Economics Working Paper Series
From Oklahoma State University, Department of Economics and Legal Studies in Business
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- 1802: Will Urban Migrants Formally Insure their Rural Relatives? Family Networks and Rainfall Index Insurance in Burkina Faso
- Harounan Kazianga and Zaki Wahhaj
- 1801: Veteran Status, Disability Rating, and Public Sector Employment
- John Winters
- 1715: Are Urban-Rural Welfare Differences Growing in India?
- Mehtabul Azam
- 1714: Do Native STEM Graduates Increase Innovation? Evidence from U.S. Metropolitan Areas
- John Winters
- 1713: Satisfaction and Self-Employment: Do Women Benefit More from Being Their Own Boss?
- Karen Maguire and John Winters
- 1712: Is there really a trade-off? Family Size and Investment in Child Quality in India
- Mehtabul Azam and Chan Hang Saing
- 1711: Returns to Controlling a Neglected Tropical Disease: Schistosomiasis Control Program and Education Outcomes in Nigeria
- Francis Makamu, Mehtabul Azam and Harounan Kazianga
- 1710: Two Tales of Two U.S. States: Regional Fiscal Austerity and Economic Performance
- Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang
- 1709: Regional Growth Differences in China for 1995-2013: An Empirical Integrative Analysis of their Sources
- Hongbo Wang and Dan Rickman
- 1708: Land Reform, Property Rights and Private Investment: Evidence from a Planned Settlement in Rural Tanzania
- Francis Makamu and Harounan Kazianga
- 1707: The Long-Term Impacts of Violent Conflicts on Human Capital: U.S. Bombing and, Education, Earnings, Health, Fertility and Marriage in Cambodia
- Chan Hang Saing and Harounan Kazianga
- 1706: Self-Employment Differentials among Foreign-Born STEM and Non-STEM Workers
- Zhengyu Cai and John Winters
- 1705: Household Income Mobility in India, 1993-2011
- Mehtabul Azam
- 1704: Pricing Mechanisms for Surface Water Rights: Trading with a Common Pool
- Sanchari Ghosh and Keith Willett
- 1703: Does Social Health Insurance Reduce Financial Burden? Panel Data Evidence from India
- Mehtabul Azam
- 1702: In-State College Enrollment and Later Life Location Decisions
- John Winters
- 1701: Oklahoma Oil and Gas Severance Taxes: A Comparative Analysis
- Mary Gade, Karen Maguire and Francis Makamu
- 1613: Economic Allocation of Water Use in the Santa Cruz Border Region: A Static Model with Decision Rules
- Keith Willet and Sanchari Gosh
- 1612: Managing Groundwater Quantity-Quality: Competitive Myopic Equilibrium Extraction, Competitive Extraction with Limited Foresight, and Optimal Extraction
- Keith Willet and Sanchari Gosh
- 1611: Evidence from a Randomized Evaluation of the Household Welfare Impacts of Conditional and Unconditional Cash Transfers Given to Mothers or Fathers
- Richard Akresh, Damien de Walque and Harounan Kazianga
- 1610: The Effects of State Merit Aid Programs on Attendance at Elite Colleges
- David Sjoquist and John Winters
- 1609: The Medium-Term Impacts of Girl-Friendly Schools: 7-Year Evidence from School Construction in Burkina Faso
- Harounan Kazianga, Leigh Linden, Cara Orfield, Matt Sloan and Ali Protik
- 1608: Fracking and Regional Economic Development Based on an Exhaustable Resource: An Economic Model of Tradeoffs
- Keith Willett
- 1607: Energy Boom and Gloom? Local Effects of Oil and Natural Gas Drilling on Subjective Well-Being
- Karen Maguire and John Winters
- 1606: Regional Housing Supply Elasticity in China 1999-2013: A Spatial Equilibrium Analysis
- Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang
- 1605: Intra-household Resource Allocation and Familial Ties
- Harounan Kazianga and Zaki Wahhaj
- 1604: Do Earnings by College Major Affect Graduate Migration?
- John Winters
- 1603: Ranking Authors and Institutions by Publications in Regional Science Journals: 2010-2014
- Dan Rickman and John Winters
- 1602: Is Shale Development Drilling Holes in the Human Capital Pipeline?
- Dan Rickman, Hongbo Wang and John Winters
- 1601: Interacting Effects of State Cigarette Taxes on Smoking Participation
- James Bishop
- 1509: Regional Housing Supply Elasticity in Spatial Equilibrium Growth Analysis
- Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang
- 1508: Urbanization, Natural Amenities, and Subjective Well-Being: Evidence from U.S. Counties
- John Winters and Yu Li
- 1507: International Trade and Local Labor Markets: Do Foreign and Domestic Shocks Affect Regions Differently?
- Mark Partridge, Dan Rickman, Rose Olfert and Ying Tan
- 1506: Collinearity Diagnostics in gretl
- Lee Adkins, Melissa Waters and Carter Hill
- 1505: U.S. Regional Population Growth 2000-2010: Natural Amenities or Urban Agglomeration
- Dan Rickman and Hongbo Wang
- 1504: Adjusted State Teacher Salaries and the Decision to Teach
- Dan Rickman, Hongbo Wang and John Winters
- 1503: Do Higher College Graduation Rates Increase Local Education Levels?
- John Winters
- 1502: The Disparate Influence of State Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) on U.S. Renewable Electricity Generation Capacity
- Karen Maguire and Abdul Munasib
- 1501: Crop Choice, School Participation and Child Labor in Developing Countries: Cotton Expansion in Burkina Faso
- Harounan Kazianga and Francis Makamu
- 1412: Using gretl for Principles of Econometrics, 4th Edition
- Lee Adkins
- 1411: Assessing Regional Quality of Life: A Call for Action in Regional Science
- Dan Rickman
- 1410: Regional Economic Impacts of the Shale Gas and Tight Oil Boom: A Synthetic Control Analysis
- Abdul Munasib and Dan Rickman
- 1409: STEM Graduates, Human Capital Externalities, and Wages in the U.S
- John Winters
- 1408: State Merit-based Financial Aid Programs and College Attainment
- David Sjoquist and John Winters
- 1407: Merit Aid and Post-College Retention in the State
- David Sjoquist and John Winters
- 1406: State Merit-Aid Programs and College Major: A Focus on STEM
- David Sjoquist and John Winters
- 1405: Geographic Differences in the Earnings of Economics Majors
- John Winters and Weineng Xu
- 1404: What’s Powering Wind? The Effect of State Renewable Energy Policies on Wind Capacity (1994-2012)
- Karen Maguire
- 1403: Do Renewables Portfolio Standards Increase Electricity Prices? A Synthetic Control Approach
- Karen Maguire and Abdul Munasib
- 1402: U.S. Energy Subsidies:Do They Reduce Electricity Generated CO2 Emissions?
- Karen Maguire