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Heterogeneity and monetary policy

From Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Dipartimento di Economia Politica
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1506: Uscita dall’euro: strumento adatto per quale obiettivo? (Euroexit: an instrument fit for which target?) Downloads
Giuseppe Marotta
0703: Stress testing of the stability of the Italian banking system: a VAR approach Downloads
Renato Filosa
0702: The Effect of Population Ageing on Household Portfolio Choices in Italy Downloads
Marianna Brunetti and Costanza Torricelli
0701: The role of demographic variables in explaining financial returns in Italy Downloads
Marianna Brunetti and Costanza Torricelli
0612: Structural breaks in the interest rate pass-through and the euro. A cross-country study in the euro area and the UK Downloads
Giuseppe Marotta
0603: Multiple breaks in lending rate pass-through A cross country study for the euro area Downloads
Gianluca Di Lorenzo and Giuseppe Marotta
0602: Multiple breaks in lending rate pass-through A cross country study for the euro area Downloads
Gianluca Di Lorenzo and Giuseppe Marotta
0504: Forward-looking estimation of default probabilities with Italian data Downloads
Giuseppe Marotta, Chiara Pederzoli and Costanza Torricelli
0503: A less effective monetary transmission in the wake of EMU? Evidence from lending rates pass-through Downloads
Gianluca Di Lorenzo and Giuseppe Marotta
0303: When do trade credit discounts matter? Evidence from Italian firm-level data Downloads
Giuseppe Marotta
0112: Financial constraints and the balance sheet channel: a re-interpretation Downloads
Marco Gallegati
0105: A simple enquiry on heterogeneous lending rates and lending behaviour Downloads
Marco Mazzoli
0103: Is trade credit more expensive than bank loans? Evidence from Italian firm-level data Downloads
Giuseppe Marotta
0008: Investments and financial structure with imperfect financial markets: an intertemporal discrete-time framework Downloads
Marco Mazzoli
0007: Credit channel and industrial firms' market power Downloads
Marco Mazzoli
0006: Trade credit in Italy: Evidence from individual firm data Downloads
Giuseppe Marotta
0005: Legal system efficiency, information production, and technological choice: a banking model Downloads
Davide Iacoboni and Alberto Zazzaro
0004: Banks' inefficiency and economic growth: a micro-macro approach Downloads
Riccardo (Jack) Lucchetti, Luca Papi and Alberto Zazzaro
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