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OECD Health Working Papers

From OECD Publishing
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173: Leading practices for the future of telemedicine: Implementing telemedicine post-pandemic
Rishub Keelara, Eric Sutherland and Margarita Almyranti
172: Tackling antimicrobial resistance in Indigenous, rural and remote communities
Ece Özçelik, Suzannah Chapman and Michele Cecchini
171: Exploring the feasibility of sharing information on medicine prices across countries Downloads
Marjolijn Moens, Eliana Barrenho and Valérie Paris
170: Access to oncology medicines in EU and OECD countries Downloads
Thomas Hofmarcher, Caroline Berchet and Guillaume Dedet
169: Digital and innovative tools for better health and productivity at the workplace Downloads
Pedro Isaac Vazquez-Venegas, Marion Devaux, Hikaru Aihara and Michele Cecchini
168: Comparative assessment of patient safety culture performance in OECD countries: Findings based on the Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture versions 1 and 2 Downloads
Katherine de Bienassis and Niek Klazinga
167: The impacts of long COVID across OECD countries Downloads
Ana Espinosa Gonzalez and Elina Suzuki
166: PaRIS Field Trial Report: Technical report on the international PaRIS survey of people living with chronic conditions Downloads
Michael van den Berg, Candan Kendir, Diana Castelblanco, Nicolas Larrain, Frederico Guanais, Oliver Groene, Pilar Illarramendi, Jose Maria Valderas, Rachel Williams and Mieke Rijken
165: Advanced practice nursing in primary care in OECD countries: Recent developments and persisting implementation challenges Downloads
Ian Brownwood and Gaétan Lafortune
164: Fast-Track on digital security in health Downloads
Eric Sutherland, Rishub Keelara, Samuel Eiszele and June Haugrud
163: Examining recent mortality trends: The impact of demographic change Downloads
David Morgan, Paul Lukong, Philip Haywood and Gabriel Di Paolantonio
162: Understanding international measures of health spending: Age-adjusting expenditure on health Downloads
David Morgan and Michael Mueller
161: Assessing the future fiscal sustainability of health spending in Ireland Downloads
Luca Lorenzoni, Sean Dougherty, Pietrangelo de Biase and Tiago McCarthy
160: Progress on implementing and using electronic health record systems: Developments in OECD countries as of 2021 Downloads
Luke Slawomirski, Luca Lindner, Katherine de Bienassis, Philip Haywood, Tiago Cravo Oliveira Hashiguchi, Melanie Steentjes and Jillian Oderkirk
159: Patient engagement for patient safety: The why, what, and how of patient engagement for improving patient safety Downloads
Candan Kendir, Rie Fujisawa, Óscar Brito Fernandes, Katherine de Bienassis and Niek Klazinga
158: Value-based payment models in primary care: An assessment of the Menzis Shared Savings programme in the Netherlands Downloads
Luca Lindner and Arthur Hayen
157: Developing a set of indicators to monitor the performance of the pharmaceutical industry Downloads
Rishub Keelara, Martin Wenzl, Lisbeth Waagstein, Marjolijn Moens and Ruth Lopert
156: Enhancing competition in on-patent markets Downloads
Eliana Barrenho, Marjolijn Moens, Lisbeth Waagstein and Ruth Lopert
155: Évaluation du programme national de lutte contre le tabagisme en France Downloads
Marion Devaux, Alexandra Aldea, Aliénor Lerouge, Marina Dorfmuller Ciampi and Michele Cecchini
154: Innovative providers’ payment models for promoting value-based health systems: Start small, prove value, and scale up Downloads
Luca Lindner and Luca Lorenzoni
153: Socio-economic and ethnic health inequalities in COVID-19 outcomes across OECD countries Downloads
Caroline Berchet, José Bijlholt and Mariko Ando
152: Improving the timeliness of health expenditure tracking in OECD and low- and middle-income countries Downloads
Michael Mueller, Fan Xiang, Caroline Penn, Chris James, Luca Lorenzoni and David Morgan
151: Exploring the feasibility of monitoring access to novel medicines: A pilot study in EU Member States Downloads
Suzannah Chapman, Anna Szklanowska and Ruth Lopert
150: Advancing patient safety governance in the COVID-19 response Downloads
Katherine de Bienassis, Zuzanna Mieloch, Luke Slawomirski and Niek Klazinga
149: All hands on deck: Co-developing the first international survey of people living with chronic conditions: Stakeholder engagement in the design, development, and field trial implementation of the PaRIS survey Downloads
Candan Kendir, Rushay Naik, Janika Bloemeke, Katherine de Bienassis, Nicolas Larrain, Niek Klazinga, Frederico Guanais and Michael van den Berg
148: International assessment of the use and results of patient-reported outcome measures for hip and knee replacement surgery: Findings of the OECD Patient-Reported Indicator Surveys (PaRIS) working group on hip and knee replacement surgery Downloads
Candan Kendir, Katherine de Bienassis, Luke Slawomirski, Niek Klazinga, Micheline Turnau, Michael Terner, Greg Webster, Eric Bohm, Brian Hallstrom, Ola Rolfson, J. Mark Wilkinson and Anne Lübbeke-Wolff
147: The economics of medication safety: Improving medication safety through collective, real-time learning Downloads
Katherine de Bienassis, Laura Esmail, Ruth Lopert and Niek Klazinga
146: Exploring the consequences of greater price transparency on the dynamics of pharmaceutical markets Downloads
Eliana Barrenho and Ruth Lopert
145: The economics of patient safety: From analysis to action Downloads
Luke Slawomirski and Niek Klazinga
144: Investing in health systems to protect society and boost the economy: Priority investments and order-of-magnitude cost estimates Downloads
David Morgan and Chris James
143: The provision of community-based mental health care in Lithuania Downloads
Doron Wijker, Paola Sillitti and Emily Hewlett
142: International comparisons of the quality and outcomes of integrated care: Findings of the OECD pilot on stroke and chronic heart failure Downloads
Eliana Barrenho, Philip Haywood, Candan Kendir and Nicolaas S. Klazinga
141: Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on cancer care in OECD countries Downloads
Rie Fujisawa
140: Supporting informal carers of older people: Policies to leave no carer behind Downloads
Eileen Rocard and Ana Llena-Nozal
139: Improving data on pharmaceutical expenditure in hospitals and other health care settings Downloads
David Morgan and Fan Xiang
138: Health data and governance developments in relation to COVID-19: How OECD countries are adjusting health data systems for the new normal Downloads
Katherine de Bienassis, Rie Fujisawa, Tiago Cravo Oliveira Hashiguchi, Niek Klazinga and Jillian Oderkirk
137: Shortages of medicines in OECD countries Downloads
Suzannah Chapman, Guillaume Dedet and Ruth Lopert
136: Antimicrobial resistance in long-term care facilities Downloads
Nkiruka Eze, Michele Cecchini and Tiago Cravo Oliveira Hashiguchi
135: Establishing standards for assessing patient-reported outcomes and experiences of mental health care in OECD countries: Technical report of the PaRIS mental health working group pilot data collection Downloads
Katherine de Bienassis, Emily Hewlett, Candan Kendir, Solvejg Kristensen, Jan Mainz and Niek Klazinga
134: Developing international benchmarks of patient safety culture in hospital care: Findings of the OECD patient safety culture pilot data collection and considerations for future work Downloads
Katherine de Bienassis and Nicolaas S. Klazinga
133: Cluster analysis to assess the transferability of public health interventions Downloads
Olivia Wiper, Sabine Vuik, Jane Cheatley and Michele Cecchini
132: Modelling life trajectories of body-mass index Downloads
Sabine Vuik and Michele Cecchini
131: COVID-19 in long-term care: Impact, policy responses and challenges Downloads
Eileen Rocard, Paola Sillitti and Ana Llena-Nozal
130: The economics of patient safety Part IV: Safety in the workplace: Occupational safety as the bedrock of resilient health systems Downloads
Katherine de Bienassis, Luke Slawomirski and Nicolaas S. Klazinga
129: Empowering the health workforce to make the most of the digital revolution Downloads
Karolina Socha-Dietrich
128: Laying the foundations for artificial intelligence in health Downloads
Tiago Cravo Oliveira Hashiguchi, Luke Slawomirski and Jillian Oderkirk
127: Survey results: National health data infrastructure and governance Downloads
Jillian Oderkirk
126: International migration and movement of doctors to and within OECD countries - 2000 to 2018: Developments in countries of destination and impact on countries of origin Downloads
Karolina Socha-Dietrich and Jean-Christophe Dumont
125: International migration and movement of nursing personnel to and within OECD countries - 2000 to 2018: Developments in countries of destination and impact on countries of origin Downloads
Karolina Socha-Dietrich and Jean-Christophe Dumont
124: Skills for the future health workforce: Preparing health professionals for people-centred care Downloads
Akiko Maeda and Karolina Socha-Dietrich
Page updated 2025-01-23
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