Working Papers
From AlmaLaurea Inter-University Consortium
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- 78: The occupational returns to field of study: a gender perspective

- Diana Galos and Nevena Kulic
- 77: Overeducation among Italian graduates: do different measures actually diverge?

- Luca Cattani, Giovanni Guidetti and Giulio Pedrini
- 76: Assessing selection patterns and wage differential of high-skilled migrants. Evidence from the AlmaLaurea dataset on Italian graduates working abroad

- Gilberto Antonelli, Sara Binassi, Giovanni Guidetti and Giulio Pedrini
- 75: Le misure di sostegno alla nuova imprenditorialità. Le buone pratiche su scala europea, con particolare riferimento all’educazione imprenditoriale

- Francesco Ferrante and Stafano Supino
- 74: 16th ALMALAUREA REPORT ON ITALIAN UNIVERSITY GRADUATES’ PROFILE Opportunities and Challenges for Higher Education in Italy

- Andrea Cammelli and Giancarlo Gasperoni
- 73: XV RAPPORTO ALMALAUREA SUL PROFILO DEI LAUREATI Esiti dell’istruzione universitaria: conoscerli per migliorarla e per orientare le scelte dei giovani

- Andrea Cammelli and Giancarlo Gasperoni
- 72: XIV RAPPORTO ALMALAUREA SUL PROFILO DEI LAUREATI Laurearsi in tempi di crisi Come valorizzare gli studi universitari

- Andrea Cammelli
- 71: AlmaLaurea: XV Profilo dei laureati italiani "Scelte, processi, esiti nell'istruzione universitaria" Servizi per il Diritto allo Studio e performance dei laureati

- Moira Nardoni and Patrizia Mondin

- Roberto Zotti
- 69: Entrepreneurship and innovation: the role played by graduates

- Andrea Cammelli and Francesco Ferrante
- 68: Investire nei giovani: se non ora, quando?

- Andrea Cammelli
- 67: Great expectations The unintended consequences of educational choices

- Francesco Ferrante
- 66: Un modello per la valutazione della soddisfazione lavorativa dei laureati

- Stefania Capecchi and Domenico Piccolo
- 65: Attivazione personale e utilizzo dei canali di ricerca del lavoro dei neolaureati italiani

- Silvia Ghiselli and Luca Pesenti
- 64: Il contributo del capitale umano imprenditoriale alla riqualificazione delle imprese

- Daniela Federici and Francesco Ferrante
- 63: Indagine pilota sugli esiti occupazionali dei laureati pre-riforma dopo dieci anni dalla laurea

- Chiara Cimini and Silvia Ghiselli
- 62: Realizzazione Professionale dei Laureati a 5 anni dalla Laurea

- Sara Binassi and Lara Tampellini
- 61: I giovani non possono più attendere: investire in istruzione, ricerca, innovazione, cultura

- Andrea Cammelli
- 60: Investire in formazione dopo la laurea: il dottorato di ricerca in Italia

- Gianluca Argentin, Gabriele Ballarino and Sabrina Colombo
- 59: Disuguaglianze di genere nella transizione al lavoro dei laureati

- Clementina Casula and Bruno Chiandotto
- 58: Overeducation at a glance. Determinants and wage effects of the educational mismatch, looking at the AlmaLaurea data

- Floro Caroleo and Francesco Pastore
- 57: The demand for foreign languages in Italian manufacturing

- Roberto Antonietti and Massimo Loi
- 56: Modelling Job Satisfaction in AlmaLaurea Surveys

- Stefania Capecchi, Maria Iannario and Domenico Piccolo
- 55: Information and Communication Technology among Italian Students, According to the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA)

- Giancarlo Gasperoni and Andrea Cammelli
- 54: Genere e scelte formative

- Chiara Noè
- 53: Genere e scelte formative: le "minoranze di genere”

- Silvia Galeazzi
- 52: Soddisfazione per l’esperienza universitaria

- Moira Nardoni
- 51: Students’ entry characteristics and academic success

- Gian Piero Mignoli
- 50: Students’ Incoming Quality and Outgoing Performance: The Case of Engineering Graduates

- Francesco Ferrante
- 49: Consolidamento ed eterogeneità nelle esperienze di studio dei laureati italiani

- Andrea Cammelli
- 48: University choice, research quality and graduates' employability: Evidence from Italian national survey data

- Daria Ciriaci and Alessandro Muscio
- 47: Professional and personal paths for Europe’s qualified youth A survey of French, Italian and English ex-Erasmus students’ trajectories

- Magali Ballatore
- 46: The `Brain Gain Hypotheses` of Transition Countries Elites and Socioeconomic Development in Their Home Country (Albanian Emigrants in Italy Sample)

- Brunilda Zenelaga and Kseanela Sotirofski
- 45: Studying after the degree: new pathways shaped by old inequalities. Evidence from Italy, 1995-2007

- Gianluca Argentin
- 44: The reasons of scientists mobility: results from the comparison of outgoing and ingoing fluxes of researchers in Italy

- M.Carolina Brandi, Sveva Avveduto and Loredana Cerbara
- 43: Bachelor degree owners’ employment in Italy and in other European Countries

- Giunio Luzzatto, Stefania Mangano and Roberto Moscati
- 42: Skilled Labour market and economic development in the Mediterranean area

- Adriana Luciano and Roberto Di Monaco
- 41: Delayed entry and the utilization of higher education in Italian youth labour markets: evolution and involution

- Paola Potestio
- 40: Evaluation of the Italian University reform policies. A case study

- Alessandra Decataldo and Antonio Fasanella
- 39: Higher Education Expansion, Human Capital Externalities and Wages: Italian Evidence within Occupation

- Giulio Bosio and Chiara Noè
- 38: Does time-to-degree matter? The effect of delayed graduation on employment and wages

- Giorgia Casalone and Carmen Aina
- 37: The incidence of regional factors on "competitive performance” of universities

- Fabio Pollice, Stefano de Rubertis, Enrico Ciavolino and Antonella Ricciardelli
- 36: Varieties of Professional Domains and Employability Determinants in Higher Education

- Samo Pavlin
- 35: Factors Contributing to Participation in Web-based Surveys among Italian University Graduates

- Chiara Cimini, Gasperoni and Claudia Girotti
- 34: Gender issues and inequality in higher education outcomes under post-communism

- Peter Robert and Annamária Gáti
- 33: Differences by Degree: Evidence of the Net Financial Rates of Return to Undergraduate Study for England and Wales

- Yu Zhu and Ian Walker
- 32: The Gender Wage Gap among recent European Graduates

- Moris Triventi
- 31: Understanding the Determinants of Female Labor Force Participation in the Middle East and North Africa Region: The Role of Education and Social Norms in Amman

- Nadereh Chamlou, Silvia Muzi and Hanane Ahmed
- 30: Transition from High Education to the Labour Market: Unemployment within Graduates from the Gender Prospective In the Palestinian Territory

- Saleh Alkafri
- 29: Religious Schooling, Secular Schooling, and Household Income Inequality in Israel

- Ayal Kimhi and Moran Sandel