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Working Papers

From Institute of Local Public Finance
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01-2018: Equalisation among the states in Germany: TheJunction between Solidarity and Subsidiarity Downloads
Jan Werner
02-2017: The Neglect Effect in Security Beta Estimates - An observation of the US stock market from 1933 until 2016 Downloads
Fabian Scheler, Frank Ecker and Jan Werner
01-2017: The "Pacto Fiscal" in Bolivia - A sound intergovernmental forum or just another toothless paper tiger? Downloads
Jan Werner
01-2016: Options to support urban infrastructure delivery in Pakistan – a survey for the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Abstract: Pakistan has 191.7 million inhabitants with a population that is increasing by 1.92 percent per annum. More than 60% of Pakistan’s population currently lives in rural areas. However, the rural population is moving towards cities due to diminishing work opportunities in the agricultural sector. For this reason, a further investment in local infrastructure is essential. Moreover, in the last ten years, the economy of Pakistan has faced various domestic and external shocks such as the earthquake of 2005, the flood of 2010, the worldwide financial crisis of 2008 and the unsolved energy crisis. The deterioration in the power sector, in particular, is one of the main constraints on growth since power cuts have shaved 2% off the annual GDP growth and for this reason the Pakistan economy has annually grown by only 3.3 % in the last five years, while inflation has been overcome and is currently not a danger for the economic performance of Pakistan. One of the poorest part of Pakistan is the province of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and this paper provides for the first time a detailed overview of the local public finance system in this province Downloads
Jan Werner
03-2012: Revenues from National Resource Taxation – both a blessing and a curse Downloads
Jan Werner
02-2012: Fiskalna egalizacija i transparentnost: prednost ili teret za Crnu Goru? Downloads
Jan Werner
01-2012: International perspective for a sound intergovernmental finance system in the Philippines Downloads
Jan Werner
01-2011: Alter Wein in neuen Schläuchen? Blick über den Tellerrand: Die Gemeindefinanzreform in Frankreich Downloads
Jan Werner
01-2010: Vom Kopf auf die Füße stellen - Die Gemeindefinanzkommission sollte die Grundbesteuerung anpacken Downloads
Jan Werner
03-2009: Public Administration in the Education Sector: Boon or Bane for Western Europe? Downloads
Jan Werner
02-2009: Fiscal Solidarity: Key Benefits and Pitfalls for Spain to Lower their Fiscal Conflicts Downloads
Jan Werner
01-2009: El sistema d'anivellament fiscal alemany: ningú no és profeta a casa seva Downloads
Jan Werner
04-2008: Fiskaldezentralisierung - Optionen und Handlungsfelder für die künftige deutsche Entwicklungspolitik und insbesondere die Arbeit der GTZ Downloads
Jan Werner
03-2008: Impuestos y Protección Medioambiental: Un Análisis de las Preferencias Individuales a nivel Europeo Downloads
María A. García-Valiñas and Benno Torgler
02-2008: Fiscal Equalisation among the states in Germany Downloads
Jan Werner
06-2007: The Impact of Direct Democracy and Local Autonomy on Tax Morale in Switzerland Downloads
Benno Torgler
05-2007: Trust in International Organizations: An Empirical Investigation Focusing on the United Nations Downloads
Benno Torgler
04-2007: Shadow Economy, Tax Morale, Governance and Institutional Quality: A Panel Analysis Downloads
Benno Torgler and Friedrich Schneider
03-2007: The Evolution of Tax Morale in Modern Spain Downloads
Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Benno Torgler
02-2007: Political Accountability, Fiscal Conditions, and Local Government Performance – Cross-Sectional Evidence from Indonesia Downloads
Sebastian Eckardt
01-2007: Municipal Infrastructure Delivery in Ethiopia: A bottomless pit or an option to reach the Millennium Development Goals? Downloads
Jan Werner and David Nguyen-Thanh
02-2006: Financing of Education: Some Experiences from ten European Countries Downloads
Jan Werner and Anwar Shah
01-2006: Fiscal Federalism in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Ten Years after the Dayton Treatment and Still not in a Steady Condition Downloads
Jan Werner, Laurent Guihéry and Ognjen Djukic
03-2005: Tax Morale and Fiscal Autonomy: Evidence from Germany Downloads
Benno Torgler and Jan Werner
02-2005: Equalisation and Local Taxation in Denmark, Norway and Sweden Downloads
Jan Werner and Anwar Shah
01-2005: Les finances publiques en Allemagne – Quelles réformes? Downloads
Laurent Guihéry and Jan Werner
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