Cahiers de recherche CREATE
From CREATE Contact information at EDIRC. Bibliographic data for series maintained by Manuel Paradis (). Access Statistics for this working paper series.
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- 2019-01: Joint Study of the Determinants of Healthy Eating in Canada from the 2015 CCHS-Nutrition Survey

- Gratias Gloria Denise M. Godonou, Ibrahima Bocoum and Bernard Kora•
- 2018-03: Optimal Credible Warnings

- Koffi Akakpo, Marie-Amélie Boucher and Vincent Boucher
- 2018-2: School or work?The role of weather shocks in Madagascar

- Francesca Marchetta, David E. Sahn and Luca Tiberti
- 2018-01: Carbon Tax Saliency: The Case of B.C. Diesel Demand

- Maral Kichian
- 2017-05: What should we expect of the impact of microcredit on farmsÕ performances? A literature review of experimental studies

- Kotchikpa Lawin, Lota Tamini and Ibrahima Bocoum
- 2017-04: Supply Uncertainty and Foreign Direct Investment in Agri-food Industry

- Mankan M. Koné, Carl Gaigne and Lota Tamini
- 2017-03: Duopolistic Competition and Optimal Switching Time from Export to FDI in Uncertainty

- Mankan M. Koné, Lota Tamini and Carl Gaigne
- 2017-02: Urban spatial structure, transport-related emissions and welfare

- Laurent Denant-Boèmont, Carl Gaigne and Romain Gaté
- 2017-01: When Hotelling meets Vickrey: Service timing and spatial asymmetry in the airline industry

- André de Palma, Carlos Ordás Criado and Laingo Randrianarisoa
- 2016-4: Trade performance and potential of North African countries: An application of a stochastic frontier gravity model

- Abdessalem Abassi and Lota Tamini
- 2016-3: Trade in environmental goods: how important are trade costs elasticities?

- Lota Tamini and Sorgho Zakaria
- 2016-2: Agricultural production and pollutant runoffs in QuŽbecÕs Chaudi re river watershed: what are the potential environmental gains?

- Lota Tamini, Bruno Larue, Gale E. West and Moise K.Ndegue Fongue
- 2016-1: Supply response of corn farmers in Quebec: Analyzing the impact of prices volatility?

- Bahareh Mosadegh Sedghy, Rémy Lambert and Lota Tamini
- 2015-6: Polluting Politics

- Vincent Boucher
- 2015-5: L'énergie éolienne et son exploitation au Québec: un aperçu des enjeux socio-économiques

- Charles-Adrien Huraux and Markus Herrmann
- 2015-4: Are Gasoline Demand Elasticities Different across Cities?

- Philippe Barla, Markus Herrmann, Carlos Ordas-Criado and Luis F. Miranda-Moreno
- 2015-3: Oil Price Forecasts for the Long-Term: Expert Outlooks, Models, or Both?

- Jean-Thomas Bernard, Lynda Khalaf, Maral Kichian and Clement Yelou
- 2015-2: RTAs' Proliferation and Trade-diversion Effects: Evidence of the "Spaghetti Bowl" Phenomenon

- Zakaria Sorgho
- 2015-1: Effects of Corruption on Efficiency of the European Airports

- Laingo Randrianarisoa, Denis Bolduc, Yap Yin Choo, Tae H.Oum and Jia Yan
- 2014-10: Efficiences technique et environnementale en agriculture: le cas du bassin de la rivière Chaudière au Québec

- M.K. Ndegue Fongue, Lota Tamini, B. Larue and G.E. West
- 2014-9: L'effet du travail hors-ferme sur l'efficacité technique des fermes laitières québécoises: un modèle intégrant les biais de sélection sur les observables et inobservables

- Rosemarie Bégin, Lota Tamini and Maurice Doyon
- 2014-8: Étude sur les perceptions des agriculteurs québécois sur les OGM après 10 ans d'utilisation

- Gale E. West, Bruno Larue, Mohamed Jeddy and Olivier Verreault-Lefebvre
- 2014-7: Scale Economies and Technical Efficiency of Quebec Dairy Farms

- Alphonse G. Singbo and Bruno Larue
- 2014-6: On the Multiplicity of Equilibrium Strategies in a Non-Renewable Natural Resource Duopoly

- Rémi Morin-Chassé and Markus Herrmann
- 2014-5: Changements climatiques et position concurrentielle: le cas de l'agriculture du Québec

- Lota Tamini, Frédérick Clerson, Maurice Doyon and Guy Debailleul
- 2014-4: Risk Aversion and Dynamic Games Between Hydroelectric Operators under Uncertainty

- Abdessalem Abbassi, Ahlem Dakhlaoui and Lota Tamini
- 2014-3: La tarification de l'électricité: un sujet négligé lors des débats sur la nationalisation en 1962

- Jean-Thomas Bernard
- 2014-2: Investment behavior of Canadian Egg Producers: Analyzing the Impacts of Risk Aversion and Variability of Prices and Costs of Production

- Lota Tamini, M. Doyon and M.M. Zan
- 2014-1: Geographical Indication Regulation and Intra-Trade in the European Union

- Zakaria Sorgho and Bruno Larue
- 2013-7: Production Cost Asymmetry, Minimum Access and Reciprocal Dumping

- Abdessalem Abbassi, Lota Tamini and Ahlem Dakhlaoui
- 2013-6: Taxing a Natural Resource with a Minimum Revenue Requirement

- Patrick Gonzalez
- 2013-5: Does Transparency Reduce Corruption ?

- Octavian Strimbu and Patrick Gonzalez
- 2013-4: On the Number of Bidders and Auction Performance: when More Means Less

- Bruno Larue, Mohamed Jeddy and Sebastien Pouliot
- 2013-3: Innovation and Antibiotic Use within Antibiotic Classes: Market Incentives and Economic Instruments

- Markus Herrmann, Bruno Nkuiya and Anne-Renée Dussault
- 2013-2: Open Access to the Resource of Antibiotic Treatment Efficacy Subject to Bacterial Resistance

- Bruno Nkuiya and Markus Herrmann
- 2013-1: Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Car Distance Greenhouse Gases and the Effect of Built Environment: a Latent Class Regression Analysis

- Seyed Amir H. Zahabi, Luis Miranda-Moreno, Zachary Patterson and Philippe Barla
- 2012-8: Trade Structure, Transboundary Pollution and Multilateral Trade Liberalization: the Effects on Environmental Taxes and Welfare

- Bruno Nkuiya
- 2012-7: The Effects of the Length of the Period of Commitment on the Size of State International Environmental Agreements

- Bruno Nkuiya
- 2012-6: Analyzing Trade Liberalization Effect in the Egg Sector Using a Dynamic Gravity Model

- Lota Tamini, Maurice Doyon and Rodrigue Simon
- 2012-5: Imposing Curvature Conditions on Flexible Functional Forms for GNP Functions

- Guy Chapda Nana and Bruno Larue
- 2012-4: Are Compact Cities Environmentally (and Socially) Desirable ?

- Carl Gaigne, Stephane Riou and Jacques Thisse
- 2012-3: Reducing Automobile Dependency on Campus: Evaluating the Impact TDM Using Stated Preferences

- Philippe Barla, Nathanaël Lapierre, Ricardo Daziano and Markus Herrmann
- 2012-2: Trade Costs and International Strategy of Firms: the Role of Endogenous Product Differentiation

- Pierre Blanchard, Carl Gaigne and Claude Mathieu
- 2012-1: Les bénéfices et les coûts économiques de l'exploitation des gaz de shale au Québec

- Patrick Gonzalez
- 2011-4: The Environmental Kuznets Curve: Tipping Points, Uncertainty and Weak Identification

- Jean-Thomas Bernard, Michael Gavin, Lynda Khalaf and Marcel Voia
- 2011-3: On the Evolving Relationship between Corn and Oil Prices

- Eskandar Elmarzougui and Bruno Larue
- 2011-2: Certification as a Rationale for Voluntary Agreements

- Patrick Gonzalez
- 2011-1: International Emission Strategies under the Threat of a Sudden Jump in Damages

- Bruno Nkuiya