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Centro Studi di Banca e Finanza (CEFIN) (Center for Studies in Banking and Finance)

From Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Dipartimento di Economia "Marco Biagi"
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Bibliographic data for series maintained by Giuseppe Marotta ().

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17401: The risks of exit from the EMU and the EU (in Italian) Downloads
Giuseppe Marotta
11061: Sostenibilità finanziaria e rischio politico degli schemi pensionistici a contribuzione definita: una prospettiva macroprudenziale (Financial sustainability and political risk in defined contriburiion pension schemes: a macroprudential perspective) Downloads
Giuseppe Marotta
10091: Towards a volatility index for the Italian stock market Downloads
Silvia Muzzioli
08031: Structural breaks in the lending interest rate pass-through and the euro Downloads
Giuseppe Marotta
1302: The unavoidable persistence of forum shopping in the Insolvency Regulation Downloads
Federico M. Mucciarelli
0093: Climate risk and investment in equities in Europe: a Panel SVAR approach Downloads
Andrea Cipollini and Fabio Parla
0092: Energy price increases and mitigation policies: Redistributive effects on Italian households Downloads
Andrea Bonfatti and Elena Giarda
0091: Attitude towards financial planning of Italian households Downloads
Marianna Brunetti, Rocco Ciciretti, Nadia Linciano, Monica Gentile and Paola Soccorso
0090: Sensitivity of profitability in cointegration-based pairs trading Downloads
Marianna Brunetti and Roberta de Luca
0089: Pre-selection in cointegration-based pairs trading Downloads
Marianna Brunetti and Roberta de Luca
0088: ESG compliant optimal portfolios: The impact of ESG constraints on portfolio optimization in a sample of European stocks Downloads
Costanza Torricelli and Beatrice Bertelli
0087: ESG screening strategies and portfolio performance: how do they fare in periods of financial distress? Downloads
Costanza Torricelli and Beatrice Bertelli
0086: Climate Stress Test: bad (or good) news for the market? An Event Study Analysis on Euro Zone Banks Downloads
Costanza Torricelli and Fabio Ferrari
0085: Social Bonds and the “Social Premium†Downloads
Costanza Torricelli and Eleonora Pellati
0084: Do ESG Investments Mitigate ESG Controversies? Evidence From International Data Downloads
Paola Brighi, Antonio Carlo Francesco Della Bina and Valeria Venturelli
0083: The market price of greenness A factor pricing approach for Green Bonds Downloads
Beatrice Bertelli, Gianna Boero and Costanza Torricelli
0082: Le offerte pubbliche di acquisto a venti anni dal Testo Unico della Finanza (Tender Offers in Italy Twenty Years After the Unified Finance Law) Downloads
Maria Grazia Iocca and Riccardo Ferretti
0081: Financial fragility across Europe and the US: The role of portfolio choices, household features and economic-institutional setup Downloads
Marianna Brunetti, Elena Giarda and Costanza Torricelli
0080: Birds of a feather flock together and get money from the crowd Downloads
Valeria Venturelli, Giovanni Gallo and Alessia Pedrazzoli
0079: The effect of the Fed zero-lower bound announcementon bank profitability and diversification Downloads
Andrea Landi, Alex Sclip, Valeria Venturelli
0078: Portfolio choice: Evidence from new-borns Downloads
Francesca Gioia
0077: Behind the success of dominated personal pension plans: sales force and financial literacy factors Downloads
Giuseppe Marotta
0076: Short-term household income mobility before and after the Great Recession: A four-country study Downloads
Elizabeth Casabianca and Elena Giarda
0075: The impact of the Fundamental Review of the Trading Book: A preliminary assessment on a stylized portfolio Downloads
Chiara Pederzoli and Costanza Torricelli
0074: Security-voting structure and equity financing in the Banking Sector: ‘One Head-One Vote’ versus ‘One Share-One Vote’ Downloads
Riccardo Ferretti, Pierpaolo Pattitoni and Alex Castelli
0073: The Financial Decisions of Immigrant and Native Households: Evidence from Italy Downloads
Graziella Bertocchi, Marianna Brunetti and Anzelika Zaiceva
0072: Why choosing dominated personal pension plans: sales force and financial literacy effects Downloads
Giuseppe Marotta
0071: Spending Policies of Italian Banking Foundations Downloads
Francesco Pattarin
0070: The Forecasting Performance of Dynamic Factor Models with Vintage Data Downloads
Luca Di Bonaventura, Mario Forni and Francesco Pattarin
0069: Housing Market Shocks in Italy: a GVAR approach Downloads
Andrea Cipollini and Fabio Parla
0068: Customer Complaining and Probability of Default in Consumer Credit Downloads
Stefano Cosma, Francesca Pancotto and Paola Vezzani
0067: Is Equity Crowdfunding a Good Tool for Social Enterprises? Downloads
Stefano Cosma, Alessandro G. Grasso, Francesco Pagliacci and Alessia Pedrazzoli
0066: Household Preferences for Socially Responsible Investments Downloads
Mariacristina Rossi, Dario Sansone, Costanza Torricelli and Arthur van Soest
0065: Market-Book Ratios of European Banks: What Does Explain the Structural Fall? Downloads
Riccardo Ferretti, Giovanni Gallo, Andrea Landi and Valeria Venturelli
0064: Past Income Scarcity and Current Perception of Financial Fragility Downloads
Massimo Baldini, Giovanni Gallo and Costanza Torricelli
0063: How Does Financial Market Evaluate Business Models? Evidence From European Banks Downloads
Stefano Cosma, Riccardo Ferretti, Elisabetta Gualandri, Andrea Landi and Valeria Venturelli
0062: Individual Heterogeneity and Pension Choices: How to Communicate an Effective Message? Downloads
Giovanni Gallo, Costanza Torricelli and Arthur van Soest
0061: The risk asymmetry index Downloads
Elyas Elyasani, Luca Gambarelli and Silvia Muzzioli
0060: Strumenti per il sostegno finanziario di famiglie e microimprese: il caso italiano (Policies to help financially vulnerable Italian households and micro-businesses) Downloads
Simonetta Cotterli
0059: A test of the Behavioral versus the Rational model of Persuasion in Financial Advertising Downloads
Riccardo Ferretti, Francesca Pancotto and Enrico Rubaltelli
0058: Financial connectedness among European volatility risk premia Downloads
Andrea Cipollini, Iolanda Lo Cascio and Silvia Muzzioli
0057: The effectiveness of insider trading regulations: The case of the Italian tender offers Downloads
Riccardo Ferretti, Pierpaolo Pattitoni and Anna Salinas
0056: Introducing Aggregate Return on Investment as a Solution to the Contradiction Between Some PME Metrics and IRR Downloads
Dean Altshuler and Carlo Alberto Magni
0055: ‘It’s a trap!’ The degree of poverty persistence in Italy and Europe Downloads
Elena Giarda and Gloria Moroni
0054: Systemic risk measures and macroprudential stress tests. An assessment over the 2014 EBA exercise Downloads
Chiara Pederzoli and Costanza Torricelli
0053: Emotional Intelligence and risk taking in investment decision-making Downloads
Enrico Rubaltelli, Sergio Agnoli, Michela Rancan and Tiziana Pozzoli
0052: Second homes: households' life dream or (wrong) investment? Downloads
Marianna Brunetti and Costanza Torricelli
0051: Pseudo-naïve approaches to investment performance measurement Downloads
Carlo Alberto Magni
Elisabetta Gualandri and Mario Noera
Elisabetta Gualandri and Mario Noera
Page updated 2024-09-19
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