stef Vandeginste
- 2014.01: Colombian coffee strategies and the livelihoods of smallholders

- Monica Patricia Niño Peña and Wim Pelupessy
- 2013.03: The future of artisanal gold mining and miners under an increasing industrial presence in South Kivu and Ituri, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

- Sara Geenen, Daniel Fahey and Francine Iragi Mukotanyi
- 2013.02: Adolescents and violence: lessons from Burundi

- Marc Sommers
- 2013.01: Let’s be friends: the United States, post-genocide Rwanda, and victor’s justice in Arusha

- Luc Reydams
- 2012.03: Rwanda’s ruling party-owned enterprises: do they enhance or impede development?

- Nilgün Gökgür
- 2012.02: Struggles over property rights in the context of large-scale transnational land acquisitions: using legal pluralism to re-politicize the debate. Illustrated with case studies from Madagascar and Ghana

- Johan Bastiaensen and Pierre Merlet
- 2012.01: From property rights and institutions, to beliefs and social orders: revisiting Douglass North’s approach to development

- Sebastian Dellepiane-Avellaneda
- 2011.06: Voting practices and voters political thinking during the 2010 Burundi elections

- Hélène Helbig de Balzac, Bert Ingelaere and Stef Vandeginste
- 2011.05: Pratiques de vote et pensées politiques des électeurs durant les élections de 2010 au Burundi

- Hélène Helbig de Balzac, Bert Ingelaere and Stef Vandeginste
- 2011.04: Community-based initiatives in response to the OVC crisis in North Central Uganda

- Kristof Titeca and Samuel Samson Omwa
- 2011.03: Towards an understanding of civil society organisations' involvement in monitoring and evaluation

- Marie Gildemyn
- 2011.02: The Belgian NGO landscape and the challenges of the new aid approach: dealing with fragmentation and emerging complexities

- Nadia Molenaers, Leen Nijs and Huib Huyse
- 2011.01: Approfondir le profilage géographique de la pauvreté en RDC: l’introduction d’indices composites sur base des avoirs

- Wim Marivoet and Hugues Keje
- 2010.06: Budget support and policy/political dialogue: donor practices in handling (political) crises

- Nadia Molenaers, Linas Cepinskas and Bert Jacobs
- 2010.05: Food aid impact on poverty reduction: empirical evidence from rural households in Ethiopia

- Mulubrhan Amare Reda and German Calfat
- 2010.04: Institutional embeddedness of local willingness to Pay for Environmental Services: evidence From Matiguás, Nicaragua

- Gert Van Hecken, Johan Bastiaensen and William F. Vásquez
Papers sorted by number 2024.03 2010.03