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From International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
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282: Impacts of Climate Variability on Food Acquisition Programmes: Lessons from the Brazilian Semi-arid Region Downloads
Patricia S. Mesquita and Marcel Bursztyn
281: The Impacts of the Child Grants Programme in Lesotho Downloads
Silvio Daidone, Benjamin Davis, Joshua Dewbre and Katia Covarrubias
280: Social Protection Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Trinidad and Tobago Downloads
Claudia Robles and Luis Hernán Vargas
279: Social Protection Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Chile Downloads
Claudia Robles Farías
278: The Effectiveness of Public Works Programmes in Reinforcing the Social Protection System in Namibia Downloads
Ojijo Odhiambo
277: Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Less is More! Downloads
Sergei Soares and Rafael Osorio
276: The Impacts of Malawi’s Social Cash Transfer Programme on Community Dynamics Downloads
Pamela Pozarny and Clare O’ Brien
275: Productive Impacts of the Child Grant Programme in Zambia Downloads
Silvio Daidone, Benjamin Davis, Joshua Dewbre, Mario González-Flores, Sudhanshu Handa, David Seidenfeld and Gelson Tembo
274: Social Protection Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Mexico Downloads
Enrique Valencia Lomelí
273: Social Protection Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Brazil Downloads
Claudia Robles and Vlado Mirosevic
272: The Use of Data in the Monitoring and Evaluation of Public Policies Downloads
Paola de Orte, Lívia Maria Da Costa Nogueira, Cecilia Lariu, Júlio Cesar Fonseca and Yuri Silva
271: The Impact of Ghana’s LEAP Programme Downloads
Benjamin Davis, Silvio Daidone, Sudhanshu Handa, Michael Park, Robert Osei and Isaac Osei-Akoto
270: The Impacts of Cash Transfers on Community Dynamics in Tigray, Ethiopia Downloads
Pamela Pozarny and Sara Pavanello
269: Social Protection Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Colombia Downloads
Lucía Mina
268: Social Protection Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Uruguay Downloads
Fernando Filgueira
267: How Cash Transfers Create Businesses? Downloads
Rafael Ribas
266: Social Protection Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Ecuador Downloads
Mariana Naranjo Bonilla
265: Social Protection Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Argentina Downloads
Fabián Repetto and Fernanda Potenza Dal Masetto
264: The BRICS Youth, the Financial Crisis and Job Promotion Downloads
Pedro Lara de Arruda and Ashleigh Kate Slingsby
263: Social Protection Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Paraguay Downloads
Milena Lavigne
262: Social Protection Systems in Latin America and the Caribbean: Peru Downloads
Milena Lavigne
261: How to Engage Parliamentarians in Evaluation Downloads
Asela Kalugampitiya, Lívia Maria Da Costa Nogueira and Paola De Orte
260: Climate Variability in Semi-arid Brazil: Food Insecurity, Agricultural Production and Adjustment to Perceived Changes Downloads
Patricia S. Mesquita, Marcel Bursztyn and Hannah Wittman
259: An Exploratory Analysis of the Effects of the Formalisation Policy for Individual Micro-entrepreneurs Downloads
Carlos Corseuil, Marcelo Neri and Gabriel Ulyssea
258: The Evolution of the Middle Class in Latin America Downloads
Leopoldo Tornarolli
257: Institutions and Policy Change: the Developmentof the Child Support Grant in South Africa Downloads
Leon Schreiber, Doctoral Candidate, Department of Political and Social Sciences and Freie Universität Berlin
256: Productive Spillovers of Social Cash Transfers in Africa: A Local Economy-wide Impact Evaluation (LEWIE) Approach Downloads
J. Edward Taylor, Karen Thome, Mateusz Filipski and Benjamin Davis
255: Maximizing the Economic Impact of Cash Transfers: why Complementary Investment Matters Downloads
Stephanie Levy and Sherman Robinson
254: Professional Qualification in the Urban Productive Inclusion Strategy of Plano Brasil Sem Miséria Downloads
Patrícia Vieira da Costa and Luiz Herberto Müller
253: Brazil: Strengthening Resilience through an Innovative Income-led Strategy Downloads
Bruno De Conti
252: Mobilising Domestic Resources for Development Financing in Namibia — Constraints and Opportunities Downloads
Ojijo Odhiambo
251: Possible Choices, Valuable Meanings: an Overview of the Activities of Brazilian Recyclable Materials Pickers Downloads
Beatriz Judice Magalhães
250: Cadastro Único: a Registry Supported by a National Public Bank Downloads
Joana Costa and Natália G. D. Sátyro
249: Multi-Dimensional Poverty Index and Tackling Interlocking Deprivations in the Arab States Downloads
Abdel-Hameed Nawar
248: Land Grab in Africa: A Review of Emerging Issues and Implications for Policy Options Downloads
Ayodele Odusola
247: ‘Inclusive Social Protection’ and the Post-2015 Agenda Downloads
Stephen Devereux and Keetie Roelen
246: Sustainable Agriculture: An Assessment of Brazil’s Family Farm Programmes in Scaling Up Agroecological Food Production Downloads
Ryan Nehring and Ben McKay
245: The Poor, the Prosperous and the ‘Inbetweeners’: A Fresh Perspective on Global Society, Inequality and Growth Downloads
Peter Edward and Andy Sumner
244: The Macroeconomic Effects of Government Transfers: a Social Accounting Matrix Approach Downloads
Marcelo Neri, Fabio Vaz and Pedro Herculano Guimarães Ferreira de Souza
243: The Dual Nature of Bolsa Família and its Implications for the Programme’s Future Downloads
Fabio Veras Soares
242: Combining Conditional Cash Transfers and Primary Health Care to Reduce Childhood Mortality in Brazil Downloads
Davide Rasella and Rômulo Paes-Sousa
241: Conditionalities, School Performance and Progression of Bolsa Família Programme Recipients Downloads
Flavio Cireno, Joana Silva and Rafael Proença
240: Socio-economic Profile of Programa Bolsa Família Recipients: What Does the Single Registry Reveal? Downloads
Camila Fracaro Camargo, Claudia Regina Baddini Curralero, Elaine Cristina Licio and Joana Mostafa
239: Bolsa Família and Household Labour Supply Downloads
Alan de Brauw, Daniel Gilligan, John Hoddinott and Shalini Roy
238: The Impact of Bolsa Família on Women’s Decision-Making Power Downloads
Alan de Brauw, Daniel Gilligan, John Hoddinott and Shalini Roy
237: Possibilities and Limitations of the Expansion of Social Protection through Classic Contributory Schemes: Notes on the Social Security Inclusion of the Poor Working Population Downloads
Leonardo José Rolim Guimarães, Rogério Nagamine Costanzi and Graziela Ansiliero
236: Social Transfers: Incentives and Disincentives to Labour Insertion and Income Generation Downloads
Simone Cecchini
235: A Substitute for Substitution: Bolsa Família’s Effects on the Combination of Work and School for Children and Adolescents Aged 10–18 Downloads
Fernando Gaiger Silveira and Bernardo Campolina
234: The Impact of the Expansion of the Programa Bolsa Família on School Attendance Downloads
Lia Chitolina, Miguel Foguel and Naercio Menezes-Filho
233: The Impact of the Programa Bolsa Família on Grade Repetition: Results from the Single Registry, Attendance Project and School Census Downloads
Luis Felipe Batista de Oliveira and Sergei Soares
Page updated 2025-01-18
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