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From International Policy Centre for Inclusive Growth
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235: A Substitute for Substitution: Bolsa Família’s Effects on the Combination of Work and School for Children and Adolescents Aged 10–18 Downloads
Fernando Gaiger Silveira and Bernardo Campolina
234: The Impact of the Expansion of the Programa Bolsa Família on School Attendance Downloads
Lia Chitolina, Miguel Foguel and Naercio Menezes-Filho
231: The Programa Bolsa Família and its Relevance for the ILO’s Concept of the Social Protection Floor Downloads
Helmut Schwazer
230: What is the Future of the Bolsa Família? Downloads
Celia Lessa Kerstenetzky
229: Programa Bolsa Família and the Recent Decline in Regional Income Inequality in Brazil Downloads
Raul da Mota Silveira Neto and Carlos Azzoni
228: From Bolsa Família to Brasil Sem Miséria: a Summary of Brazil’s Recent Journey towards Overcoming Extreme Poverty Downloads
Luis Henrique Paiva, Tiago Falcão and Letícia Bartholo
227: Bolsa Família and Fertility Transition in Brazil Downloads
José Eustáquio Diniz Alves and Suzana Cavenaghi
226: Bolsa Família, Occupational Choice and Informality in Brazil Downloads
Ana Luiza Neves de Holanda Barbosa and Carlos Corseuil
224: Human Development Income Transfers in the Longer Term Downloads
Armando Barrientos
221: Fiscal Equity: Distributional Impacts of Taxation and Social Spending in Brazil Downloads
Fernando Gaiger Silveira, Fernando Rezende, Jose Roberto Afonso and Jhonatan Ferreira
214: New Strategy for Poverty Eradication in Brazil: the Emergence of the Brasil Sem Miséria Plan Downloads
Rômulo Paes-Sousa
207: The Pursuit of Food Security in India: Policies sans Concept and Commitment? Downloads
M. H. Suryanarayana
203: Reservation and Anti-Casteist Practices as Instruments of Social Protection in India? Downloads
Pedro Arruda
202: Social Policies in China and India: the Role of Land Ownership and of Economic Size Downloads
Minquan Liu
201: Why Emerging Economies Need Social Policy: the Cases of China and India Downloads
Arjan de Haan
188: After All, What is Inclusive Growth? Downloads
Rafael Ranieri and Raquel Ramos
187: Poverty and Inequality in the Non-Income Multidimensional Space: A Critical Review in the Arab States Downloads
Abdel-Hameed Nawar
178: From Universalism to Targeting and Back Again: Conditional Cash Transfers and the Development of Social Citizenship Downloads
Bryan Roberts
148: Does Community-Based Targeting Really Work in Cash Transfer Programmes in Africa? Downloads
Nicola Hypher and Fabio Veras Soares
136: Fiscal Space in the Arab Countries Downloads
Khalid Abu-Ismail, Rathin Roy and Raquel Ramos
134: Has IMF Advice Changed After the Crisis? Downloads
Rathin Roy and Raquel Ramos
132: Integrating Public Works and Transfers in Ethiopia: An Innovative Approach to Social Protection, Employment and Decent Work Downloads
Maikel Lieuw-Kie-Song
131: Snakes and Ladders, Buffers and Passports: Rethinking Poverty, Vulnerability and Wellbeing Downloads
Andy Sumner and Rich Mallett
130: Providing Incentives to Women Farmers for Sustainable Food Production Downloads
Savita Mullapudi Narasimhan
129: How Effective are the Non-monetary Components of CCT Programs? Downloads
Clarissa Gondim Teixeira, Fabio Veras Soares, Elydia Silva and Guilherme Issamu Hirata
127: Food Security as a Pathway to Productive Inclusion: Lessons from Brazil and India Downloads
Danuta Chmielewska and Darana Souza
122: The Consolidation of Social Assistance Policy in Brazil Downloads
Luciana Jaccoud, Patricia Dario El-Moor Hadjab and Juliana Rochet Chaibub
120: Global Poverty and the New Bottom Billion: Three-Quarters of the World’s Poor Live in Middle-Income Countries Downloads
Andy Sumner
119: How Can Petrobras Biocombustíveis Engage Small-Scale Farmers While Promoting Sustainability in Brazil’s Biodiesel Programme? Downloads
Clovis Zapata, Diego Vazquez-Brust and José Plaza-Úbeda
118: Addressing the Plight of Poor Households by Zero-Rating VAT on Basic Commodities in Namibia Downloads
Ojijo Odhiambo and John E. Odada
114: What Are the Implications of the Global Crisis and Its Aftermath for Poverty Reduction, 2010–2020? Downloads
Andy Sumner, Joe Ballantyne and Andrew Curry
113: Sustaining Development and Resilience in SIDS: Beyond Crisis Management Downloads
Leisa Perch and Rathin Roy
96: Do CCTs Lessen the Impact of the Current Economic Crisis? Yes, but Downloads
Fabio Veras Soares
95: The Global Economic Crisis Hampers Human Development. How? Downloads
Degol Hailu
92: Can Low-Income Countries Adopt Counter-Cyclical Policies? Downloads
Degol Hailu and John Weeks
87: Towards an MDG-Consistent Debt Sustainability Concept Downloads
Bernhard Gunter
86: The Indonesian Response to the Financial and Economic Crisis: Is the Developmental State Back? Downloads
Degol Hailu
84: The 2015 Debt Crisis Downloads
Paul Ladd
81: How Does the Financial Crisis Affect Developing Countries? Downloads
Diana Alarcón, Stephany Griffith-Jones and Jose Antonio Ocampo
80: Confronting Crises: Learning From Labour Markets in the Past Downloads
Eduardo Zepeda
76: South-South Cooperation in Times of Global Economic Crisis Downloads
Michelle Morais de Sa e Silva
28: MDGs: Misunderstood Targets? Downloads
Jan Vandemoortele
17: Three models of social protection Downloads
Alejandro Grinspun
3: Conditional Cash Transfer: a vaccine against poverty and inequality? Downloads
Fabio Veras Soares
1: Pro-poor growth: what is it? Downloads
Eduardo Zepeda
Page updated 2024-09-06
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