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From Chaire de recherche Industrielle Alliance sur les enjeux économiques des changements démographiques
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1903: Fair Long-Term Care Insurance Downloads
Marie-Louise Leroux, Pierre Pestieau and Gregory Ponthiere
1902: Tax-Sheltered Retirement Accounts: Can Financial Education Improve Decisions? Downloads
M. Martin Boyer, Philippe d’Astous and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1901: Maîtriser les dépenses de santé face au changement démographique: Une analyse de l’évolution des coûts à l’hôpital au Québec Downloads
Damien Échevin and Marc-André Morin
1814: Playing with Fire? Debt near Retirement in Canada Downloads
Nicolas Bédard and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1813: The Effect of College Education on Health and Mortality: Evidence from Canada Downloads
Guy Lacroix, François Laliberté-Auger, Pierre-Carl Michaud and Daniel Parent
1812: Who Benefits from Tax-Preferred Savings Accounts? Downloads
Steeve Marchand
1811: Homeownership, Labour Market Transitions and Earnings Downloads
Thierry Kamionka and Guy Lacroix
1810: Demand for Annuities: Price Sensitivity, Risk Perceptions, and Knowledge Downloads
M. Martin Boyer, Sebastien Box-Couillard and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1809: Understanding Joint Retirement Downloads
Pierre-Carl Michaud, Arthur van Soest and Luc Bissonnette
1808: Measuring Physicians’ Response to Incentives: Evidence on Hours Worked and Multitasking Downloads
Bruce Shearer, Nibene Habib Somé and Bernard Fortin
1807: Poverty Among the Elderly: The Role of Public Pension Systems Downloads
Philippe Jacques, Marie-Louise Leroux and Dalibor Stevanovic
1806: Accounting for the Rise of Health Spending and Longevity Downloads
Raquel Fonseca, Pierre-Carl Michaud, Arie Kapteyn and Titus Galama
1805: Long Term Care Risk Misperceptions Downloads
M. Martin Boyer, Philippe De Donder, Claude Fluet, Marie-Louise Leroux and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1804: A Canadian Parlor Room-Type Approach to the Long-Term Care Insurance Puzzle Downloads
M. Martin Boyer, Philippe De Donder, Claude Fluet, Marie-Louise Leroux and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1803: Dynamic Causal Effects of Post-Migration Schooling on Labour Market Transitions Downloads
Marie Albertine Djuikom and Guy Lacroix
1802: The Effect of Education on Health: Evidence from National Compulsory Schooling Reforms Downloads
Raquel Fonseca, Pierre-Carl Michaud and Yuhui Zheng
1801: Comparing the Education Gradient in Chronic Disease Incidence among the Elderly in Six OECD Countries Downloads
Aurélie Côté-Sergent, Raquel Fonseca and Erin Strumpf
1705: Hospital Readmission is Highly Predictable from Deep Learning Downloads
Damien Échevin, Qing Li and Marc-André Morin
1704: Premature Deaths, Accidental Bequests and Fairness Downloads
Marc Fleurbaey, Marie-Louise Leroux, Pierre Pestieau, Gregory Ponthiere and Stéphane Zuber
1703: Physical Disability and Labor Market Discrimination: Evidence from a Field Experiment Downloads
Charles Bellemare, Marion Goussé, Guy Lacroix and Steeve Marchand
1702: Whistle While You Work: Job Insecurity and Older Workers' Mental Health in the United States Downloads
Italo Gutierrez and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1701: Long-term Care Insurance: Knowledge Barriers, Risk Perception and Adverse Selection Downloads
Martin Boyer, Philippe De Donder, Claude Fluet, Marie-Louise Leroux and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1611: Working Time Regulation, Unequal Lifetimes and Fairness Downloads
Marie-Louise Leroux and Gregory Ponthiere
1610: Retirement and Cognitive Functioning: International Evidence Downloads
Raquel Fonseca, Arie Kapteyn and Gema Zamarro
1609: Retirement Behavior in the U.S. and Europe Downloads
Jochem de Bresser, Raquel Fonseca and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1608: Les effets de l’équilibre budgétaire et du transfert canadien en santé sur les finances publiques du Québec Downloads
Nicholas-James Clavet, Guy Lacroix, Pierre-Carl Michaud and Alexandre Parent
1607: Self-Employment, Wealth and Start-up Costs: Evidence from a Financial Crisis Downloads
Koffi Elitcha and Raquel Fonseca
1606: Analyse de la rentabilité économique des scénarios de réforme du RRQ proposés en 2016 Downloads
David Boisclair, Simon Brière, Guy Lacroix, Steeve Marchand and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1605: Discrimination à l’embauche des candidates d’origine maghrébine dans la région de la Capitale-Nationale Downloads
Simon Brière, Bernard Fortin and Guy Lacroix
1604: Nursing Home Choice, Family Bargaining and Optimal Policy in a Hotelling Economy Downloads
Marie-Louise Leroux and Gregory Ponthiere
1603: Pensions, annuities, and long-term care insurance: On the impact of risk screening Downloads
Martin Boyer and Franca Glenzer
1602: The commitment value of funding pensions Downloads
Jean-Denis Garon
1601: Réduction des maladies cardiovasculaires et dépenses de santé au Québec à l’horizon 2050 Downloads
David Boisclair, Yann Décarie, François Laliberté-Auger and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1519: Compliance, Informality and contributive pensions Downloads
Marie-Louise Leroux, Darío Maldonado and Pierre Pestieau
1518: Changements démographiques au Québec: vers une décroissance de l’emploi d’ici 2050 ? Downloads
Luc Bissonnette, David Boisclair, François Laliberté-Auger, Steeve Marchand and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1517: Les déterminants du travail autonome au Québec et au Canada (1993-201 Downloads
Raquel Fonseca and Simon Lord
1516: Labor Market Policies and Self-Employment Transitions of Older Workers Downloads
Dimitris Christelis and Raquel Fonseca
1515: Distributional Effects of Social Security Reforms: the Case of France Downloads
Raquel Fonseca and Thepthida Sopraseuth
1514: Intertemporal pro-poorness Downloads
Florent Bresson, Jean-Yves Duclos and Flaviana Palmisano
1513: The Concentration of Hospital-Based Medical Spending: Evidence from Canada Downloads
Aurelie Côté-Sergent, Damien Échevin and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1512: Utilisation et coût de l’hébergement avec soins de longue durée au Québec, 2010 à 2050 Downloads
François Laliberté-Auger, Aurélie Côté-Sergent, Yann Décarie, Jean-Yves Duclos and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1511: Employer downsizing and older workers’ health Downloads
Italo Gutierrez and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1510: Une alternative à la réforme du financement des services de garde au Québec Downloads
Nicholas-James Clavet and Jean-Yves Duclos
1509: Quel impact la fiscalité québécoise a-t-elle sur les incitations au travail ? Downloads
Arnaud Blancquaert, Nicholas-James Clavet, Jean-Yves Duclos, Bernard Fortin and Steeve Marchand
1508: The Political Economy of (in)formal Long Term Care Transfers Downloads
Philippe De Donder and Marie-Louise Leroux
1507: Peer Effects, Fast Food Consumption and Adolescent Weight Gain Downloads
Bernard Fortin and Myra Yazbeck
1506: The Evolution of Hourly Compensation in Canada between 1980 and 2010 Downloads
Jean-Yves Duclos and Mathieu Pellerin
1505: Using a Life Cycle Model to Evaluate Financial Literacy Program Effectiveness Downloads
Annamaria Lusardi, Pierre-Carl Michaud and Olivia Mitchell
1504: Effective Age of Retirement: Innovative Methodology and Recent Experience Downloads
Maxime Comeau and Denis Latulippe
1503: Eliciting Subjective Survival Curves: Lessons from Partial Identification Downloads
Luc Bissonnette and J. de Bresser
1502: The Financial Crisis and Consumers' Income and Pension Expectations Downloads
Luc Bissonnette and Arthur van Soest
1501: Does Quality, Quantity and Duration of Lives Downloads
Jean-Yves Duclos and Bouba Housseini
1410: Reforming Old Age Security: Effects and Alternatives Downloads
Nicholas-James Clavet, Jean-Yves Duclos, Bernard Fortin and Steeve Marchand
1409: Does Retirement Make you Happy? a Simulaneous Equations Approach Downloads
Raquel Fonseca, Arie Kapteyn, Jinkook Lee and Gema Zamarro
1408: Effets des tendances à long terme de l'obésité sur l'utilisation de soins de santé au Québec Downloads
Aurélie Côté-Sergent
1407: Compas: un modèle de microsimulation santé pour le Québec Downloads
David Boisclair, Aurélie Côté-Sergent, Jean-Yves Duclos, Alexandre Lekina, Steeve Marchand and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1406: An Economic Analysis of Proposals to Improve Coverage of Longevity Risk Downloads
David Boisclair, Jean-Yves Duclos, Steeve Marchand and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1405: Une analyse économique de propositions visant à bonifier la couverture du risque de longévité Downloads
David Boisclair, Jean-Yves Duclos, Steeve Marchand and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1404: Individual Survival Curves Comparing Subjective and Observed Mortality Risks Downloads
Luc Bissonnette, Michael Hurd and Pierre-Carl Michaud
1403: Longévité différentielle et redistribution: enjeux théoriques et empiriques Downloads
Marie-Louise Leroux, Pierre Pestieau and Gregory Ponthiere
1402: The Effect of Job Loss on Health: Evidence from Biomarkers Downloads
Pierre-Carl Michaud, Eileen Crimmins and Michael Hurd
1401: Projections de l'état de santé de la population québécoise et impacts sur le risque de longévité d'un régime de retraite à prestations déterminée Downloads
Aurélie Côté-Sergent, Jean-Yves Duclos, Alexandre Lekina, Steeve Marchand and Pierre-Carl Michaud
Page updated 2025-03-30
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